Acts and Regulations

84-168 - Local Service Districts

Full text
Document at 1 July 2017
under the
Municipalities Act
(O.C. 84-582)
Filed July 16, 1984
Under sections 23.1, 24 and 25 of the Municipalities Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the Local Service Districts Regulation - Municipalities Act.
2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Municipalities Act.(loi)
3(1)A meeting to establish an area as a local service district under section 24 of the Act, notwithstanding that that area may be included in an area or areas already established as a local service district, shall be called by publication or prominent posting, or both, of Form 1 in the area concerned.
3(2)A meeting
(a) for the addition of an area contiguous to a local service district,
(b) for the annexation of an area contiguous to a local service district,
(c) for the amalgamation of two or more local service districts, or
(d) for a change in the boundaries of a local service district
shall be called by publication or prominent posting, or both, of Form 2 in the area concerned.
4A meeting to provide additional services or to discontinue any service in a local service district under section 25 of the Act shall be called by publication or prominent posting, or both, of Form 3 in the area concerned.
5(1)A meeting to elect an Advisory Committee to the Minister with respect to an area established as a local service district shall be called by publication or prominent posting, or both, of Form 4 in the area concerned.
5(2)The election of a member of an Advisory Committee to the Minister shall be by secret ballot.
97-25; 1998, c.41, s.81
5.1A meeting to authorize the operation of retail businesses on the weekly day of rest in a local service district under section 27.7 of the Act shall be called by publication or prominent posting, or both, of Form 5 in the area concerned.
6In Albert County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Alma, excluding the Village of Alma, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(b) the parish of Coverdale, excluding the Town of Riverview, for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services;
(c) the parish of Elgin, excluding the local service district of Elgin, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(d) that area of Albert County known as Elgin described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sports facilities:
Beginning at the northwest angle of 400 acre grant to John Gildart Jr. in Block 4; thence following the westerly boundary of said grant until it reaches the northerly boundary of Lot No. 20 granted to Acalus L Palmer; thence westerly and southerly following the northerly and westerly boundaries of said Lot No. 20 granted to Acalus L. Palmer, until it reaches the northwesterly angle of Lot No. 23 granted to William Colpitts; thence easterly following the northerly boundaries of Lot No. 23 granted to William Colpitts, Lot No. 24 granted to William Colpitts and Lot No. 25 granted to Robert Horsman until the northwesterly angle of the Lewis Gildart grant is reached; thence southerly following the westerly boundary of the Lewis Gildart grant to its southwesterly angle; thence easterly following the southerly boundary of the Lewis Gildart grant to its southeasterly angle; thence continuing on a prolonged course easterly crossing Lot. No. 28, granted to S. Gildart, until the westerly boundary of the George Killam grant is reached; thence northerly, following the easterly boundary of Lot No. 28, granted to S. Gildart, until it reaches the northeasterly angle of said Lot No. 28 granted to S. Gildart; thence easterly following the prolonged course of the northerly boundary of Lot. No. 28, granted to S. Gildart, until the southwesterly angle of Lot No. 9 granted to P. Constantine is reached; thence northerly following the westerly boundary of Lot No. 9 granted to P. Constantine, until the northwesterly angle of said Lot No. 9 granted to P. Constantine is reached; thence continuing northerly on a prolonged course until the northerly boundary of Lot No. 27 granted to S. Horsman is reached; thence westerly following the southerly boundary of Lot No. 2 granted to M. Gowland to the point of beginning;
(e) the parish of Harvey for fire protection, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services;
(f) the parish of Hillsborough, excluding the Village of Hillsborough, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services; and
(g) the parish of Hopewell, excluding the Village of Riverside-Albert, for fire protection, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services.
