Aquaculture Act |
Provision Violated (by section, subsection, paragraph or clause number) | | Prescribed Wording |
39(2) | | failing to comply with terms and conditions of licence |
General Regulation − Aquaculture Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
15(a) | | failing to hold required licence, permit or other authorization |
15(c) | | failing to place and maintain structures and equipment within the boundaries of the site |
15(d) | | failing to maintain required markings |
15(e) | | possession of firearm at the site |
Cannabis Control Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
6(2) | | entering (or attempting to enter) cannabis retail outlet when under 19 years |
6(3) | | refusing to provide proof of age – cannabis retail outlet |
6(4) | | failing to leave cannabis retail outlet |
7(4) | | opening (or permitting the opening) of cannabis (or cannabis accessory) package during transport (or delivery) |
7(5) | | unlawfully transporting cannabis by taxicab |
7(5.1) | | unlawfully transporting cannabis by a private passenger vehicle while providing a vehicle-for-hire service |
7(7) | | refusing to provide proof of age – purchasing (or accepting delivery of) cannabis |
8(2) | | using false identification |
8(3) | | lending identification document |
11 | | possessing cannabis when under 19 years |
12 | | unlawfully storing cannabis |
14(1) | | unlawfully purchasing (or attempting to purchase) cannabis |
14(2) | | purchasing (or attempting to purchase) cannabis (or cannabis accessory) when under 19 years |
15 | | unlawful gift (or acceptance of gift) of cannabis |
16(1) | | unlawful cultivation of (or offer to cultivate) cannabis |
16(2) | | cultivation of (or offer to cultivate) cannabis by person under 19 years |
17(1) | | consuming cannabis – unlawful possession (or prohibited place) |
17(3) | | consuming cannabis when under 19 years |
17(4) | | knowingly permitting consumption of cannabis by person under 19 years |
18(2) | | unlawful consumption of cannabis in or on vehicle |
20 | | providing cannabis to intoxicated person |
Cannabis Retailers Licensing Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
8(3) | | failing to display licence |
21(2) | | selling (or distributing) cannabis (or a cannabis accessory) to a person under 19 years |
22(1) | | permitting a person under 19 years to have access to cannabis retail outlet |
General Regulation – Cannabis Retailers Licensing Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
10(1) | | purchase for resale (or sale) of unauthorized cannabis in cannabis retail outlet |
10(2)(a) | | selling cannabis by unrecorded sale (or not in original package) |
10(2)(b) | | failing to keep cannabis behind sales counter (or in containers) in sales area |
10(2)(c) | | failing to store (or distribute or transport or deliver) cannabis under conditions that maintain quality |
10(2)(d) | | unlawfully storing unusable cannabis |
10(2)(e) | | unlawful sensory display |
11 | | failing to restrict access to areas of cannabis retail outlet |
13(1)(a) | | selling organic solvent |
13(1)(b) | | permitting a person other than employee to sell (or distribute) cannabis (or cannabis accessory) |
13(1)(c) | | permitting a person under 19 years to handle (or sell or distribute) cannabis (or cannabis accessory) |
13(1)(d) | | offering (or gifting) a sample of cannabis |
13(1)(e) | | selling unusable cannabis |
13(1)(f) | | selling cannabis (or cannabis accessory) by dispensing device |
14(a) | | failing to prepare a package of cannabis (or cannabis accessory) to ensures the security of its contents during transport (or delivery) |
15(3) | | transporting a remote order of cannabis (or cannabis accessory) for delivery |
18(1) | | unlawful display of cannabis (or package or label of cannabis) |
19 | | unlawful advertising of cannabis retail outlet |
20 | | failing to display sign or notice |
New Brunswick Regulation 97-133 under the Clean Air Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
19(1) | | open burning without written permission of Minister |
New Brunswick Regulation 82-126 under the Clean Environment Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
15(1) | | structure on ice without owner’s name and address |
15(6) | | structure left on melting ice |
New Brunswick Regulation 87-97 under the Clean Environment Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
6(3) | | operating storage tank system without a licence |
15 | | failing to display a system licence |
16 | | failing to display operator’s name, business name and nature of business |
68(3) | | applying waste petroleum product to ground surface |
190 | | using a device to hold open a dispensing nozzle |
Clean Water Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
15(1)(b) | | watercourse (or wetland) alteration without a permit |
