Acts and Regulations

2011, c.215 - Real Estate Agents Act

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Document at 15 July 2018
2011, c.215
Real Estate Agents Act
Deposited May 13, 2011
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“agent” means a person who, for compensation, gain or reward or hope or promise of compensation, gain or reward, either alone or through one or more officials or salespersons, trades in real estate for another person, and a person who holds himself, herself or itself out as such. (agent)
“Association” means The New Brunswick Real Estate Association as constituted under Real Estate Agents Act. (Association)
“bond” , except where the context otherwise requires, means the security furnished as provided by regulation. (cautionnement)
“business” means an undertaking carried on for the purpose of gain or profit and includes an interest in any such undertaking and includes, but is not limited to, a boarding house, hotel, store, tourist camp and tourist home. (entreprise) ou (affaires)
“Commission” means the Financial and Consumer Services Commission continued under the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act. (Commission)
“compliance officer” means a person appointed as a compliance officer under section 43.12.(agent de conformité)
“Court of Queen’s Bench” means The Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick.(Cour du Banc de la Reine)
“Director” means the Director of Consumer Affairs appointed under the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act and includes any person designated by the Commission or the Director to act on the Director’s behalf.(directeur)
“inspector” means an inspector appointed under section 28.(inspecteur)
“investigator” means a person appointed as an investigator under section 43.31.(enquêteur)
“manager” means a person who is employed by an agent and who supervises, or who is qualified to supervise, salespersons of the agent. (gérant)
“Minister” Repealed: 2013, c.31, s.33
“official” includes president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, managing director, director, general manager, department manager, branch office manager and every person acting in a similar capacity whether so designated or not. (dirigeant)
“prescribed” means prescribed by this Act, the regulations or, if the context requires, the rules made by the Commission under the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act. (prescrit)
“real estate” includes real property and leasehold property, and a business whether with or without premises and the fixtures, stock-in-trade, goods or chattels in connection with the operation of the business. (biens réels)
“regulated activity” means any activity governed by this Act or the regulations.(activité réglementée)
“salesperson” means a real estate salesperson and includes a person employed, appointed or authorized by an agent to trade in real estate. (vendeur)
“trade” or “trading” includes a disposition or acquisition of or transaction in real estate by sale, purchase, agreement for sale, exchange, option, lease, rental or otherwise and an offer or attempt to list real estate for the purpose of such a disposition or transaction, and an act, advertisement, conduct or negotiation, directly or indirectly, in furtherance of any disposition, acquisition, transaction, offer or attempt, but does not include a listing service operated by or for an organized real estate board in a community, and the verb “trade” has a corresponding meaning. (opération immobilière) ou (effectuer des opérations immobilières)
“Tribunal” means the Tribunal established under the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act. (Tribunal)
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.1; 1978, c.D-11.2, s.34; 1995, c.31, s.1; 2006, c.16, s.154; 2012, c.39, s.128; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Necessity of licence
2No person shall trade or hold himself, herself or itself out as trading in real estate
(a) as an agent unless that person holds a valid and subsisting licence as an agent,
(b) as a manager of an agent unless that person holds a valid and subsisting licence as a manager, or
(c) as a salesperson of an agent unless that person holds a valid and subsisting licence as a salesperson or manager.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.2; 1983, c.75, s.2
Necessity of corporate applicant to nominate individual to act for purposes of licence
3When a corporation applies for a licence as a manager or a salesperson, it shall nominate an individual to act for it for the purposes of the licence, and a licence issued shall be in the name of the corporation and shall designate on the licence the name of the individual who is authorized to act on its behalf for the purposes of the licence.
1983, c.75, s.3
Agent’s licence
4(1)No licence shall be issued to an agent unless
(a) the agent meets the qualification requirements established by or in accordance with the regulations,
(b) the agent files with the Director, in a form approved or provided by the Director, a bond in the prescribed amount that is payable to the Commission,
(c) the agent submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province and provides an address for legal service in the Province,
(d) the agent maintains a permanent office in the Province, and
(e) if an individual, the agent is a citizen of Canada or has the status of a permanent resident of Canada.
4(2)For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), if an agent is a corporation, the following individuals shall meet the qualification requirements established by or in accordance with the regulations:
(a) if the agent’s manager is an individual, the manager; or
(b) if the agent’s manager is a corporation, the manager’s nominee.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.3; 1983, c.75, s.4; 1984, c.30, s.4; 1986, c.67, s.1; 1987, c.50, s.2; 2013, c.31, s.33
Necessity of licence for each place of business
5No agent shall conduct a business of trading in real estate from more than one place at which the public is invited to deal unless the agent is licensed in respect of each place, one of which shall be designated in the licence as the main office and the remainder as branch offices.
1983, c.75, s.5
Manager’s licence
6(1)No licence shall be issued to a manager unless
(a) the manager, or if a corporation its nominee, meets the qualification requirements established by or in accordance with the regulations,
(b) the manager submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province and provides an address for legal service in the Province,
(c) the manager files with the Director a declaration by an agent that the manager is to act as a manager employed by and representing that agent, and
(d) the manager, or if a corporation its nominee, is a citizen of Canada or has the status of a permanent resident of Canada.
6(2)A manager’s licence shall be valid only while the manager is acting as a manager employed by and representing the agent making the declaration referred to in paragraph (1)(c), and the termination of the employment of the manager with that agent shall operate as a cancellation of the manager’s licence.
1983, c.75, s.5; 1984, c.30, s.4; 1986, c.67, s.2; 2013, c.31, s.33
Office to be supervised by manager
7An agent shall ensure that each office with five or more salespersons is under the supervision of a manager.
1995, c.31, s.2
Duty of manager
8(1)A manager shall not
(a) manage more than one office, or
(b) act for more than one agent.
8(2)Despite subsection (1), if the Director is satisfied that it is not contrary to the public interest and subject to the terms and conditions the Director may impose, the Director may permit a manager
(a) to manage more than one office, or
(b) to act for more than one agent.
1995, c.31, s.2; 2013, c.31, s.33
Salesperson’s licence
9(1)No licence shall be issued to a salesperson unless
(a) the salesperson, or if a corporation its nominee, meets the qualification requirements established by or in accordance with the regulations,
(b) the salesperson submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province and provides an address for legal service in the Province,
(c) the salesperson files with the Director a declaration by an agent that the salesperson is to act as a salesperson employed by and representing that agent, and
(d) the salesperson, or if a corporation its nominee, is a citizen of Canada or has the status of a permanent resident of Canada.
9(2)A salesperson’s licence shall be valid only while the salesperson is acting as a salesperson employed by and representing the agent making the declaration referred to in paragraph (1)(c), and the termination of the employment of the salesperson with that agent shall operate as a cancellation of the salesperson’s licence.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.4; 1983, c.75, s.6; 1984, c.30, s.4; 1986, c.67, s.3; 2013, c.31, s.33
Issuance, refusal, suspension, cancellation and expiry of licence
10(1)On receipt of an application for a licence and on payment of the prescribed fee, if the Director is satisfied that the applicant is suitable to be licensed and that the issuing of the proposed licence is not objectionable for any reason, the Director may issue to the applicant a licence authorizing the holder during the term of the licence to carry on the business of an agent or act as a manager or salesperson within the Province, but if, after due investigation made by the Director, the Director is, for any reason, of the opinion that the applicant should not be granted a licence, the Director may refuse a licence to the applicant.
10(1.1)The Director may at any time restrict a licence by imposing any terms and conditions that he or she considers appropriate on the licence.
10(1.2)A licensee shall comply with the terms and conditions imposed by the Director on the licence.
