That portion of the parishes of Shediac and Botsford, in the County of Westmorland, beginning at a point on the shore of Northumberland Strait, shown on L.R.I.S. property map 15 W 17, at the north west corner of parcel 70004072, now or previously owned by Ahlstrom Canada Ltd., the said point having Co-ordinate Value East 1,548,930 by North 908,630; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and eighty degrees, zero zero minutes and zero zero seconds, a distance of 620 feet, or 188.976 metres, more or less, along the east side of a road to a point at the north west corner of parcel 878454, now or previously owned by Antonio Gagnon, the said point having Co-ordinate Value East 1,548,930 by North 908,010; thence in an easterly direction, following the various courses of the tidal flats high water mark a distance of two hundred and twenty feet, or 67.056 metres, more or less, to a point, being the north west corner of parcel 851022, now or previously owned by Leo Paul Gagnon, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,549,120 by North 908,085; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and seventy-eight degrees, thirty-four minutes and thirty seconds, a distance of 2,010.62 feet, or 612.83697 metres, more or less, following the western boundary of the aforementioned parcel to the south west corner of the same, the said point being on the north side of Chemin Acadie, or Route 15, and having Co-ordinate value East 1,549,170 by North 906,075, on L.R.I.S. property map 15 W 16; thence easterly on an azimuth of ninety-two degrees, twenty-nine minutes and twenty-two seconds, a distance of 230.22 feet, or 70.171056 metres, more or less, to a point on the north side of Chemin Acadie, Route 15, said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,549,400 by North 906,065; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and sixty-five degrees, thirty-nine minutes and zero two seconds, a distance of 443.85 feet, or 135.28548 metres, more or less, across the aforementioned highway to the northwest corner of parcel 851014, now or previously owned by Laurie Fougère, southerly along the west boundary to a point being the southwest corner of the above mentioned parcel, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,549,510 by North 905,635; thence northeasterly on an azimuth of sixty-five degrees, thirteen minutes and twenty-nine seconds, a distance of 143.18 feet, or 43.641264 metres, more or less, to the southeast corner of parcel 851014, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,549,640 by North 905,695; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and sixty-four degrees, eight minutes and five seconds, a distance of 6876.96 feet, or 2096.0974 metres, more or less, following the eastern boundary of parcel 70000799, on L.R.I.S. property maps 15 W 16 and 15 W 15, now or previously owned by Léo Paul Gagnon to the southeast corner of the above parcel and its prolongation to the south side of a road, this point being on L.R.I.S. property map I 01 Y1 and having Co-ordinate value East 1,551,520 by North 899,080; thence easterly on an azimuth of seventy degrees, fifty-four minutes and twenty-three seconds, a distance of 1650.82 feet, or 503.16993 metres, more or less, along the south side of this road to a point where it intersects the west side of Chemin Thibodeau, so-called, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,553,080 by North 899,620, on Map 21 I 01 Y1; thence in a southerly direction following the west line of Chemin Thibodeau, so-called a distance two thousand five hundred and forty feet, or 774.192 metres, more or less, to a point, having Co-ordinate value East 1,554,160 by North 897,320; thence easterly on an azimuth of seventy degrees, thirty-nine minutes and forty-three seconds, a distance of 5616.90 feet, or 1712.0311 metres, more or less, along the south boundary of Chemin Landry, so-called, to a point being the south corner of parcel 1050491 on L.R.I.S. property map 21 I 01 Y1, now or previously owned by Catherine LeBlanc, and having Co-ordinate value East 1,559,460 by North 899,180; thence northerly on an azimuth of three hundred and forty-five degrees, fifty-seven minutes and fifty seconds, a distance of 82.46 feet, or 25.133808 metres, more or less, to a point on the east line of parcel 1050491, having Co-ordinate value East 1,559,440 by North 899,260; thence easterly on an azimuth of sixty-nine degrees, fifty minutes and zero two seconds, a distance of 2407.59 feet, or 733.83343 metres, more or less, along a base line being the southerly boundary of parcels 70118112, 1047109, 850032 and 850198 to the northeast corner of parcel 852327, now or previously owned by Joseph Landry, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,561,700 by North 900,090; thence on an azimuth of one hundred and fifty-nine degrees, forty-three minutes and twenty-eight seconds, a distance of 5021.13 feet, or 1530.4404 metres, more or less, following the east line of parcel 852327 until the south-western corner of parcel 