16(a) | | engaging in well-drilling business without appropriate documentation |
New Brunswick Regulation 90-79 under the Clean Water Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
6(1) | | failing to obtain a well driller’s permit |
12 | | well-drilling machine not properly marked |
13 | | failing to carry and show well driller’s permit |
New Brunswick Regulation 93-203 under the Clean Water Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(3) | | failing to properly attach a well identifier tag |
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New Brunswick Regulation 2001-83 under the Clean Water Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
5(1)(c) of Schedule B | | unauthorized swimming (or operating unauthorized motorized watercraft) in Protected Area A |
Crown Lands and Forests Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
71(1)(a) | | unauthorized occupation (or possession) of Crown Lands |
71(1)(c) | | construct, place or leave (or cause to be constructed, placed or left or permit the construction, placing or leaving of) any building (or structure or enclosure) on Crown Lands |
71(1)(d) | | abandon (or place) or dispose of any vehicle (or vessel or property or thing) on Crown Lands or cause any vehicle (or vessel or property or thing) to be abandoned (or placed) or disposed of on Crown Lands or permit the abandonment (or placing) or disposing of any vehicle (or vessel or property or thing) on Crown Lands |
71(1)(e) | | place or dispose of any natural (or man-made) object on Crown Lands or cause to be placed or disposed of any natural (or man-made) object on Crown Lands or permit the placing or disposing of any natural (or man-made) object on Crown Lands |
71(1)(f) | | performing (or causing to be performed) any dredging (or excavating or filling) on Crown Lands |
71(1)(g) | | operating (or causing to be operated) any machinery (or equipment) on Crown Lands |
71.5(2)(a) | | entering (or occupying or using) Crown Lands in contravention of a sign or notice |
71.5(2)(b) | | damaging (or defacing or removing) a sign or notice |
80(1)(d) | | preventing passage on a forest or logging road by leaving a vehicle (or any equipment) unattended |
Emergency Measures Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
24(1)(b) | | failure to comply with direction, order or requirement |
Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
34(2)(a) | | hunting wildlife without a licence |
34(2)(c) | | angling without a proper licence |
39(b) | | hunting (or trapping or snaring) wildlife in a prohibited area |
39.1(1) | | hunting wildlife on a weekly day of rest |
40(a) | | possessing a loaded firearm (or discharging a firearm) in a wildlife refuge (or dump or park) |
41 | | having a firearm during the open season without a proper licence |
42(1)(a) | | having a firearm during the closed season without a permit |
42(1)(b) | | having a firearm during the night |
42(1)(c) | | having a firearm on a weekly day of rest |
42(1)(d) | | transporting a firearm on private land and not acting in accordance with subsections 34(4) and 34(4.1) |
43(1)(b) | | carrying (or using) a rim-fire firearm for the purpose of hunting moose (or deer or bear) |
43(1)(d) | | loaded firearm in (or on) a vehicle |
43.1(b) | | possessing a crossbow without a mechanical trigger safety device |
43.2(c) | | hunting moose (or deer or bear) with a bow charged with a non-permitted projectile |
43.2(d) | | hunting moose (or deer or bear) with a crossbow charged with a non-permitted projectile |
45(1) | | hunting (or trapping or snaring) wildlife in a wildlife refuge |
48(1) | | allowing a dog to run at large in a resort of wildlife |
56(1)(a) | | failing to properly affix a tag to a moose (or deer or bear) |
56(1)(b) | | untagged (or improperly tagged) moose (or deer or bear) |
56(2) | | failing to properly affix a tag to an Atlantic salmon |
56(4) | | failing to properly affix a tag to an Atlantic salmon killed by a guide I |
57(1) | | possession of an Atlantic salmon not properly tagged |
90(2) | | taking wildlife during the closed season |
94(3) | | failing to produce (or carry) a licence or permit |
116 | | taking (or attempting to take) an Atlantic salmon other than by fly fishing |
New Brunswick Regulation 81-58 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(1)(a) | | failing to wear a solid hunter orange hat |
3(1)(b) | | failing to wear a solid hunter orange or a camouflage blaze orange exterior garment above the waist |
New Brunswick Regulation 82-103 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
8(1) | | angling on special Crown reserve waters without authorization |
9 | | angling on regular Crown reserve waters without authorization |
15 | | angling on daily Crown reserve waters without authorization |
20(8) | | failing to properly affix a tag to a grilse |
20(9) | | holder of a licence failing to properly affix a tag to a grilse |