10(1.3)The Director shall not refuse an application for a licence or impose terms and conditions on the licence without giving the applicant or licensee an opportunity to be heard.
10(2)The Director may suspend or cancel a licence if he or she is of the opinion it is in the public interest to do so.
10(2.1)The Director shall not suspend or cancel a licence without giving the licensee an opportunity to be heard.
10(3)When the licence of an agent is suspended or cancelled, the licences of all salespersons and managers of the agent are also suspended or cancelled.
10(4)The licence of an agent and of every manager and salesperson of that agent expires on the last day of the twelfth month following the issuance of the agent’s licence.
10(5)No person whose licence has been cancelled because of the person’s misconduct shall be entitled to apply for a new licence for one year after the cancellation.
10(6)A person dissatisfied with a decision of the Director under this section may appeal the decision to the Tribunal within 30 days after the date of the decision.
10(6.1)Despite subsection (6), the Tribunal may extend the period for appealing a decision, before or after the expiration of the time, if it is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for an extension.
10(7)When a licence has been suspended or cancelled by or under this Act, the holder of the licence shall return the licence without delay to the Director.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.5; 1979, c.41, s.106; 1980, c.32, s.32; 1983, c.75, s.7; 1984, c.30, s.1; 1986, c.67, s.4; 1989, c.34, s.1; 1995, c.31, s.3; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15; 2017, c.48, s.14
Application for licence
11(1)An application for a licence shall be made in writing on the form provided by the Director and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
11(2)Before issuing a licence, the Director may make the inquiries and require the information that the Director considers desirable and shall require the furnishing of the security or proof of financial responsibility that is prescribed by regulation.
11(3)An application for a licence shall be accompanied by a bond in the amount and form, subject to the provisions of section 31, that may be prescribed, or a certificate of a surety company that a surety bond previously filed on behalf of the applicant is in full force and effect.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.6; 1986, c.67, s.5; 2013, c.31, s.33
Signature of Director on licence
2013, c.31, s.33
12The signature of the Director on a licence issued under this Act may be printed, stamped or otherwise mechanically reproduced on the licence.
1989, c.34, s.2; 2013, c.31, s.33
Address for service
13(1)An applicant or licensee may change the applicant’s or licensee’s address for legal service by delivering written notice to the Director of the applicant’s or licensee’s new address for legal service.
13(2)A notice under this Act or the regulations shall be deemed to be served for all purposes if delivered or sent by registered or certified mail to the latest address for legal service provided by the applicant or licensee.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.7; 1983, c.75, s.8; 2013, c.31, s.33
Power of Director to require further information
2013, c.31, s.33
14At any time, the Director may require further information or material to be submitted by an applicant for a licence within a specified time limit and may require, if the Director so desires, verification by affidavit or otherwise of any information or material then or previously submitted.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.8; 1983, c.75, s.9; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Requirement to notify Director
2013, c.31, s.33
15(1)An agent shall notify the Director without delay in writing of the following:
(a) that a manager who holds a licence under this Act is no longer actively and directly involved in the management of the business of the agent;
(b) a change in officials;
(c) a change in the partners in the case of a partnership;
(d) the commencement and termination of employment of a salesperson and, if a salesperson is discharged because of misconduct or an allegation of misconduct, details of the relevant circumstances;
(e) a conviction against the agent of an offence involving fraud, theft or misrepresentation or conspiracy to commit an offence involving fraud, theft or misrepresentation under the Criminal Code (Canada) or the Competition Act (Canada);
(f) a judgment or default judgment against the agent based on or involving a finding or allegation of misrepresentation, negligence or fraud;
(g) proceedings taken against the agent under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada); and
(h) a conviction referred to in paragraph (2)(a), a judgment or default judgment referred to in paragraph (2)(b) or proceedings referred to in paragraph (2)(c) against a salesperson of the agent of which the agent has knowledge.
15(2)A salesperson, manager or official of an agent and, in the case of a corporate manager or salesperson, its nominee, shall notify the Director without delay in writing of the following:
(a) a conviction against the salesperson, manager, official or nominee of an offence involving fraud, theft or misrepresentation or conspiracy to commit an offence involving fraud, theft or misrepresentation under the Criminal Code (Canada) or the Competition Act (Canada);
(b) a judgment or default judgment against the salesperson, manager, official or nominee based on or involving a finding or allegation of misrepresentation, negligence or fraud; and
(c) proceedings taken against the salesperson, manager, official or nominee under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada).
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.9; 1983, c.75, s.10; 1986, c.67, s.10; 1995, c.31, s.4; 2013, c.31, s.33
Death of licensed agent
16(1)Despite paragraph 4(1)(a), when a licensed agent who is an individual dies or becomes incapacitated, on receipt of an application for a licence and on payment of the prescribed fee, the Director may issue a temporary agent’s licence to a person who, in the opinion of the Director, is qualified to act as an agent.
16(2)The licence issued under subsection (1) shall be for a term of not more than six months and shall authorize the holder to carry on the business of an agent only in relation to the trading in real estate of the deceased or incapacitated agent.
16(3)Despite any other provision of this Act, when a licence is issued under subsection (1), a salesperson licensed as a salesperson under this Act who was employed by the deceased or incapacitated agent at the time of the death or incapacitation of the agent shall be deemed to be licensed as a salesperson under this Act and to be employed by and to represent the agent who is issued the temporary agent’s licence under subsection (1) for the period for which the temporary licence is issued except that termination of the employment of the salesperson with the agent who is issued the temporary agent’s licence under subsection (1) shall operate as a cancellation of the salesperson’s licence.
16(4)Despite any other provision of this Act, when a licence is issued under subsection (1), a manager licensed as a manager under this Act who was employed by the deceased or incapacitated agent at the time of the death or incapacitation of the agent shall be deemed to be licensed as a manager under this Act and to be employed by and to represent the agent who is issued the temporary agent’s licence under subsection (1) for the period for which the temporary licence is issued except that termination of the employment of the manager with the agent who is issued the temporary agent’s licence under subsection (1) shall operate as a cancellation of the manager’s licence.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.10; 1989, c.34, s.3; 1995, c.31, s.5; 2013, c.31, s.33
Death of licensed manager
17(1)Despite paragraph 6(1)(a), when a licensed manager who is an individual dies or becomes incapacitated, on receipt of an application for a licence and on payment of the prescribed fee, the Director may issue a temporary manager’s licence to a person who, in the opinion of the Director, is qualified to act as a manager.
17(2)The licence issued under subsection (1) shall be for a term of not more than six months and shall authorize the holder to act as a manager of the agent who has filed a declaration under paragraph 6(1)(c) in respect of the deceased or incapacitated manager.
1989, c.34, s.4; 2013, c.31, s.33
Trust account
18(1)An agent shall have at least one interest bearing account for deposits
(a) at an institution that has in force a policy of insurance for such deposits under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (Canada), or
(b) at an institution that is authorized by the regulations to accept deposits.
18(2)An account under subsection (1) shall be designated as a trust account both in the books of the agent and in the records of the institution.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.11; 1983, c.75, s.11; 1995, c.31, s.6
Payments into trust account
19(1)Subject to subsection (2), an agent shall pay without delay into the agent’s trust account all money received in connection with a trade other than money which belongs to the agent.
19(2)When an agent receives a cheque as a deposit with an offer, the agent shall not be required to place the cheque into the agent’s trust account before the offer is accepted, but the agent shall place the cheque into the agent’s trust account without delay on the acceptance of the offer.
19(3)Subject to subsection (4), no agent shall pay into the agent’s trust account any money which belongs to the agent.
