1In this Act
“allowable” Repealed: 2015, c.4, s.1.
“battery” Repealed: 2015, c.4, s.1.
“commercial quantity” Repealed: 2001, c.20, s.1
“deep testhole” means a well designated by the Minister as a deep testhole;(trou d’essai profond)
“field” means
the general land and water surface area underlain or appearing to be underlain by one or more pools, and
the subsurface region vertically beneath such land and water surface area;
“geophysical exploration” means any investigation of the subsurface of the land and includes
(prospection géophysique)
gravimetric operations,
electrical operations,
geochemical operations,
any other operation employed to determine geologic or other subsurface conditions;
“geophysical licence” means a valid and subsisting licence granted under section 13;(licence de prospection géophysique)
“geophysical licensee” means the holder of a geophysical licence;
“geophysical plan” means a preliminary plan of proposed geophysical explorations approved by the Minister;(plan de prospection géophysique)
“grid area” means a grid area as established by regulation;(carreau de quadrillage)
“lease” means a lease granted for oil and natural gas rights under section 27 or 27.1, and includes a consolidated lease granted under section 32.1;(bail)
“lease area” means the area included in one lease;(concession)
“lessee” means the holder of a lease; (concessionnaire)
“licence area” means the area included in one licence to search;
“licence to search” means a valid and subsisting licence to search granted under section 17;(permis de recherche)
“licensee” means the holder of a licence to search;
“location” means the surface, land or water area upon which a well is licensed to be drilled, or oil and natural gas is stored, processed, transferred or transported;(emplacement)
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf;(Ministre)
“Minister of Finance” Repealed: 2019, c.29, s.110
“Minister of Finance and Treasury Board” means the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf;(ministre des Finances et du Conseil du Trésor)
“natural gas” means all natural gas and associated hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon fluids that are not defined as oil ;(gaz naturel)
“oil” means all crude petroleum oil, coal oil and mineral oil, which substances may be contaminated with sulphur compounds, and which in their natural viscous state are recovered or are recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir in liquid form;(pétrole)
“paying quantity” Repealed: 2015, c.4, s.1.
“permittee” means the holder of a valid and subsisting geophysical permit issued under the regulations;(titulaire d’un permis de travaux géophysiques)
“plant” means the site of an assemblage of equipment used for the processing or handling of oil or natural gas;(usine)
“pool” means an underground reservoir containing an accumulation of oil or natural gas, or both, separated or appearing to be separated from any other reservoir or accumulation;(gisement)
“section” means a section as established by regulation;(section)
“shothole” means a hole drilled for the purpose of firing an explosive charge in connection with seismic operations, whether or not the shot is fired;(trou de tir)
“special spacing area” means a special spacing area determined by the Minister under section 36;(aire spéciale)
“testhole” means a hole drilled or being drilled for any purpose in connection with geophysical exploration but does not include a shothole, or a well drilled or being drilled for oil, natural gas or water, or a deep testhole;(trou d’essai)
“unit” means a unit as established by regulation;(unité)
“unitization” means
(exploitation en commun)
the development or production of oil and natural gas,
the implementation of a programme for the conservation of oil and of natural gas, or
the co-ordinated management of interests in the oil and natural gas,
within, upon, or under a location, part of a location, or a number of locations that are combined for that purpose pursuant to a unitization agreement entered into under this Act;
“waste” includes the underground or surface loss of potentially recoverable oil or natural gas, and wasteful operation;(gaspillage)
“wasteful operation” includes
(opération génératrice de gaspillage)
the locating, spacing, drilling, equipping, completing, operating, or producing of a well in a manner that results or tends to result in reducing the quantity of oil or natural gas ultimately recoverable from a pool by the use of sound engineering practices and economic principles,
the locating, spacing, drilling, equipping, completing, operating or producing of a well in a manner that causes or tends to cause excessive surface loss or destruction of oil or natural gas,
the inefficient, excessive or improper use or dissipation of reservoir energy however caused,
the failure to use suitable and timely artificial, secondary, or supplementary recovery methods in a pool where it appears probable, on the basis of available information, that any of such methods would result in increasing the quantity of oil or natural gas ultimately recoverable from a pool by the use of sound engineering practices and economic principles,
the escape or flaring of natural gas if it appears that, in the public interest and by the use of sound engineering practices and in the light of economics and the risk factor involved, the natural gas could be gathered, processed if necessary, and it or the products therefrom marketed, stored for future marketing, or beneficially injected into an underground reservoir,
the inefficient or improper storage of oil or natural gas on the surface or underground,
the production of oil or natural gas in excess of the quantity that can be properly stored, transported, or marketed, and
the use of natural gas for purposes other than gas lift, repressuring, recycling, pressure or maintenance, or for fuel or electrical requirements, unless the use is efficient and in the public interest;
“well” means a hole
made or being made by drilling, boring, or in any other manner from which any oil or natural gas is obtained or obtainable, or for the purpose of obtaining oil or natural gas,
used, drilled, or being drilled for the purpose of obtaining water for injection or for injecting natural gas, air, water, or any other substance into an underground formation, or
used, drilled, or being drilled to a depth in excess of fifteen hundred feet for the purpose of obtaining geological or geophysical information;
“well licence” means a valid and subsisting licence to drill a well granted under section 16.2;(permis de forage)
“well licensee” means the holder of a well licence and subsequent to the drilling of the well, but prior to its abandonment, means the owner of the well.(titulaire d’un permis de forage)
1984, c.53, s.1; 1985, c.19, s.1; 1986, c.8, s.91; 1987, c.6, s.75; 1991, c.27, s.32; 2001, c.20, s.1; 2004, c.20, s.44; 2012, c.34, s.1; 2012, c.52, s.38; 2013, c.12, s.1; 2015, c.4, s.1; 2016, c.37, s.128; 2019, c.29, s.110; 2019, c.29, s.193; 2024, c.28, s.42