2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Natural Products Grades Act;(loi)
“apples” means apples of any variety;(pommes)
“Class II preservative” means
(agent de conservation de catégorie II)
benzoic acid including salts thereof,
methyl - p - hydroxybenzoate and propyl - p - hydroxybenzoate including salts thereof, and
sulphurous acid including salts thereof;
“consumer” means a person who buys sweet apple cider or sweet apple cider from concentrate for use by himself or his household and not for resale;(consommateur)
“Department” means the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries; (ministère)
“Director” means the Director, Market Organization and Inspection Branch of the Department;(directeur)
“lot” means that quantity of sweet apple cider or sweet apple cider from concentrate that for any reason is considered separately from other quantities of the above products for the purposes of an inspection;(lot)
“marketer” means a person who markets sweet apple cider or sweet apple cider from concentrate to a retail store, hotel, restaurant or any establishment engaged in serving meals; or anyone engaged in marketing by way of a roadside stand, U-pick orchard, farmer’s market or door-to-door sales, and who purchases such cider either within or from outside New Brunswick, but does not include a retailer;(agent de commercialisation)
“marketing” means buying, selling or offering for sale and includes packaging, packing, storing, shipping and transporting in any manner by any person and “markets” and “marketed” have corresponding meanings;(commercialisation)
“retailer” means a person who markets sweet apple cider or sweet apple cider from concentrate through a retail store but does not include a person who sells such products directly to a consumer from a roadside stand, U-pick orchard, farmer’s market or door-to-door sales;(détaillant)
“sweet apple cider” means the unfermented liquid obtained from the first pressing of properly prepared sound, clean, mature, fresh apples or apple parts;(cidre doux)
“sweet apple cider from concentrate” means the product prepared by the addition of water to concentrated sweet apple cider.(cidre doux reconstitué)
2000, c.26, s.221; 2007, c.10, s.64; 2010, c.31, s.93