19(4)When an agent receives money representing in part money belonging to another person and in part money due to the agent, if practicable, the agent may divide the money and pay into the trust account only that part which belongs to the other person, but otherwise the agent shall pay the whole of the money into the trust account.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.12; 1983, c.75, s.12
Payments out of trust account
20(1)No money shall be drawn from a trust account except in accordance with the terms on which it was received.
20(2)If an agent’s licence is suspended or cancelled under this Act, the Director may order the institution in which the agent’s trust account is held to refrain from paying out all or any part of the money in the account for the period of the suspension or cancellation.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.13; 1983, c.75, s.13; 2016, c.36, s.15
Agent as trustee in respect of deposit
21(1)Subject to subsection (3), an agent who receives a deposit on a trade in real estate shall hold it as trustee on behalf of all the parties to the trade in accordance with their respective rights under the offer or contract and not as agent for any one of them, and the agent shall have the responsibility to pay or account for it to the proper party.
21(2)In the event of a dispute between the parties in respect of a deposit under subsection (1), the agent may, and if it is necessary to resolve the dispute the agent shall, pay the deposit into court on an interpleader.
21(3)Despite subsection (1), an agent may receive a deposit as agent for one party to a trade in real estate if the offer or contract under which the deposit is received so provides and every other party acknowledges this provision in writing, either in a separate document or in a separate part of the offer or contract.
1983, c.75, s.14
Resolution of dispute respecting deposit
22(1)Despite section 21, in the event of a dispute between the parties in respect of a deposit referred to in subsection 21(1) and with the agreement of the parties, the agent who receives the deposit may apply to the Director to resolve the dispute between the parties.
22(2)On receipt of an application under subsection (1), the Director may conduct a hearing to determine the rights of the parties in respect of the deposit.
22(3)An application under subsection (1) shall
(a) show the names and addresses of all the parties claiming an interest in the deposit,
(b) state that the parties have agreed to have the Director resolve the dispute, and
(c) state that the applicant agrees to dispose of the deposit as the Director directs.
22(4)The Director shall determine the rights of the parties in respect of the deposit and shall direct the disposition of the deposit as between the parties.
22(5)If a party is dissatisfied with the decision of the Director under subsection (4), the party may appeal the decision to the Tribunal within 30 days after the date of the decision.
22(5.1)Despite subsection (5), the Tribunal may extend the period for appealing a decision, before or after the expiration of the time, if it is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for an extension.
22(6)Repealed: 2013, c.31, s.33
22(7)The written decision of the Director shall be sent to the parties by ordinary mail and shall be deemed to have been received by the parties within seven days after the decision was mailed.
22(8)Repealed: 2013, c.31, s.33
22(9)This section applies to deposits that do not exceed an amount prescribed by regulation.
1995, c.31, s.7; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2017, c.48, s.14
Books, records and accounts
Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
23Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
1983, c.75, s.14; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Maintenance of records
Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
24Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
1983, c.75, s.14; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Interest on funds in trust or on account
25(1)Subject to subsection (4), a person who is licensed as an agent under this Act and holds funds in trust or on account of any or all of the parties to a trade shall instruct the depository to remit all the interest earned on the funds to the Association at the times during the year that shall be determined by the Association, but not less frequently than semi-annually.
25(2)All interest on an account referred to in subsection (1) is the property of the Association and is recoverable as a debt owing to the Association.
25(3)Subject to subsection (4), an agent who deposits funds under this section shall not be required to account to any party except the Association for the interest earned on money deposited under this section.
25(4)Despite anything in this section, on the written instructions of all parties to a trade, an agent may hold a deposit received on the trade in a separate interest bearing trust account and, if the agent is so instructed, the agent shall pay the interest on the account in accordance with the written instructions.
25(5)Any written instructions referred to in subsection (4) shall be acknowledged separately and shall state the person to whom the interest is to be paid.
25(6)An agent who receives from a person money which the agent is required to deposit in trust, or which the agent is instructed by the person to hold in trust for that person, whenever the agent has reasonable grounds to believe that the money will not be required within 90 days, shall advise the person that the money may be deposited in a separate interest bearing trust account under subsection (4).
1983, c.75, s.14; 1995, c.31, s.8
Examination of books, records and accounts
26The Director may direct the examination, at the times that the Director considers necessary, of the books, records and accounts of a person engaged in a real estate transaction.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.15; 2013, c.31, s.33
Association to inspect
27(1)The Association shall inspect, examine or audit the books, records and accounts of agents in accordance with the regulations for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations.
27(2)The Association shall ensure that the Director is provided with a copy of the results of an inspection, examination or audit conducted under subsection (1).
1995, c.31, s.9; 2013, c.31, s.33
Association may appoint inspectors
28(1)The Association may appoint in writing a person as an inspector for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations.
28(2)The Association shall furnish every inspector with a certificate of the inspector’s appointment signed by the President of the Association and, on entering any place for the purposes of inspection, an inspector shall produce, on request, the certificate to the occupier of the place.
28(3)A certificate that purports to be an appointment under this section is admissible in evidence without proof of signature and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that its holder has been duly appointed under subsection (1).
28(4)For the purpose of determining whether this Act and the regulations are being complied with, an inspector, in carrying out an inspection, may
(a) enter, during normal business hours, the premises of an agent in respect of whom an inspection is being carried out,
(b) require the agent or an official, an employee or a manager of the agent to produce for inspection, examination, auditing or copying any books, records or accounts relating to the business or affairs of the agent,
(c) inspect, examine, audit or copy the books, records or accounts relating to the business or affairs of the agent, and
(d) question the agent or an official, an employee or a manager of the agent in relation to the business or affairs of the agent.
28(4.1)In carrying out an inspection, an inspector may
(a) use a data processing system at the premises where the books, records or accounts are kept,
(b) reproduce any book, record or account, and
(c) use any copying equipment at the premises where the books, records or accounts are kept to make copies of any book, record or account.
28(4.2)An inspector may carry out an inspection within or outside the Province.
28(4.3)An inspector shall not enter a private dwelling under subsection (4) unless the inspector has the consent of the occupier or has obtained an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
28(4.4)Before or after attempting to enter or to have access to any premises, an inspector may apply for an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
28(5)An inspector who removes books, records or accounts to make a copy or extract of them or any part of them shall give a receipt to the occupier of the premises for the books, records or accounts removed and return the books, records or accounts as soon as possible after the making of copies or extracts.
28(6)A copy or extract of any book, record or account related to an inspection and purporting to be certified by an inspector is admissible in evidence in any action, proceeding or prosecution and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the original without proof of the appointment, authority or signature of the person purporting to have certified the copy or extract.
1995, c.31, s.9; 2016, c.36, s.15
Obstruction of inspector
29(1)No person shall obstruct or interfere with an inspector who is carrying out or attempting to carry out an inspection under this Act, or withhold, destroy, conceal, alter or refuse to produce any information or thing reasonably required by an inspector for the purposes of the inspection.
29(2)A refusal of consent to enter a private dwelling is not and shall not be considered to be interfering with or obstructing within the meaning of subsection (1), except if an entry warrant has been obtained.
29(3)No person shall knowingly make a false or misleading statement, either orally or in writing, to an inspector while the inspector is engaged in carrying out his or her duties under this Act or the regulations.
