2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Nursing Homes Act;(Loi)
“activation and rehabilitation program” means activities provided to residents depending on their individual needs and limitations, and includes arts and crafts, therapeutic recreation and exercise, self-care activities, reality orientation, remotivation and socialization activities and other therapies;(programme de réactivation et de réhabilitation)
“care” means a service provided to residents who require assistance with the activities of daily living on a continuing twenty-four hour basis, with some medical and professional nursing attention and supervision;(soins)
“care plan” means a plan that establishes care objectives and prescribes an integrated program of actions to meet the medical, nursing, dietary, activation and rehabilitation program, psycho-social and spiritual needs of a resident;(plan de soins)
“care staff” includes registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and any other persons engaged in providing care to residents but excludes dietary, laundry and maintenance staff and staff who provide an activation and rehabilitation program;(personnel de soins)
“controlled dosage system” means a unit dosage system which allows for the control and distribution of prescription and non-prescription drugs on an individual basis;(système de dosage contrôle)
“licensed practical nurse” means a licensed practical nurse registered under the Licensed Practical Nurses Act who is an active member of the Association of New Brunswick Licensed Practical Nurses;(infirmière ou infirmier auxiliaire autorisé)
“notifiable disease” means notifiable disease as defined in the Public Health Act;(maladie à déclaration obligatoire)
“nursing care assessment” means an evaluation, in accordance with standards approved by the Minister, of the care required to meet the needs of a prospective resident after eligibility for admission has been established;(évaluation des soins infirmiers)
“nurse practitioner” means a registered nurse who is the holder of a current certificate of registration for practice as a nurse practitioner under the Nurses Act;(infirmière)
“participating pharmacy” means a pharmacy operated by a pharmacist who is a participating provider under the Prescription Drug Payment Act;(pharmacie participante)
“pharmacist” means a person holding a valid pharmacist’s licence under the Pharmacy Act;(pharmacien)(pharmacien)
“physician” means a person duly registered under the laws of the Province as authorized to practice medicine in the Province;(médecin)
“registered nurse” means the holder of a current certificate of registration under the Nurses Act;(infirmière ou infirmier immatriculé)
“registered nurse” Repealed: 2022-13
“registered nursing assistant” Repealed: 2022-13
91-55; 2002-58; 2009-74; 2017, c.42, s.90; 2022-13; 2021-86