92-5; 2011-62
7In Carleton County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Aberdeen, excluding the local service district of Glassville, for fire protection and community services;
(b) that area of Carleton County known as Benton described as follows for fire protection, community planning, street lighting and community services:
Beginning in Springfield Settlement and in the Parish of Woodstock, Carleton County, at the northeast corner of Lot No. 16 granted to Jos. Watson where it strikes the south side of the Benton or Ridge road; thence southerly along the east line of Lot No. 16 to the Lewin Road, crossing the Lewin Road and following a reserved road, the same being the easterly side lines of Lot No. 45 granted to James Robinson and Lot No. 65 granted to William McKinley, to the southeast corner thereof at another reserved road, then westerly along this reserved road, same being the south line of Lots Nos. 65 and 66 to Eel River; thence southerly down Eel River crossing over to York County or the west side to a reserved road, same being the south line of Lot No. 88 granted to James Murchie; following this reserved road and a line surveyed by Davidson in 1857 to the southeast corner of Lot No. 121, Block Z, granted to Thomas Howey then westerly along the south line of Lot No. 121 to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly at right angles following the west lines of Lots Nos. 121, 120 and 119 to the southeast corner of Lot. No. 122 granted to William Dougal; thence westerly along the south line of Lot No. 122 to the southwest corner thereof; thence at right angles northerly following the west line of Lot No. 122 to the northwest corner where it strikes Eel River which forms the boundary line between York and Carleton Counties; from this point crossing Eel River and in a northeasterly direction in a straight line crossing land not granted by the Crown to the southwest corner of a 108 acre grant to one George Sproule, thence following the west grant line of the George Sproule lot northerly to the northwest corner thereof; thence at right angles easterly along the north lines of the George Sproule lot and Lot H granted to Joel Reading and continuing in a straight line along the north line of a grant to one John Hetherington to the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the John Hetherington east line until it strikes the north line of a grant to John McSorley; then at right angles easterly to the northeast corner thereof; thence at right angles southerly along the east lines of the J. McSorley grant and Lot D granted to H. and J. Moxon to the southeast corner where it strikes the Benton or Ridge Road; thence westerly along the Benton or Ridge Road to the place of beginning;
(c) the parish of Brighton, excluding the Town of Hartland and the local service district of Coldstream for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(d) that area of Carleton County known as the local service district of Coldstream, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning on the north bank of the Becaguimec River at the centre of Lot No. 5 granted to George J. Dibblee; thence in a northwesterly direction following the centre line of the said grant to a reserved road at the rear of Lot No. 5; thence following the reserved road in a northeasterly direction to the eastern sideline of Lot No. 6 granted to H. Estabrooks; thence in a southeasterly direction following the western sideline of Lot No. 105 granted to J. Ellis to the southwest corner thereof; thence in an easterly direction following the south line of Lot No. 105 and its prolongation to the east line of Lot No. 9 granted to Samuel Dickinson Jr.; thence in a southerly direction following the east line of Lot No. 9 to the north bank of the Becaguimec River; thence crossing the said river and in a direct line to a point on the east line of Lot No. 8 granted to James Belyea which point is 46 rods south of the Becaguimec River measured along the grant line; thence in a southeasterly direction along the east line of Lot No. 9 to a small brook; thence following the said brook upstream to the east line of Lot No. 7 granted to David H. Estabrooks; thence in a northwesterly direction along the east line of Lot No. 7 to a point two hundred (200) rods (1005.840 metres) from the Ashland Road measured along the grant line; thence at right angles across Lot No. 7 to the west line thereof; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western line of Lot No. 7 to the Becaguimec River; thence in a southwesterly direction down the Becaguimec River to the place of beginning;
(e) that area of Carleton County known as the Debec Consolidated School District in the parishes of Richmond and Woodstock, excluding school district No. 23A in the parish of Woodstock, for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services; and for the additional service of street lighting provided in that portion of the area described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot No. 5 granted to James Kirkpatrick, Jr. in the third tier; thence running southerly along the dividing line between the third and fourth tiers to the north line of Lot E granted to Samuel Tibbits, Sr. in the fourth tier; thence running westerly along the north line of Lot E a distance of 10 chains (201.168 metres); thence at right angles in a southerly direction parallel to the base line between the third and fourth tiers a distance of 28 chains (563.2704 metres); thence at right angles in an easterly direction parallel to the north line of Lot D granted to Robert Henderson in the fourth tier to the western side of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company right-of-way in the third tier; thence northerly following the western side of the aforesaid right-of-way to the south line of Lot No. 6 granted to Jas. Kirkpatrick in the third tier; thence easterly along the south line of said Lot 6 to a point 30 chains (603.504 metres) east of the base line between the third and fourth tiers; thence in a northerly direction parallel to the base line between the third and fourth tiers to the north line of Lot No. 5 granted to James Kirkpatrick, Jr. in the third tier; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of Lot No. 5 a distance of 30 chains (603.504 metres) to the place of beginning;