1995, c.31, s.9; 2016, c.36, s.15
Exemptions from application of Act
30This Act does not apply to
(a) an assignee, custodian, liquidator, receiver, trustee or other person acting as directed by the provisions of an Act, or to a person acting under the order of a court, or to an administrator of an estate, or an executor or trustee selling under the terms of a will, marriage settlement or deed of trust,
(b) a bank or credit union or a loan, trust or insurance company trading in real estate owned or administered by the company,
(c) a person not ordinarily trading in real estate who acquires real estate or an interest in real estate or who disposes of real estate owned by that person or in which that person has a substantial interest, or an official or employee of any such person engaged in so acquiring or disposing of real estate,
(d) a person who is practising as a barrister or solicitor of the Court of Queen’s Bench and is a member in good standing of the Law Society of New Brunswick,
(e) a person who is licensed as an auctioneer and who is trading in real estate in the course of and as part of that person’s duties as an auctioneer, or
(f) a person or class of persons exempted from the application of this Act by the regulations.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.16; 1979, c.41, s.106; 1983, c.75, s.16; 1987, c.6, s.96; 1995, c.31, s.10; 2016, c.36, s.15
31(1)For the purposes of this section, “fraud” shall be deemed to include failure to maintain and operate a trust account in accordance with sections 18, 19 and 20.
31(2)The Director may declare a bond given under this Act forfeited in the following circumstances:
(a) subject to subsection (4), an agent, salesperson or other person in respect of whose conduct the bond has been conditioned has been convicted of an offence involving fraud, theft or conspiracy to commit an offence involving fraud or theft under the Criminal Code (Canada), if that offence relates in any way to a trade in real estate;
(b) subject to subsection (4), a judgment or default judgment based on or involving a finding or allegation of fraud relating in any way to a trade in real estate has been given against an agent, salesperson or other person in respect of whose conduct the bond has been conditioned; or
(c) a person has suffered loss through a wilful act or neglect or misappropriation of trust funds by an agent, salesperson or other person in respect of whose conduct the bond has been conditioned and that person makes application to the Director indicating the reason for the loss and the refusal or inability of the person occasioning the loss to make restitution, together with any other information that the Director considers necessary.
31(3)When the Director declares a bond forfeited under subsection (2), the amount of the bond is a debt due to the Commission, owing by the person bound by it.
31(4)The Director may not declare a bond forfeited under paragraph (2)(a) or (b) until after the conviction, judgment or order has been confirmed by the highest court to which an appeal may be taken or the period for appeal has expired.
31(5)A bond given under this Act shall be deemed to be in effect for a period of two years following the date on which the bond would otherwise terminate by lapse, expiry or cancellation, but liability under the bond is limited to acts or omissions before that date of the agent, salesperson or other person in respect of whose conduct the bond has been conditioned; and a clause to this effect shall be deemed to be inserted in every bond given for the purposes of this Act.
31(6)Despite any other provision of this Act, at no time shall the total liability of the insurer under the bond exceed the face value of the bond.
31(7)When new bonds have been issued by the same guarantor party on the expiry of previous bonds, all those bonds shall be deemed to be one continuing bond and the maximum amount for which the guarantor party shall be liable shall be the face value of the bond last issued on expiry of a previous bond.
31(8)The Tribunal may assign a bond forfeited under the provisions of this section or, subject to subsection (11), may pay over any money recovered under it to a person, or to the Registrar of the Court of Queen’s Bench, in trust for the persons who may become, in respect of claims arising out of trades in real estate, judgment creditors of the person so bonded, or to a trustee, custodian, interim receiver, receiver or liquidator of the judgment creditors, as the case may be; the assignment or payment over to be in accordance with and on conditions set out in the regulations or in a special order of the Tribunal.
31(9)If Her Majesty becomes a creditor of a person in respect of a debt to the Crown arising under this Act, the Minister of Finance may take the proceedings that the Minister of Finance considers fit under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), the Judicature Act, the Companies Act, the Winding-up Act or the Winding-up and Restructuring Act (Canada) for the appointment of an interim receiver, custodian, trustee, receiver or liquidator, as the case may be.
31(10)If a bond has been forfeited under the provisions of subsection (2) by reason of a conviction or judgment under paragraph (2)(a) or (b) and, within two years after the conviction or judgment having become final or after the agent or salesperson in respect of whom the bond was furnished ceasing to carry on business as such, the Commission has not received notice in writing of a claim against the proceeds of the bond or of the portion of it that remains in the possession of the Commission, the Commission, subject to subsection (11), shall pay the proceeds or portion of the proceeds to a person who on forfeiture of the bond made payments under it.
31(11)If money has been recovered by the Commission under a bond forfeited under subsection (2), the Commission may deduct from that money and retain
(a) the amount of the costs incurred by the Commission in connection with the recovery and distribution of the money, including the costs of an investigation of a claim made on the money, and
(b) if a payment is to be made under subsection (10), the amount of any expenses that have been incurred in connection with an investigation or otherwise relating to the agent or salesperson in respect of whom the bond forfeited was furnished.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.17; 1978, c.D-11.2, s.34; 1979, c.41, s.106; 1984, c.30, s.2; 1995, c.31, s.11; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15; 2016, c.37, s.165
Power of inquiry of Director
Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
32Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.18; 1983, c.75, s.17; 1986, c.6, s.36; 1995, c.31, s.12; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Reference by Director to Association
2013, c.31, s.33
33(1)Before deciding whether to grant or refuse an application for a licence of an agent, a manager or a salesperson, or to suspend or cancel an existing licence, or to reinstate a suspended or cancelled licence, the Director may refer any matter to the Association for its recommendation.
33(2)When a matter is referred to the Association under subsection (1), the Association may, and if requested by the Director or by a person affected shall, hold a hearing into the matter at which the person affected has a right to be heard and may be represented by counsel.
33(3)The Association may appoint a hearing committee of not less than three members of the Association to conduct a hearing under this section, and, for the purpose of conducting a hearing, the Association or the committee may exercise the powers of commissioners under the Inquiries Act.
33(4)The Association shall submit to the Director a report on its activities in relation to a matter referred to it under this section, together with its recommendation as to the granting, refusal, suspension, cancellation or reinstatement of the licence.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.21; 1983, c.75, s.21; 1986, c.67, s.7; 1995, c.31, s.18; 2013, c.31, s.33
Advice to Director by Association
2013, c.31, s.33
34In addition to any other powers and duties given to it under this Act or the regulations, the Association may, and on request of the Director shall, advise the Director in relation to the Director’s powers under this Act.
1995, c.31, s.19; 2013, c.31, s.33
Prohibition respecting collection of commission unless licensed
35No agent shall collect, or attempt or be entitled to collect, any commission or other remuneration for services rendered in connection with a trade in real estate unless at the time of rendering the services
(a) the agent was licensed as an agent, or
(b) if the services were rendered by another person, both the agent and that person were licensed.
1983, c.75, s.22
Agreement to list real estate and for payment of commission
36(1)No person is bound by an agreement with an agent to list real estate for sale, exchange or lease
(a) if the agreement is not in writing and signed by that person or by some person whom that person has authorized to sign the agreement,
(b) if the agent or the manager or salesperson or another person representing the agent in respect of that agreement did not hold a licence under this Act at the time the agreement was entered into,
(c) if the agreement does not contain a provision that it will expire on a certain date specified in it,
(d) if the agreement contains more than one date on which it may expire, or
(e) if the agent does not deliver a true copy of the agreement to the person who signs the agreement immediately after its execution.
36(2)All commission or other remuneration payable to an agent in respect of the sale of real estate shall be on an agreed amount or percentage of the sale price; and if no agreement as to the amount of the commission has been entered into, the rate of commission or other basis or amount of remuneration shall be that generally prevailing in the community where the real estate is situated.
