Beginning at New Brunswick Co-ordinate Monument Number 4516; thence by the New Brunswick Grid on a course bearing S 61° 05′ 47″ W for a distance of 162.84 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,409.38 North and 1,348,900.23 East, said post to be hereinafter referred to as the place of beginning; thence S 20° 55′ 02″ E for a distance of 2,920 feet or to the north shores or banks of the Northwest Caraquet River; thence following same in a westerly direction and crossing the River and following the southern banks or shores of the Northwest Caraquet River along its various courses until it meets the east boundary of Lot #33, granted to P. B. Thibodeau; thence S 20° 05′ 32″ E along the eastern boundary of Lot #33 for a distance of 1,316.47 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-Ordinate 1,470,477.49 North and 1,351,052.81 East; thence S 70° 11′ 42″ W along the southern boundary of Lot #33, 32, 31, 30 and 29 for a distance of 3,263.04 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,469,371.91 North and 1,347,982.77 East; thence N 18° 56′ 33″ W for a distance of 1,103 feet to the southern boundary of Lot #28, granted to C. Légère; thence S 70° 30′ 22″ W along the southern boundary of Lot #28, 27 East, 27 West, 26, 25, 24 and 23 for a distance of 5,893 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,468,448.66 North and 1,342,069.52 East; thence N 18° 58′ 19″ W along the eastern boundary of Lot #51 granted to Peter A. Clement for a distance of 1622.17 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,469,982.71 North and 1,341,542.14 East; thence S 70° 37′ 53″ W along the southern boundary line of Lot #1, 2, 3 and 4 for a distance of 4,185.57 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,468,594.59 North and 1,337,593.45 East; thence N 19° 10′ 46″ W for a distance of 6,889 feet to a steel survey post set on the southern boundary of Dugas Road at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,475,102.80 North and 1,335,329.67 East; thence N 49° 2l′ 54″ E along the southern boundary of Dugas Road for a distance of 2,321.51 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,476,614.66 North and 1,337,091.39 East; thence S 20° 37′ 54″ E for a distance of 270 feet to a steel survey post; thence N 49° 21′ 54″ E for a distance of 180 feet to a steel survey post; thence N 20° 37′ 54″ W for a distance of 270 feet to a steel survey post set on the southern boundary of Dugas Road; thence following same on a course bearing N 49° 21′ 54″ E for a distance of 100 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,476,797.00 North and 1,337,303.88 East; thence N 56° 58′ 20″ E for a distance of 748.16 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,204.78 North and 1,337,931.15 East; thence S 20° 37′ 54″ E for a distance of 300 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,476,925.77 North and 1,338,041.41 East; thence N 56° 58′ 20″ E for a distance of 120 feet; thence N 20° 37′ 54″ W for a distance of 300 feet to a steel survey post set on the southern boundary of Dugas Road at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,270.19 North and 1,338,031.76 East; thence N 56° 58′ 20″ E along the southern boundary of Dugas Road for a distance of 795.95 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,704.01 North and 1,338,699.09 East; thence S 20° 37′ 54″ E along the eastern boundary of Lot #1 granted to Michel Landry for a distance of 992.68 feet to a steel survey post set on the northern boundary of Lot #22 granted to T. Blanchard at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,476,775.00 North and 1,339,048.87 East; thence N 68° 49′ 24″ E along the northern boundary of Lot #22, 21 and 20 for a distance of 2,665.69 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,737.97 North and 1,341,534.55 East; thence S 20° 26′ 06″ E along the eastern boundary of Lot #20 granted to L. Blanchard for a distance of 1,180.16 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,476,632.08 North and 1,341,946.59 East; thence N 70° 05′ 28″ E for a distance of 6,476.78 feet to the western boundary of Maisonette Road; thence following same on a course bearing S 20° 55′ 02″ E for a distance of 1,608.98 feet to a steel survey post set at New Brunswick Co-ordinate 1,477,334.64 North and 1,348,610.73 East; thence N 75° 31′ 27″ E for a distance of 299 feet to the place of beginning.