(f) that area of Carleton County known as Glassville described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at an iron post standing at the northern limits of Highway 107, which iron post is the southwest corner of land used as a ball park; thence north diagonally to the said road 1180 ft. (359.664 metres) more or less to the south line of Lot 35 granted to A. Scott Jr.; thence east following the south line of the said grant to a point, this point is 500 ft. (152.40 metres) from the west side of the road leading to Kenneth; thence north parallel to the said road 440 ft. (134.112 metres) to a point; thence east 500 ft. (152.40 metres) crossing the Kenneth Road to the northwest corner of property owned or previously owned by Donald Black; thence east following the north side line of the said Black property and the prolongation thereof some 1300 ft. (396.24 metres) to a point; thence at right angles south 600 ft. (182.88 metres) crossing Highway 107 leading to Juniper to the northeast corner of the property owned or previously owned by the Anglican Church; thence continuing south following the said Church property line and the prolongation thereof 1600 ft. (487.68 metres) to a point; thence west 500 ft. (152.40 metres) to the southeast corner of the property owned or previously owned by Charlotte Guerrier and following the south side line of the said Guerrier property to the centre Glassville Road so called; thence crossing the said road and continuing west 2000 ft. (1609.60 metres) to a point; thence 640 ft. (195.072 metres) north to the place of beginning;
(g) the parish of Kent, excluding that part of the town of Florenceville-Bristol located therein, the Village of Bath and the local service district of Upper Kent, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue and community services;
(h) the parish of Northampton, excluding the local service district of Upper and Lower Northampton, for fire protection, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(i) the parish of Peel, excluding that part of the town of Florenceville-Bristol located therein, for fire protection and community services;
(j) the parish of Richmond, excluding that part of the local service district of Debec located therein, for fire protection, recreational facilities and community services;
(k) the parish of Simonds, excluding that part of the town of Florenceville-Bristol located therein, for fire protection and community services;
(l) that area of Carleton County known as Somerville in the parish of Wakefield, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and community services:
Beginning where the west bank of the St. John River intersects the southern limit of the Trans-Canada Highway right-of-way; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southern limits of the Trans-Canada Highway to the south line of land owned by Malcolm Barrett in 1971; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of the said Barrett property to a point five hundred feet (152.40 metres) west of the western limits of Highway No. 103 running from Victoria to Simonds; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Highway No. 103 and 500′ (152.40 metres) west thereof to a point 500′ (152.40 metres) north of the northern limits of highway running along the north line of Lot No. 32 granted to James Foster; thence in a westerly direction parallel to the highway and 500′ (152.40 metres) north thereof to the eastern limits of the property owned or previously owned by the Central Carleton Consolidated School; thence in northerly and westerly directions following the property line of the said school property to the southeast limits of the Trans-Canada Highway; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeast limits of the Trans-Canada Highway to the highway running along the north line of Lot No. 32; thence in a southerly direction at right angles to the north line of Lot No. 32 to a point 500′ (152.40 metres) south of the south limits of the highway running along the north line of Lot No. 32; thence in an easterly direction parallel to the aforesaid highway and 500′ (152.40 metres) south thereof to a point 500′ (152.40 metres) west of Highway No. 103; thence in a southerly direction parallel to Highway No. 103 and 500′ (152.40 metres) west thereof to the south line of Lot No. 31 granted to Bennin Foster; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of Lot No. 31 to the western line of a small parcel of land in Lot No. 30 owned or previously owned by the Primitive Baptist Church; thence in southerly and easterly directions following the property lines of the said Primitive Baptist Church to the west bank of the St. John River; thence in a northerly direction along the west bank of the St. John River to the place of beginning;