36(3)No agent, manager or salesperson shall request or enter into an agreement for the payment to the agent, manager or salesperson of a commission or other remuneration based on the difference between the price at which real estate is listed for sale and the actual sale price of it, and no agent, manager or salesperson is entitled to retain a commission or other remuneration so computed.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.22; 1975, c.51, s.1; 1983, c.75, s.23; 1986, c.67, s.8; 1995, c.31, s.20
Expiry of listing agreement
37(1)Subject to subsection (2), an agent is not entitled to a commission when real estate is sold, exchanged or leased after the expiry of a listing agreement.
37(2)When real estate is sold, exchanged or leased after the expiry of a listing agreement as a result of services performed by the agent before the expiry, the agent is entitled to recover the agent’s commission despite the expiry if the other conditions of the listing agreement have been satisfied and the owner knew that the real estate was sold, exchanged or leased as a result of the services performed by the agent.
37(3)If an agent is entitled to recover a commission under subsection (2), no other agent is entitled to a commission from the owner despite an agreement to the contrary.
1983, c.75, s.24
Disclosure by agent or associate of intention to acquire real estate or an interest in real estate
38(1)In this section, “associate” means (associé)
(a) a salesperson of the agent,
(b) a manager or official of the agent,
(c) a sub-agent or salesperson, manager or official of a sub-agent,
(d) if the agent or a person included in paragraphs (a) to (c) is a corporation, a director, officer or nominee of the corporation or a person who has a material interest in the corporation,
(e) if the agent is a partnership, a partner,
(f) the spouse of the agent or of an individual included in paragraphs (a) to (e), or
(g) a corporation, firm, partnership, association, syndicate or other unincorporated organization in which the agent or a person included in paragraphs (a) to (f) has a material interest.
38(2)For the purposes of this section, a person has a material interest
(a) in a corporation if the person holds 5% or more of any class of its issued shares, and
(b) in a firm, partnership, association, syndicate or other unincorporated organization, if the person holds 5% or more of its capital or is entitled to receive 5% or more of its profits.
38(3)Except if subsection (4) applies, if an agent or an associate of an agent intends to acquire real estate or an interest in real estate, before either directly or indirectly acquiring or attempting to acquire an interest in the real estate, the agent or the associate shall disclose to the owner that the agent or the associate is an agent or an associate of an agent, as the case may be.
38(4)If an agent or an associate of the agent intends to acquire real estate or an interest in real estate and the owner has listed the real estate with the agent, or has discussed with the agent or the associate the listing of the real estate with the agent, before either directly or indirectly acquiring or attempting to acquire an interest in the real estate, that agent or that associate shall inform the owner that the owner is advised to obtain independent advice regarding the real estate and shall disclose to the owner
(a) whether that agent or that associate intends to sell or dispose of an interest that that agent or that associate acquires in the real estate and, if so, the details of all negotiations to that end,
(b) any information within that agent’s or that associate’s special knowledge that could materially affect the value of the real estate, and
(c) any other information within that agent’s or that associate’s special knowledge that could reasonably affect the owner in making a decision in relation to the real estate.
38(5)If an agent or an associate of an agent owns real estate or an interest in real estate, before selling an interest in the real estate, the agent or the associate shall disclose to the prospective purchaser
(a) that the agent or the associate owns the real estate or an interest in the real estate, and
(b) that the agent or the associate is an agent or an associate of an agent, as the case may be.
38(6)The disclosure required by subsections (3) and (5) shall be made in a separate written statement the receipt of which is acknowledged in writing by the owner or prospective purchaser, as the case may be.
38(7)The disclosure required by subsection (4) shall be made
(a) in a separate written statement the receipt of which is acknowledged in writing by the owner, and
(b) not less than 24 hours before the agent or the associate, as the case may be, acquires an interest in the real estate.
38(8)If an agent or an associate is in breach of this section, the agent or the associate, as the case may be, is liable for any reasonably foreseeable loss that was caused by the breach.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.23; 1975, c.51, s.3; 1983, c.75, s.25
Prohibition respecting inducement of a party to a contract to breach contract
39No licensee shall induce a party to a contract for sale, exchange or lease of real estate to break the contract for the purpose of entering into another such contract.
1983, c.75, s.26
Prohibition respecting referral to a solicitor or a lender for a finder’s fee
40(1)No licensee shall make an arrangement with a barrister or solicitor for the referral of business to the barrister or solicitor in return for the payment of a finder’s fee or any other benefit.
40(2)No licensee shall refer a person to a lender with whom the licensee has an arrangement for the referral of business in return for the payment of a finder’s fee or any other benefit, unless before or at the time of making the referral the licensee discloses in writing to that person that the licensee has such an arrangement.
1983, c.75, s.26
41(1)Subject to subsection (3), no agent shall advertise to promote a trade unless the advertisement clearly indicates
(a) the agent’s own name as the advertiser, and
(b) that the agent is an agent.
41(2)Subject to subsection (3), no salesperson, manager or official of an agent shall advertise to promote a trade unless the advertisement clearly indicates
(a) the name of the agent for whom the salesperson, manager or official is acting, and
(b) that the agent is an agent.
41(3)Paragraphs (1)(b) and (2)(b) do not apply to a sign.
1983, c.75, s.26
Representation or promise
42(1)Subject to subsection (2), no licensee, as an inducement to purchase, sell, lease or exchange real estate, shall make a representation or promise that the licensee or any other person will
(a) resell or exchange, or in any way guarantee or promise to sell or exchange, real estate offered for sale by the licensee,
(b) purchase, sell or exchange any of the purchaser’s real estate,
(c) procure a mortgage, extension of a mortgage, lease or extension of a lease, or
(d) purchase or sell a mortgage or procure a loan.
42(2)A licensee may make a representation or promise referred to in subsection (1) if, at the time of making the representation or promise, the person making it delivers to the person to whom the representation or promise is made a signed statement clearly setting out all the details of the representation or promise made.
1983, c.75, s.26
Offer and acceptance
43(1)As soon as practicable after receiving an offer in writing, an agent shall
(a) provide the offeror with a true copy of the offer, and
(b) present the offer to the offeree.
43(2)As soon as practicable, after receiving an acceptance in writing, an agent shall
(a) provide the offeree with a true copy of the acceptance, and
(b) notify the offeror of the acceptance and provide the offeror with a true copy of the acceptance.
1983, c.75, s.26
2016, c.36, s.15
43.1(1)The following definition applies in this section.
“regulatory authority” means a person empowered by the laws of a jurisdiction to regulate the activities of an agent.
43.1(2)An agent shall keep the following records:
(a) a copy of each written offer to purchase real estate obtained by the agent or the agent’s manager or salesperson; and
(b) a record showing in respect of each transaction or trade
(i) the date of it,
(ii) the nature of the trade,
(iii) a description of the real estate involved sufficient to identify it,
(iv) the true consideration for the trade,
(v) the names of all parties to the trade,
(vi) the amount of the deposit received and a record of the disbursement of it, and
(vii) the amount of the agent’s commission or other remuneration and the name of the party paying it.
43.1(3)In addition to the records required to be kept under subsection (2), an agent shall keep books, records and accounts that are necessary for the proper recording of the agent’s business and affairs and any other books, records and accounts that are otherwise required under this Act or the regulations.
43.1(4)An agent shall ensure that the books, records and accounts required to be kept under subsection (2) or (3) show and readily distinguish
(a) all money received from or on behalf of and all money paid to or on behalf of others, and the amount of money held on behalf of each person, and
(b) all money received and paid on the agent’s own behalf.
43.1(5)An agent shall keep the books, records and accounts at a safe location and in a durable form.
43.1(6)An agent shall retain the books, records and accounts for a minimum period of seven years after the date of the transaction or trade to which the books, records or accounts relate.
