2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Family Services Act;(Loi)
“approval” means an approval under subsection 26(1) of the Act;(agrément)
“care provider” means an adult who provides child care services to a child in care and includes a person employed by a child care residential centre;(fournisseur de soins)
“child care residential centre” means a community placement resource that is operated by the Department or a company duly incorporated under the Companies Act in which a child in care resides for twenty-four hours per day and receives child care services from a care provider in a structured setting;(centre résidentiel pour services de soins aux enfants)
“child care services” means services that are supervisory, supportive, developmental or rehabilitative in nature;(service de soins aux enfants)
“child placement resource” means a community placement resource that is a foster home or a child care residential centre in which a child in care resides for twenty-four hours per day;(centre de placement pour enfants)
“foster home” means a community placement resource in which a foster parent provides child care services to a child in care in a family setting.(foyer nourricier)
“Minister” Repealed: 2019, c.2, s.56
2016, c.37, s.68; 2019, c.2, s.56