1In this Act
“bituminous shale” means bituminous shale, oil shale, albertite, kerogen and includes all other such substances intimately associated therewith;(schistes bitumineux)
“bituminous shale by-products” means all minerals intimately associated with bituminous shale and which because of this intimate association are produced with or recovered from bituminous shale and bituminous shale products during bituminous shale production operations;(sous-produits de schistes bitumineux)
“bituminous shale evaluation well” means a hole made or being made by drilling, boring, or in any other manner, for the purpose of ascertaining the existence of bituminous shale in the subsurface, or from which bituminous shale products are to be obtained;(puits de reconnaissance)
“bituminous shale production operations” means any operation or process for the recovery of bituminous shale products, including open pit mining, underground mining or any in situ process which reduces organic matter, or hydrocarbons not otherwise recoverable by conventional oil and natural gas production techniques, contained in the bituminous shale, to bituminous shale products, and includes bituminous shale development work;(opérations de production)
“bituminous shale products” means all synthetic crude oil, natural gas, hydrocarbons and similar substances that may be produced from or recovered from bituminous shale;(produits de schistes bitumineux)
“commercial quantity” means in reference to the production of oil and natural gas by conventional oil and natural gas production techniques, such quantity of oil or natural gas, or both, which, after consideration of the cost of drilling, completion and production operations, the quantity of production and the availability of markets, economically warrants the drilling of a well in a field or pool for production of oil and natural gas;(quantité commerciale)
“development permit” means a valid and subsisting development permit granted under section 17;(autorisation de mise en valeur)
“geophysical licensee” means the holder of a valid and subsisting geophysical licence;(titulaire d’une licence de prospection géophysique)
“grid area” means a grid area as established under the Oil and Natural Gas Act;(carreau de quadrillage)
“lease” means a valid and subsisting bituminous shale lease granted under this Act;(bail)
“lease area” means the area included in one lease;(concession)
“lessee” means the holder of a lease;(concessionnaire)
“licence area” means the area included in one licence to search;
“licence to search” means a valid and subsisting licence to search granted under section 13;(permis de recherche)
“licensee” means the holder of a licence to search;
“Minister” means the Minister of Natural Resources and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf;(Ministre)
“natural gas” means all natural gas and associated hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon fluids that are not defined as oil and includes hydrogen sulphide;(gaz naturel)
“natural state” means the molecular form in which a hydrocarbon occurs in the reservoir under reservoir conditions, and includes any thermally agitated state of the molecule so long as its molecular structure is unaltered;(état naturel)
“oil” means all crude petroleum oil, coal oil, mineral oil and hydrocarbon condensate, which substances may be contaminated with sulphur or other compounds, and which in their natural viscous state are recovered or are recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir in liquid form or in the case of condensate are in liquid form at the conditions under which their volume is measured or estimated;(pétrole)
“permit area” means the area included in one development permit;(zone d’autorisation)
“permittee” means the holder of a development permit;(titulaire d’une autorisation)
“section” means a section as established under the Oil and Natural Gas Act;(section)
“synthetic crude oil” means a mixture, mainly of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons, that may contain sulphur or other compounds, that is derived from bituminous shale and that is liquid at the conditions under which its volume is measured or estimated.(pétrole synthétique)
1981, c.8, s.1; 1986, c.8, s.14; 2004, c.20, s.8; 2012, c.52, s.9; 2016, c.37, s.22; 2019, c.29, s.165; 2024, c.28, s.7