43.1(7)An agent shall deliver to the Director, or to any other employee of the Commission, at any time that the Director or other employee requires
(a) any of the books, records and accounts that are required to be kept by the agent under this Act or the regulations, and
(b) any filings, reports or other communications made to any other regulatory authority.
2016, c.36, s.15
False or misleading advertisement
2016, c.36, s.15
43.11(1)No licensee shall make any false, misleading or deceptive statements in any advertisement, circular, pamphlet or similar material prepared or used in respect of a regulated activity.
43.11(2)If, in the opinion of the Director, a licensee has made a false, misleading or deceptive statement in any advertisement, circular, pamphlet or similar material referred to in subsection (1), the Director may order the licensee to stop using that material immediately.
2016, c.36, s.15
Compliance review
2016, c.36, s.15
43.12(1)The Commission may appoint in writing a person as a compliance officer for the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations.
43.12(2)The Commission shall issue to every compliance officer a certificate of appointment and every compliance officer, in the execution of his or her duties under this Act or the regulations, shall produce his or her certificate of appointment on request.
43.12(3)For the purpose of determining whether this Act and the regulations are being complied with, a compliance officer, in carrying out a compliance review, may
(a) enter, during normal business hours, the premises of an agent in respect of whom a compliance review is being carried out,
(b) require the agent or an official, an employee or a manager of the agent to produce for inspection, examination, auditing or copying any books, records or accounts relating to the business or affairs of the agent,
(c) inspect, examine, audit or copy the books, records or accounts relating to the business or affairs of the agent, and
(d) question the agent or an official, an employee or a manager of the agent in relation to the business or affairs of the agent.
43.12(4)In carrying out a compliance review, a compliance officer may
(a) use a data processing system at the premises where the books, records or accounts are kept,
(b) reproduce any book, record or account, and
(c) use any copying equipment at the premises where the books, records or accounts are kept to make copies of any book, record or account.
43.12(5)A compliance officer may carry out a compliance review within or outside the Province.
43.12(6)A compliance officer shall not enter a private dwelling under subsection (3) unless the compliance officer has the consent of the occupier or has obtained an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
43.12(7)Before or after attempting to enter or to have access to any premises, a compliance officer may apply for an entry warrant under the Entry Warrants Act.
43.12(8)The Commission may, in prescribed circumstances, require an agent in respect of whom a compliance review was carried out to pay the Commission any prescribed fee and to reimburse the Commission for any prescribed expenses.
2016, c.36, s.15
Removal of documents
2016, c.36, s.15
43.2(1)A compliance officer who removes books, records or accounts to make a copy or extract of them or any part of them shall give a receipt to the occupier of the premises for the books, records or accounts removed and return the books, records or accounts as soon as possible after the making of copies or extracts.
43.2(2)A copy or extract of any book, record or account related to a compliance review and purporting to be certified by a compliance officer is admissible in evidence in any action, proceeding or prosecution and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the original without proof of the appointment, authority or signature of the person purporting to have certified the copy or extract.
2016, c.36, s.15
Misleading statements
2016, c.36, s.15
43.21No person shall knowingly make a false or misleading statement, either orally or in writing, to a compliance officer while the compliance officer is engaged in carrying out his or her duties under this Act or the regulations.
2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
43.22(1)No person shall obstruct or interfere with a compliance officer who is carrying out or attempting to carry out a compliance review under this Act, or withhold, destroy, conceal, alter or refuse to produce any information or thing reasonably required by a compliance officer for the purposes of the compliance review.
43.22(2)A refusal of consent to enter a private dwelling is not and shall not be considered to be interfering with or obstructing within the meaning of subsection (1), except if an entry warrant has been obtained.
2016, c.36, s.15
Provision of information to Director
2016, c.36, s.15
43.3(1)The Director may make an order under subsection (2)
(a) for the administration of this Act or the regulations, or
(b) to assist in the administration of similar legislation of another jurisdiction.
43.3(2)By an order applicable generally or to one or more persons named or otherwise described in the order, the Director may require any of the following persons to provide information or to produce books, records or accounts or classes of books, records or accounts specified or otherwise described in the order within the time or at the intervals specified in the order:
(a) a licensee;
(b) a former licensee; or
(c) any person that is not a licensee and that is, or the Director has reason to suspect is, carrying out a regulated activity.
43.3(3)The Director may require that the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of information provided or of a book, record or account or a class of books, records or accounts produced pursuant to an order under subsection (2) be verified by affidavit.
43.3(4)The Director may require that the information provided or that the books, records or accounts or classes of books, records or accounts produced pursuant to an order made under subsection (2) be delivered in electronic form, if the information or the books, records or accounts or classes of books, records or accounts are already available in that form.
2016, c.36, s.15
Investigation order
2016, c.36, s.15
43.31(1)The Commission may, by order, appoint a person as an investigator to make any investigation that the Commission considers expedient
(a) for the administration of this Act or the regulations, or
(b) to assist in the administration of similar legislation of another jurisdiction.
43.31(2)In its order, the Commission shall specify the scope of an investigation to be carried out under subsection (1).
2016, c.36, s.15
Powers of investigator
2016, c.36, s.15
43.32(1)An investigator may, with respect to the person who is the subject of the investigation, investigate, inspect and examine
(a) the business or affairs of that person,
(b) any books, records, accounts or communications connected with that person, and
(c) any property or assets owned, acquired or disposed of, in whole or in part, by that person or by a person acting on behalf of or as a representative of that person.
43.32(2)For the purposes of an investigation under this Act, an investigator may inspect and examine any book, record, account or thing, whether in possession or control of the person in respect of whom the investigation is ordered or any other person.
43.32(3)An investigator making an investigation under this Act may, on production of the order appointing him or her,
(a) enter the business premises of any person named in the order during normal business hours and inspect and examine any book, record, account or thing that is used in the business of that person and that relates to the order,
(b) require the production of any book, record, account or thing referred to in paragraph (a) for inspection or examination, and
(c) on giving a receipt, remove the book, record, account or thing inspected or examined under paragraph (a) or (b) for the purpose of further inspection or examination.
43.32(4)Inspection or examination under this section shall be completed as soon as possible and the books, records, accounts or things shall be returned promptly to the person who produced them.
43.32(5)No person shall withhold, destroy, conceal, alter or refuse to give any information or withhold, destroy, conceal, alter or refuse to produce any book, record, account or thing reasonably required under subsection (3) by an investigator.
2016, c.36, s.15
Power to compel evidence
2016, c.36, s.15
43.4(1)An investigator making an investigation under this Act has the same power to summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses, to compel witnesses to give evidence under oath or in any other manner and to compel witnesses to produce books, records, accounts and things or classes of books, records, accounts and things as the Court of Queen’s Bench has for the trial of civil actions.
43.4(2)On the application of an investigator to the Court of Queen’s Bench, the failure or refusal of a person to attend, to take an oath, to answer questions or to produce books, records, accounts and things or classes of books, records, accounts and things in the custody, possession or control of the person makes the person liable to be committed for contempt as if in breach of an order or judgment of the Court of Queen’s Bench.
43.4(3)A person giving evidence at an investigation conducted under this section may be represented by legal counsel.
43.4(4)Testimony given by a person under this section shall not be admitted into evidence against that person in any prosecution other than for perjury in the giving of that testimony or the giving of evidence contradictory to that testimony.
2016, c.36, s.15
Investigators authorized as peace officers
2016, c.36, s.15
43.41Every investigator in carrying out his or her duties under this Act and the regulations is a person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace and has and may exercise all the powers, authorities and immunities of a peace officer as defined in the Criminal Code (Canada).