20(17) | | unlawful possession of a salmon tag |
21(1) | | angling other than by fly fishing on Crown reserve waters |
21.1 | | possession of terminal tackle (or bait) on California Lake |
23(1) | | killing (or retaining) more than one trout per day in Peaked Mountain Lakes |
24(3) | | killing more than 2 grilse |
28.9(c) | | killing a fish under a live release licence |
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New Brunswick Regulation 84-124 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
4(4.2) | | unlawful possession of a trap (or snare) |
4(8)(a) | | hunting (or killing) more than the daily limit for rabbits |
4(8)(b) | | possession of more than 20 rabbits |
4.02(5) | | possession of a bobcat tag that has been used (or altered or tampered with) |
4.02(6) | | possession of more bobcat tags than permitted |
4.02(7) | | possession of a bobcat tag not issued to you |
4.02(8) | | using a bobcat tag not issued to you |
4.02(9) | | giving another person (or permitting another person to use) your bobcat tag |
4.02(11) | | unlawful possession of a bobcat pelt |
4.1(4) | | failing to properly affix permit number to traps and snares |
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New Brunswick Regulation 84-133 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(1.1) | | hunting (or registering) a deer less than 48 hours after issuance of licence |
3.1(1)(a) | | hunting antlerless deer without authorization |
6(2.2) | | non-resident bear hunter unlawfully having a firearm in a WMZ |
7(1) | | shooting (or killing or taking or possessing) more grouse than permitted |
14(2) | | failing to properly affix a tag to a deer |
15(2)(a.1) | | unlawful use of a deer tag |
15(2)(b) | | registration of a deer killed by another person |
17(2) | | transporting a deer without the person who killed it |
21.3(1)(b) | | failing to accompany a bear carcass for registration |
21.3(3)(b) | | transporting a bear without the person who killed it |
23.1 | | hunting with a bow (or a crossbow) while not being in possession of a valid hunting licence |
New Brunswick Regulation 94-43 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
5(1) | | unlawful possession of a firearm in a wildlife refuge |
New Brunswick Regulation 94-47 under the Fish and Wildlife Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
16 | | possession of more than one firearm during moose season |
17(2) | | resident failing to properly affix a tag to a moose |
17(3) | | non-resident failing to properly affix a tag to a moose |
17.1(1) | | failing, while hunting, to remain within visual (or auditory) contact of the resident (or the designated resident) moose licence holder |
18(1)(b) | | resident failing to accompany a moose carcass |
18(3)(b) | | non-resident failing to accompany a moose carcass |
20(2) | | moose hunter unlawfully having a firearm in a WMZ |
Forest Fires Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
15(3) | | industrial operation without a permit |
15(7) | | not having the required fire fighting equipment |
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New Brunswick Regulation 84-204 under the Forest Fires Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3.8 | | fire started (or ignited or tended or fuelled or made use of or caused to be started or caused to be ignited) on a non-burn day |
3.9 | | fire started (or ignited or tended or fuelled or made use of or caused to be started or caused to be ignited) on a restricted burn day |
Highway Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
34(3) | | motor vehicle on closed highway |
36(5) | | exceeding weight restriction |
Liquor Control Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
132 | | unlawfully selling liquor |
133 | | unlawful possession of liquor |
136(2) | | being intoxicated in licensed premises |
137(1) | | providing liquor to person under 19 years |
137(4) | | possessing (or consuming or obtaining) liquor when under 19 years |
Dog Control Regulation − Local Governance Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
5(1) | | failing to register a dog |
6(2) | | failing to attach and keep attached a registration tag to the collar of a dog |
7 | | failing to ensure a dog wears a collar |
8 | | failing to cause a dog to be vaccinated against rabies |
13(1)(a) | | allowing a dog at large |
13(1)(b) | | allowing a dog to chase or run after pedestrians or motor vehicles |
13(1)(c) | | allowing a dog to bark incessantly |
Motor Vehicle Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
17(1)(a) | | vehicle not registered |
17(1)(b) | | registration expired |
17(1)(c) | | registration revoked or suspended |
17.1(2) | | vehicle not insured |
28(1) | | not carrying registration certificate |
28(1.1) | | not carrying evidence of insurance |
36(1) | | failing to notify Registrar of change of address |
