2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Personal Property Security Act;(Loi)
“aircraft” means a machine capable of deriving support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air, other than a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine;(aéronef)
“applicant spouse” means a spouse in whose favour an order in respect of household goods is made under subsection 27(3) or paragraph 23(1)(d) of the Marital Property Act;(conjoint demandeur)
“boat” means a vessel that is designed for transporting persons or things on water and that is propelled primarily by any power other than muscle power;(bateau)
“claimant” means a person who has obtained a preservation order under Part 3 of the Enforcement of Money Judgments Act;(réclamant)
“debtor” means
if the registration is in respect of a security interest or a notice of the appointment of a receiver, a debtor as defined in subsection 1(1) of the Act, and,
if the registration is in respect of a notice of claim as authorized by subsection 18(1) of the
Enforcement of Money Judgments Act, a person against whom a preservation order has been issued under Part 3 of that Act;
“employee” means, in sections 5, 9 and 10, the Director under the Employment Standards Act;(salarié)
“employer” means an employer named in a certificate referred to in subsection 38.1(1) of the Employment Standards Act;(employeur)
“enterprise” includes a partnership, body corporate, association, organization, estate of a deceased individual, estate of a bankrupt, trade union, trust, syndicate or joint venture, but does not include an individual;(entreprise)
“judgment creditor” means a judgment creditor as defined in section 1 of the Enforcement of Money Judgments Act;(créancier sur jugement)
“judgment debtor” means a judgment debtor as defined in section 1 of the Enforcement of Money Judgments Act;(débiteur sur jugement)
“land registration office” means a land registration office as defined in subsection 49(1) of the Act;(bureau de l’enregistrement de bien-fonds)
“land registry” means a land registry as defined in subsection 49(1) of the Act;(registre de bien-fonds)
“mobile home” means a structure, whether ordinarily equipped with wheels or not, that is not self-propelled and is designed
(maison mobile)
to be moved from one place to another by being towed or carried, and
to be used as a dwelling house or premises, a business office or premises, or accommodation for any other purpose;
“motor vehicle” means a mobile device that is propelled primarily by any power other than muscle power
(véhicule à moteur)
in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn, and that is designed for use on a road or natural terrain, or
that is being used in the construction or maintenance of roads,
and includes a pedal bicycle with a motor attached, a combine or a tractor, but does not include a device that runs on rails or machinery designed only for use in farming, other than a combine or a tractor;
“printed” includes typed, stamped or machine printed;(imprimé)
“prior registration law” means prior registration law as defined in subsection 73(1) of the Act;(loi d’enregistrement antérieure)
“registrant” means the person who enters data in the Registry in relation to a registration;(enregistreur)
“registration family” means the registration originally entered in the Registry and all subsequent registrations that renew, amend, re-register or discharge that registration;(famille d’enregistrements)
“respondent spouse” means a spouse against whom an order in respect of household goods is made under subsection 27(3) or paragraph 23(1)(d) of the Marital Property Act;(conjoint défendeur)
“screen” means an electronically reproduced image that is used for the purpose of verifying data entry in the Registry;(écran)
“serial numbered goods” means a motor vehicle, trailer, mobile home, aircraft, boat or an outboard motor for a boat;(objets numérotés en série)
“tractor” means a self-propelled vehicle that is designed primarily for drawing other vehicles or machines;(tracteur)
“trailer” means a device in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn that is not self-propelled and that is designed to be drawn on a road by a motor vehicle but does not include a mobile home.(remorque)