2016, c.36, s.15
Seized property
2016, c.36, s.15
43.42(1)On request to the investigator by the person who, at the time of the seizure, was in lawful possession of books, records, accounts or things seized under this Act, the books, records, accounts or things seized shall, at a time and place mutually convenient to the person who was in lawful possession of them at the time of the seizure and the investigator, be made available for consultation and copying by the person.
43.42(2)If books, records, accounts or things are seized under this Act and the matter for which the books, records, accounts or things were seized is concluded, the investigator shall return those books, records, accounts or things to the person who was in lawful possession of them at the time of the seizure within 60 days after the day that the matter is concluded.
43.42(3)If books, records, accounts or things are seized under this Act and the person who was in lawful possession of the books, records, accounts or things at the time of the seizure alleges that the books, records, accounts or things are not relevant in respect of the matter for which they were seized, that person may apply by notice of motion to the Court of Queen’s Bench for the return of the books, records, accounts or things.
43.42(4)On a motion under subsection (3), the Court of Queen’s Bench shall order the return of any books, records, accounts or things that it determines are not relevant to the matter for which they were seized to the person who was in lawful possession of the books, records, accounts or things at the time of the seizure.
2016, c.36, s.15
Report of investigation
2016, c.36, s.15
43.5(1)If an investigation has been made under this Act, the investigator shall, at the request of the Commission, provide a report of the investigation to the Commission or any transcripts of evidence or any material or other things in the investigator’s possession relating to the investigation.
43.5(2)A report that is provided to the Commission under this section is privileged and is inadmissible in evidence in any action or proceeding.
2016, c.36, s.15
Prohibition against disclosure
2016, c.36, s.15
43.51(1)For the purpose of protecting the integrity of an investigation under this Act, the Commission may make an order that applies for the duration of the investigation, prohibiting a person from disclosing to any person other than the person’s lawyer the following information:
(a) the fact that an investigation is being conducted;
(b) the name of any person examined or sought to be examined;
(c) the nature or content of any questions asked;
(d) the nature or content of any demands for the production of any document or other thing; or
(e) the fact that any document or other thing was produced.
43.51(2)An order under subsection (1) does not apply to disclosures authorized by the regulations or by the Director in writing.
43.51(3)An investigator making an investigation under this Act may make, or authorize the making of, any disclosure of information that may be required for the effectual conduct of the investigation.
2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
43.52None of the following persons is compellable to give evidence in any court or in any proceeding of a judicial nature concerning any information that comes to the knowledge of the person in the exercise of the powers or performance of the duties of that person in relation to an investigation under this Act:
(a) an investigator;
(b) the Commission;
(c) a member of the Commission;
(d) an employee of the Commission;
(e) a member of the Tribunal; and
(f) a person engaged by the Commission under section 18 of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act.
2016, c.36, s.15
Offences generally
2016, c.36, s.15
43.6(1)A person who does any of the following commits an offence, and is liable on conviction, for each offence, if an individual, to a fine of not more than $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year, or to both, and if a person other than an individual, to a fine of not more than $250,000:
(a) makes a statement in any information or material submitted, provided, produced, delivered or given to or filed with the Commission, the Director, a compliance officer, an investigator or any person acting under the authority of the Commission or the Director that is misleading or untrue or does not state a fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make the statement not misleading;
(b) makes a statement in any information or material required to be submitted, provided, produced, delivered, given or filed under this Act or the regulations that is misleading or untrue or does not state a fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make the statement not misleading;
(c) withholds, destroys, conceals, alters or refuses to produce any information or thing reasonably required for the purposes of an administrative proceeding under this Act or the regulations;
(d) violates or fails to comply with a provision of this Act that is listed in Schedule A;
(e) violates or fails to comply with a decision, ruling, order, temporary order or direction of the Commission, the Director or the Tribunal made or given under this Act or the regulations;
(f) violates or fails to comply with a written undertaking made by that person to the Commission, the Director or the Tribunal under this Act or the regulations; or
(g) violates or fails to comply with any provision of the regulations.
43.6(2)Without limiting the availability of other defences, no person commits an offence under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) if
(a) the person did not know and in the exercise of reasonable diligence could not have known that the statement was misleading or untrue or that it omitted to state a fact that was required to be stated or that was necessary to make the statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made, and
(b) on becoming aware that the statement was misleading or untrue or that it omitted to state a fact that was required to be stated or that was necessary to make the statement not misleading, the person notified the Commission.
2016, c.36, s.15
Misleading or untrue statements
2016, c.36, s.15
43.61In carrying on a regulated activity, no person shall make a statement that the person knows or reasonably ought to know is misleading or untrue or does not state a fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make the statement not misleading.
2016, c.36, s.15
Interim preservation of property
2016, c.36, s.15
43.62(1)On the application of the Commission, the Tribunal may make one or more of the following orders if the Tribunal considers it expedient for the administration of this Act or the regulations or to assist in the administration of similar legislation of another jurisdiction:
(a) an order directing a person having on deposit or under control or for safekeeping any funds, securities or property to retain the funds, securities or property and to hold them;
(b) an order directing a person to refrain from withdrawing the person’s funds, securities or property from any other person having any of them on deposit or under control or for safekeeping; or
(c) an order directing a person to hold all funds, securities or property of clients or others in the person’s possession or control in trust for any interim receiver, custodian, trustee, receiver, receiver and manager or liquidator appointed under the Business Corporations Act, the Companies Act, the Judicature Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada), the Winding-up and Restructuring Act (Canada) or any other Act of the Legislature or of Canada.
43.62(2)An order under subsection (1) that names a financial institution shall apply only to the branches of the financial institution identified in the order.
43.62(3)An order under subsection (1) is effective for seven days after its making, but the Commission may apply to the Court of Queen’s Bench to continue the order or for any other order that the Court of Queen’s Bench considers appropriate.
43.62(4)An order under subsection (1) may be made ex parte but, in that event, copies of the order shall be sent without delay by any means that the Tribunal determines to all persons named in the order.
43.62(5)A person in receipt of an order under subsection (1) who is in doubt as to the application of the order to any funds, securities or property or as to a claim being made to that person by any person not named in the order may apply to the Tribunal for direction or clarification.
43.62(6)The Tribunal, on the application of the Commission or of a person directly affected by the order, may revoke an order under subsection (1) or permit the release of any funds, securities or property in respect of which the order was made.
43.62(7)A notice of an order under subsection (1) may be registered or recorded against the lands or claims identified in the order by submitting the notice to the appropriate registry office established under the Registry Act or to the appropriate land titles office established under the Land Titles Act.
43.62(8)The Tribunal may order a notice submitted under subsection (7) to be revoked or modified and, if an order is made, the Commission shall submit a copy of the revocation or modification to the appropriate registry office or land titles office.
43.62(9)On submission of a notice under subsection (7) or a copy of a written revocation or modification under subsection (8), the notice or the copy of the revocation or modification shall be registered or recorded in the registry office or land titles office, as the case may be, by the registrar and has the same effect as the registration or recording of a certificate of pending litigation.