41 | | failing to apply for transfer of registration |
68(b) | | no current registration plate and sticker |
70(d) | | displaying fictitious registration plate |
78(1) | | driving without valid licence |
78(2) | | driving motorcycle without valid licence |
84(4) | | unsupervised learner driver |
92(1) | | failure to produce licence |
96 | | failing to notify Registrar of change on licence |
105 | | failing to stop for peace officer |
105.01(2) | | failing to produce information and documents |
109 | | making unnecessary noise with tires |
117(1) | | disobeying traffic control device |
117(3) | | driving off roadway to avoid traffic control device |
119(1) | | disobeying traffic control signal |
125 | | leaving scene of accident resulting in injury or death |
126 | | leaving scene of accident resulting in damage to vehicle |
128 | | failing to give notice of collision with unattended vehicle |
129 | | failing to give notice of damage to property |
130(1) | | failing to report accident |
140(1.1)(a) | | speeding |
140(1.1)(b) | | speeding by over 25 km/hr |
140(2) | | driving too fast in the circumstances |
149(1) | | passing unlawfully |
150 | | passing unlawfully on right |
151 | | passing when unsafe to do so |
154(2) | | unlawfully driving on left of or over solid line |
156(a) | | leaving lane unsafely |
156(b) | | changing lanes without signalling |
157(1) | | following too closely |
162(3) | | turning improperly |
165(1) | | failing to yield to vehicle in intersection |
165(2) | | failing to yield to vehicle on right |
166 | | failing to yield to oncoming vehicle when turning left |
167 | | failing to yield when entering (or leaving) highway |
170(1) | | failing to yield to pedestrian in cross walk |
186(3) | | failing to stop at stop sign |
188(1) | | failing to stop for school bus with flashing red lights |
193(1) | | unlawfully stopping, standing or parking a vehicle |
195(1) | | unlawfully leaving vehicle unattended |
198 | | backing vehicle unlawfully |
200(1) | | overcrowded (or overloaded) vehicle |
200.1(2) | | driving vehicle without proper seat belts |
200.1(3) | | not wearing seat belt |
200.1(4) | | not wearing seat belt |
200.1(6) | | carrying passenger under 16 years without proper restraint |
203(2) | | littering a highway |
206(1)(a) | | unsafe vehicle |
206(1)(b) | | vehicle without proper lights |
206(1)(d) | | vehicle without proper brakes |
206(1)(e) | | vehicle not equipped as required |
207 | | vehicle not properly lit |
229 | | failing to wear lawful helmet |
230(1) | | substandard tires |
235 | | driving vehicle without proper exhaust system |
238(1) | | operating vehicle while view obstructed |
241(3) | | operating vehicle with unlawful tires |
250(1)(a) | | failing to submit to spot inspection |
250(1)(b) | | disobeying order for repair, inspection or testing |
250(1)(c) | | no current inspection certificate |
250(2) | | operating vehicle unlawfully after order |
251(1) | | unlawfully oversize, loaded or coupled vehicle |
256(1) | | carrying harmful material improperly |
256(2) | | shipping harmful material improperly |
256(3) | | failing to fasten load securely |
260(2) | | breach of demand or direction respecting massing |
260(4) | | disobeying peace officer’s signal or direction |
260(4.1) | | evading massing, measurement or inspection |
261(4) | | violating (or not carrying) special permit |
265.02 | | using hand-operated electronic device |
265.04(1) | | display screen visible to driver |
359 | | operating vehicle that exceeds axle (or gross allowable or gross registered) mass limit |
Off-Road Vehicle Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(1)(a) | | no valid registration |
3(1)(b) | | failing to properly display plate or decal |
3(1)(c) | | uninsured snowmobile |
3(1)(d) | | uninsured ATV |
7.1(1)(a) | | decal not properly attached and displayed |
7.1(1)(b) | | permit not properly attached |
7.1(3) | | operating an unauthorized vehicle on a snowmobile trail |
7.3(3) | | tearing down (or removing or damaging or covering or defacing or altering) a sign posted on a snowmobile trail |
7.3(4) | | operating a snowmobile in contravention of a sign |
7.9(3) | | tearing down (or removing or damaging or covering or defacing or altering) a sign posted on an ATV trail |
7.9(4) | | operating ATV in contravention of a sign |
16 | | operating ORV within 7.5 m of highway |
21 | | driving (or being an occupant of) ORV without lawful helmet |
24(2), [24(1)(a)] | | failing to stop |
24(2), [24(1)(b)] | | failing to give name and address |
24(2), [24(1)(c)] | | failing to produce proof of registration |
24(2), [24(1)(c.1)] | | failing to produce proof of safety training |
24(2), [24(1)(c.2)] | | failing to produce proof of age |
24(2), [24(1)(d)] | | failing to make equipment or device available for inspection |