70142419, now or previously owned by Eugène and Francine Niles, is reached, the said point having a Co-ordinate value of East 1,563,440 by North 895,380 on Map 21 I 01 Y1; thence northeasterly on an azimuth of fifty-five degrees, thirty-three minutes and forty seconds, a distance of 1273.15 feet, or 388.05612 metres, more or less, along the southern boundary of parcel 70142419 to a point on L.R.I.S. property map 15 W 44 having Co-ordinate value of East 1,564,490 by North 896,100; thence south easterly on an azimuth of one hundred and thirty-nine degrees, fifty-two minutes and twenty-six seconds, a distance of 457.74 feet, or 139.51915 metres, more or less, to a point on the southern boundary of parcel 70142419 on Map 15 W 43, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,564,785 by North 895,750; thence on an azimuth of fifty-one degrees, twenty-nine minutes and thirteen seconds, a distance of 1220 feet, or 371.856 metres, more or less, along the southern boundary of parcel 70142419 crossing Route 945, being Chemin Sainte-André, following the southern boundary of parcels 105699, 1050756, 1050749 to the southeast corner of parcel 1050731, now or previously owned by Alyre Cormier, delineated on L.R.I.S. 15 W 44, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,565,740 by North 896,510; thence northerly on an azimuth of three hundred and thirty-eight degrees, forty-eight minutes and twenty-one seconds, a distance of 525.55 feet, or 160.18764 metres, more or less, following the eastern boundary of parcel 1050731 to the southwest corner of parcel 1050830, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,565,550 by North 897,000; thence northeasterly on an azimuth of fifty degrees, forty minutes and twenty-three seconds, a distance of 4291.95 feet, or 1308.1863 metres, more or less, along the southern boundary of parcel 1050830, now or previously owned by Léonce and Elizabeth LeBlanc, and the southern boundary of parcel 849828 on property map 15 W 44, now or previously owned by Emile Landry, prolongated to the east side of Chemin Acadie, being Route 15, to the northwest corner of parcel 849273, now or previously owned by Jean Louis Doiron, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,568,870 by North 899,720; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and sixty degrees, fourteen minutes and twenty-six seconds, a distance of 547.22 feet, or 166.79265 metres, more or less, along the east boundary of Chemin Acadie, being Route 15, to the southwest corner of parcel 849273, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,569,055 by North 899,205; thence on an azimuth of forty-nine degrees, zero three minutes and seventeen seconds a distance of 2800.08 feet, or 853.46438 metres, more or less, following the south side of parcel 849273, on L.R.I.S. maps 15 W 44 and 15 W 55, to the southeast corner of the aforementioned parcel, the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,571,170 by North 901,040; thence southerly on an azimuth of one hundred and eight degrees, twenty-six minutes and zero six seconds, a distance of 474.34 feet, or 144.57883 metres, more or less, to the southeast corner of parcel 848804, now or previously owned by Marc Arsenault, said the point having Co-ordinate value East 1,571,620 by North 900,890; thence northwesterly on an azimuth of three hundred and forty-one degrees, forty-three minutes and zero seven seconds, a distance of 2359.07 feet, or 719.04453 metres, more or less, along the eastern boundary of parcel 848804 to the northeastern corner of the aforementioned lot, located on the south side of Chemin Trois-Ruisseaux, the said point having a Co-ordinate value East 1,570,880 by North 903,130; thence easterly on an azimuth of ninety degrees, zero zero minutes and zero zero seconds, a distance of 220 feet, or 67.056 metres, more or less, along the south boundary of Chemin Trois-Ruisseaux, being Route 950, to a point being the intersection of the prolongation southerly of the west line of parcel 1056902 on L.R.I.S. property map 15 W 15 and now or previously owned by Adrice J. Arsenault Ltd., the said point having Co-ordinate value East 1,571,100 by North 903,130; thence north westerly on an azimuth of three hundred and forty-one degrees, zero six minutes and twelve seconds, a distance of 3149.73 feet, or 960.0377 metres, more or less, following the west boundary of parcel 1056092, on L.R.I.S. maps 15 W 55 and 15 W 56, to a point having Co-ordinate value East 1,570,080 by North 906,110; thence easterly on an azimuth of seventy degrees, fifty minutes and zero four seconds, a distance of 5,208.69 feet, or 1587.6087 metres, traversing parcels 1056902, 843888, 1096106, 1096221, following the northern boundaries of parcels 842203, 661918, 1056803, 842815 and 842468 on an L.R.I.S. property map having Co-ordinate value East 1,575,000 by North 907,820; thence northerly and westerly following the shore of Northumberland Strait at high water to the place of beginning, having Co-ordinate value of East 1,548,930 by North 908,630.