2016, c.36, s.15
Orders in the public interest
2016, c.36, s.15
43.7(1)On the application of the Commission, the Tribunal, if in its opinion it is in the public interest to do so, may make one or more of the following orders:
(a) an order that a licence be suspended or restricted for the period specified in the order or be cancelled, or that terms and conditions be imposed on the licence;
(b) an order that any exemptions contained in this Act or the regulations do not apply to a person permanently or for any period specified in the order;
(c) an order that a person cease conducting all or any regulated activities;
(d) an order that a person submit to a review of the person’s practices and procedures relating to regulated activities and institute any changes directed by the Tribunal;
(e) if the Tribunal is satisfied that this Act or the regulations have not been complied with, an order that any document or statement described in the order
(i) be provided by a person,
(ii) not be provided to a person, or
(iii) be amended to the extent that amendment is practicable;
(f) an order that a person be reprimanded;
(g) an order that a person amend, in the manner specified in the order, any information or material of any kind described in the order that is disseminated to the public;
(h) an order that a person cease violating or comply with, and that the directors and officials of the person cause the person to cease violating or to comply with, this Act and the regulations;
(i) if a person has not complied with this Act or the regulations, an order requiring the person to disgorge to the Commission any amounts obtained as a result of the non-compliance.
43.7(2)The Tribunal may impose any terms and conditions that the Tribunal considers appropriate on an order under this section.
43.7(3)A person who is the subject of an order made under this section shall comply with any terms and conditions imposed on the order.
43.7(4)Unless the parties and the Tribunal consent, no order shall be made under this section without a hearing.
43.7(5)Despite subsection (4), if in the opinion of the Tribunal the length of time required to hold a hearing could be prejudicial to the public interest, the Tribunal, without a hearing, may make a temporary order under paragraph (1)(a), (b), (c) or (f).
43.7(6)The temporary order shall take effect immediately and shall expire on the fifteenth day after its making unless extended by the Tribunal.
43.7(7)The Tribunal may extend a temporary order until the hearing is concluded if a hearing is commenced within the 15-day period.
43.7(8)The Commission shall without delay give written notice of an order or temporary order made under this section to any person directly affected by the order or temporary order.
2016, c.36, s.15
Administrative penalty
2016, c.36, s.15
43.71(1)On the application of the Commission and after conducting a hearing, the Tribunal may order a person to pay an administrative penalty of, in the case of an individual, not more than $25,000, and in the case of a person other than an individual, not more than $100,000, if the Tribunal
(a) determines that the person has violated or failed to comply with this Act or the regulations, and
(b) is of the opinion that it is in the public interest to make the order.
43.71(2)The Tribunal may make an order under this section despite the imposition of any other penalty on the person or the making of any other order by the Tribunal, the Commission or the Director related to the same matter.
2016, c.36, s.15
Directors and officers
2016, c.36, s.15
43.8If a person other than an individual violates or has not complied with this Act or the regulations, a director or official of the person who authorized, permitted or acquiesced in the violation or non-compliance shall be deemed also to have violated or not complied with this Act or the regulations, whether or not any proceeding has been commenced against the person under this Act or the regulations or any order has been made against the person under section 43.7.
2016, c.36, s.15
Resolution of administrative proceedings
2016, c.36, s.15
43.81(1)Despite any other provision of this Act or the regulations, an administrative proceeding conducted by the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director under this Act or the regulations may be disposed of by
(a) an agreement approved by the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director, as the case may be,
(b) a written undertaking made by a person to the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director that has been accepted by the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director, as the case may be, or
(c) a decision of the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director, as the case may be, made without a hearing or without compliance with a requirement of this Act or the regulations, if the parties have waived the hearing or compliance with the requirement.
43.81(2)An agreement, written undertaking or decision made, accepted or approved under subsection (1) may be enforced in the same manner as a decision made by the Commission, the Tribunal or the Director under any other provision of this Act or under the regulations.
2016, c.36, s.15
Limitation period
2016, c.36, s.15
43.9No proceeding under this Act or the regulations shall be commenced more than six years after the date of the occurrence of the last event on which the proceeding is based.
2016, c.36, s.15
Conflict with the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
2016, c.36, s.15
43.91If a provision of this Act is inconsistent or in conflict with a provision of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the provision of this Act prevails.
2016, c.36, s.15
Offences and penalties
Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
44Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.24; 1981, c.6, s.1; 1995, c.31, s.21; 2016, c.36, s.15
Limitation of actions
Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
2016, c.36, s.15
45Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.25; 2016, c.36, s.15
Certificate as evidence
2013, c.31, s.33
46A certificate of the Director stating any of the following facts is admissible in evidence and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the facts stated in the certificate without proof of the appointment, authority or signature of the Director:
(a) an agent, manager, salesperson or other person named in the certificate is or is not licensed under this Act;
(b) a licence was issued to an agent, manager or salesperson; and
(c) the licence of an agent, manager or salesperson is suspended, cancelled or reinstated.
1983, c.75, s.27; 2013, c.31, s.33
47The Commission is responsible for the administration of this Act.
1987, c.50, s.1; 2013, c.31, s.33
48The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) in order to ensure compliance with this Act and the regulations and the payment of money held for the account of a person by an agent, providing for the furnishing of security or proof of financial responsibility by agents in the amounts and in the form and on the conditions that may be considered necessary to obtain those objects, which regulations may discriminate between persons required to furnish security or proof of financial responsibility in accordance with the number of salespersons employed by them and the volume of business done by them;
(b) prescribing the fees payable on application for licence and any other fees in connection with the administration of this Act and the regulations;
(c) respecting forms for use under this Act and the regulations;
(d) providing for investigations into complaints against an agent;
(e) prescribing the practice and procedure on investigations;
(f) providing for the regulation of trading by agents, including the particulars to be contained in advertisements for the purchase, sale or exchange of real estate;
(f.1) requiring, for the purposes of subsection 43.1(3), that certain books, records or accounts be kept;
(f.2) authorizing disclosures for the purposes of subsection 43.51(2);
(f.3) prescribing circumstances, fees and expenses for the purposes of subsection 43.12(8);
(g) Repealed: 2016, c.36, s.15
(h) respecting the inspection, examination and audit of the books, records and accounts of agents by the Association;
(i) exempting persons or classes of persons from the application of the Act;
(j) respecting the qualifications required of an applicant for a licence under this Act and the statements and other documents to be produced by an applicant;
(k) respecting the authority of the Director to waive all or a portion of the qualifications for a licence under this Act that relate to previous experience;
(l) prescribing institutions at which agents may maintain an account for trust deposits;
(m) providing for the regulation of the assigning or paying over of forfeited bonds;
(n) respecting the use of a standard form of a listing agreement in the trade of real estate, and prescribing the form and the size, type and colour of lettering used in any provision of it;
(o) prescribing the amount of deposit for the purposes of subsection 22(9);
(p) for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act and for the more efficient administration of them.
R.S.1973, c.R-1, s.26; 1982, c.3, s.64; 1983, c.8, s.30; 1983, c.75, s.28; 1986, c.67, s.9; 1995, c.31, s.22; 2013, c.31, s.33; 2016, c.36, s.15
Assets of Real Estate Council
49(1)Despite the repeal of sections 19, 20 and 20.1 of the Real Estate Agents Act, chapter R-1 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, effective July 1, 1996, the Real Estate Council retains the power and authority that is necessary so as to enable it to carry out the requirements of subsection (2).
49(2)The Real Estate Council shall collect any money owing to it under section 13.4 of the Real Estate Agents Act, chapter R-1 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, as it existed immediately before July 1, 1996, and shall pay off its debts and transfer its remaining assets to The New Brunswick Real Estate Association for its use.
49(3)The New Brunswick Real Estate Association shall not use or invest any money transferred to it from the Real Estate Council, or any of the interest accruing on the money, without the prior approval of the Director.
1995, c.31, s.23; 2013, c.31, s.33
Number of provision
1995, c.31, s.23; 2016, c.36, s.15
N.B. This Act was proclaimed and came into force September 1, 2011.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to July 15, 2018.