24(2), [24(1)(e)] | | failing to produce an insurance card |
24(2), [24(1)(f)] | | failing to show permit |
New Brunswick Regulation 85-104 under the Parks Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
11(1) | | operating an unauthorized vehicle in a provincial park |
14 | | hunting (or trapping or taking or snaring or injuring or destroying) any animal (or bird) in a provincial park |
15 | | fishing in Sugarloaf Provincial Park |
16(1) | | possessing a loaded firearm (or discharging a firearm) in a provincial park |
16(2) | | unlawful possession of a firearm in a provincial park |
Pesticides Control Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
12 | | selling (or offering for sale or supplying) a pesticide without a vendor’s licence |
14(a) | | applying pesticide without a certificate |
14(b) | | applying pesticide without a permit |
15(1) | | unapproved (or improper) use of a pesticide |
20 | | disposing of a pesticide (or a mixture containing a pesticide) contrary to the regulations |
21 | | disposing of a pesticide container contrary to the regulations |
New Brunswick Regulation 96-126 under the Pesticides Control Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3 | | licensed vendor owning (or operating or using) pesticide storage area without authorization |
11(1)(a) | | pesticide storage area does not meets all requirements |
11(1)(b) | | pesticide storage area without an impermeable floor |
11(1)(c) | | failing to restrict access to a pesticide storage area |
11(1)(e) | | failing to have proper signage posted |
11(1)(h) | | failing to comply with terms and conditions imposed by the Director |
12 | | storing (or handling) a pesticide contrary to label instructions |
28 | | improper disposal of a pesticide (or a mixture containing a pesticide) |
Protected Natural Areas Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
12(a)(x) | | camping (or occupying land) in a Class II PNA |
12(a)(xii) | | unauthorized vehicle in a Class II PNA |
16 | | failing to produce a permit |
18(2) | | entering a PNA during closed times |
New Brunswick Regulation 2004-57 under the Protected Natural Areas Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
7 | | introducing flora into a Class II PNA |
Public Health Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
52(3) | | failing to comply with order |
52(3.1) | | failing to comply with order |
64.1(3) | | failing to disclose personal information or personal health information |
Quarriable Substances Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
36 | | unauthorized production for a quarriable substance |
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Shortline Railways Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(2) | | entering without lawful authority on land on which a shortline railway is situated |
Smoke-free Places Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(a) | | smoking – enclosed public place |
3(b) | | smoking – indoor workplace |
3(c) | | smoking ˂ 3 m of the perimeter of outdoor eating or drinking area |
3(d) | | smoking ˂ 9 m of door, air intake, window of enclosed public place / indoor workplace |
3(e) | | smoking – provincial park |
3(f) | | smoking – group living facility |
3(g) | | smoking – public vehicle |
3(h) | | smoking – in vehicle while another person in the vehicle is under 16 years of age |
3(i) | | smoking – vehicle used in the course of employment, carrying 2+ employees |
3(j) | | smoking – school grounds |
3(j.1) | | smoking – regional health authority grounds |
3(k) | | smoking – outdoor public place with playground equipment / outdoor public sports area / ˂ 20 m of perimeter (para. 3(k)) |
3(l) | | smoking – trail – outdoor public place or ˂ 9 m of trail |
Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Sales Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
2.01 | | operating an electronic cigarette sales outlet without a licence |
2.0801(1) | | failing to post notice of suspension in readily visible location at entrance of electronic cigarette sales outlet |
2.0801(2) | | failing to post notice of revocation in readily visible location at entrance of electronic cigarette sales outlet |
2.0801(3) | | failing to post notice of conviction in readily visible location at entrance of electronic cigarette sales outlet |
2.0801(4) | | removing (or altering or defacing or concealing or destroying) a notice of suspension (or revocation or conviction) |
2.1 | | selling (or offering to sell) tobacco that is represented as being flavoured, is presented as being flavoured by its packaging, advertisement or otherwise or contains a flavouring agent |
2.2(2) | | selling (or offering to sell) a substance that is intended to be heated in an electronic cigarette and has a noticeable flavour, is represented as having a noticeable flavour or is presented as having a noticeable flavour by its packaging, advertisement or otherwise |
