1(1)In this Act
“assessed value” means the value assigned to non-residential property within a business improvement area by the assessment and tax roll prepared by the Director for the purposes of the Assessment Act;(valeur fixée)
“business improvement corporation” means a corporation meeting the conditions of paragraph 3(1)(b);(corporation d’amélioration des affaires)
“council” means the council of a municipality;(conseil)
“Director” means the Executive Director of Assessment under the Assessment Act;(directeur)
“lessor” includes a grantor of a licence;(bailleur)
“levy” means a business improvement levy imposed under this Act;(contribution)
“Minister” means the Minister of Local Government;(Ministre)
“non-residential property” means non-residential property as defined in the
Assessment Act, except
(biens non résidentiels)
public parking property of parking commissions, and
“non-residential user” means an individual, body corporate, partnership, firm, society, association, syndicate or other body which is the owner, lessor or occupier of non-residential property in a business improvement area or proposed business improvement area;(usager de bien non résidentiel)
“owner” means the person in whose name real property is assessed under the Assesment Act.(propriétaire)