2.2(3) | | selling (or offering to sell) a substance intended to be added to a substance that is intended to be heated in an electronic cigarette and has a noticeable flavour, is represented as having a noticeable flavour or is presented as having a noticeable flavour by its packaging, advertisement or otherwise |
2.3(1) | | selling (or offering to sell) flavouring additive in tobacconist shop (or vapour shop) |
2.3(2) | | selling (or offering to sell) flavouring additive ˂ 3 m from where tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes are sold (or offered for sale) |
3 | | unlawful display of sign |
4 | | selling (or offering to sell) cigarettes or tobacco sticks in unlawful package |
5(1) | | selling (or offering to sell) tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes to a person under 19 years |
6 | | purchasing (or attempting to purchase) tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes on behalf of (or for resale to) a person under 19 years |
6.1(1) | | selling (or offering to sell) tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes in a designated place or premises |
6.3 | | selling (or offering to sell or
furnishing or permitting to be furnished) tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes by dispensing device |
6.4(2)(a) | | unlawful display (or permitting the unlawful display) of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.4(2)(b) | | unlawful display (or permitting the unlawful display) of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.5(1)(a) | | unlawful advertising (or promoting) of the sale or use of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.5(1)(b) | | unlawful advertising (or promoting) of the sale or use of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.5(1)(c) | | unlawful advertising (or promoting) of the sale or use of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.5(2) | | unlawful advertising (or promoting) of the sale or use of tobacco, smoking supplies or electronic cigarettes |
6.6(3) | | permitting a person under 19 years to enter tobacconist shop (or vapour shop) unaccompanied by an adult |
Tobacco Tax Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
2.2(1) | | possession of tobacco in contravention of subsection 2.2(1) of the Tobacco Tax Act |
2.2(1.6) | | possession of more than one thousand cigarettes (or more than one thousand grams of tobacco) in contravention of subsection 2.2(1.6) of the Tobacco Tax Act |
Transportation of Primary Forest Products Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
2(1) | | failing to possess an accurately completed transportation certificate |
3(1) | | failing to produce required documentation |
3(2) | | failing to deliver an accurately completed transportation certificate |
5(1) | | accepting delivery of primary forest products without receiving an accurately completed transportation certificate |
New Brunswick Regulation 2002-37 under the Transportation of Primary Forest Products Act |
Provision Violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(1)(a) | | possessing an inaccurately completed transportation certificate: unladen mass 2 500 kg or greater |
3(2)(a) | | possessing an inaccurately completed transportation certificate: unladen mass less than 2 500 kg |
3.1(1)(a) | | failing to keep the transportation certificate in paper form in the document holder on the exterior of vehicle |
3.1(1)(b) | | failing to keep the transportation certificate in electronic form in locked format on a hand-operated electronic device on the inside of vehicle |
6(1.1)(a) | | failing to remit a completed book of transportation certificates within the required time |
6(1.1)(b) | | failing to remit an incomplete book of transportation certificates within the required time |
Trespass Act |
Provision violated | | Prescribed Wording |
3(1)(a) | | trespassing (or engaging in an activity) on the premises of a shop, store, shopping mall or shopping plaza in contravention of a notice that trespass (or an activity) is prohibited |
3(1)(d) | | trespassing (or engaging in an activity) on any other premises except a premises referred to in subsection 4.1(1) of the Trespass Act, forest land or land referred to in subsection 5(1) or section 6 of that Act in contravention of a notice that trespass (or an activity) is prohibited |
4.1(1) | | trespassing (or engaging in an activity) on a lawn or garden or a premises that is enclosed by a fence, a natural boundary or a combination of a fence and a natural boundary or in a manner that indicates the intention of the occupier or owner of the premises to keep persons off the premises |
5(1)(c) | | trespassing with a motor vehicle in a watercourse |
5(1)(e) | | trespassing with a motor vehicle in an ocean shore area |
6(1) | | trespassing on land belonging to a certain class of land |