(m) that area of Carleton County known as Upper Kent described as follows for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, community planning, street lighting, community services and recreational facilities:
Beginning at the intersection of the north side line of Lot No. 26 granted to Lieutenant James McLaughlan and presently owned by Harry and Hazen Ebbet (1968), and the acquisition line for the Beechwood Hydro Development; thence easterly along the north side line of Lot No. 26 to the westerly limits of the Trans-Canada Highway right-of-way; thence southerly along the westerly limits of the Trans-Canada Highway right-of-way, to the north side line of Lot “A” granted to James Johnston and presently owned by Grace Boyce (1968); thence westerly along the north side line of Lot “A” to the western limits of the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way; thence southerly along the western limits of the Canadian Pacific Railway right-of-way a distance of 5,200 feet (1609.344 metres), more or less; thence westerly along the south side line of Coleman Grant (1968) lot to the Beechwood Hydro Development acquisition line; thence following the before mentioned acquisition line and its various courses northerly to the place of beginning;
(n) the parish of Wakefield, excluding the local service district of Somerville and that part of the local service district of Lakeville located therein, for fire protection and community services;
and for the additional service of recreational facilities in that portion of the parish known as Wakefield Inside and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield meets the western banks or shores of the Little Presque Isle Stream; thence southeasterly along the various courses of the said western banks or shores to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10048031; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10053700; thence southwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #10048882; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the western right-of-way of the Trans-Canada Highway; thence southwesterly along the said western right-of-way to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #10051126; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot, crossing the Trans-Canada Highway, to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #10051126 to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10047314; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Rosedale Road, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10049179; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10051324; thence southwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10055952; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10054849, said corner being also on the western banks or shores of an unnamed brook; thence southeasterly along the various courses of the said western banks or shores to a point on the southern right-of-way of a Crown Reserved Road; thence northeasterly along the said southern right-of-way, crossing Route 103, to a point on the western banks or shores of the Saint John River; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said western banks or shores to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Woodstock and Wakefield; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Richmond and Wakefield, said point being also in the Meduxenkeag River; thence northwesterly along the various courses of the said parish line to a point on the international boundary between United States and Canada; thence northerly along the said international boundary to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield; thence northeasterly along the said parish line, crossing Route 550, to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #10048502; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary, crossing the Canadian National Railway, and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #10046894; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the eastern right-of-way of Route 560; thence northwesterly along the said eastern right-of-way to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield; thence northeasterly along the said parish line to the place of beginning;
(o) the parish of Wicklow for fire protection and community services;
(p) the parish of Wilmot, excluding Village of Centreville and that part of the local service district of Lakeville located therein, for fire protection and community services; and
(q) the parish of Woodstock, excluding the town of Woodstock, that part of the Village of Meductic located in the parish and that part of the local service districts of Benton and Debec located in the parish, that is shown on the attached Schedule 7(q), for fire protection, recreational facilities and community services.
85-103; 87-104; 89-96; 91-15; 95-151; 96-76; 2010-145; 2011-6; 2014-22; 2015-56
7.1In Carleton County, a local service district is established as follows:
(a) that area of Carleton County known as Lakeville in the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield meets the western right-of-way of Route 560; thence in a southerly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot 19, granted to John Gallivan; thence in a westerly direction to the southernmost corner of the said Lot 19; thence in a northerly direction to the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield; thence in a westerly direction along the said parish line to the western boundary of the lot granted to Patrick Gallivan; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of the said Patrick Gallivan lot; thence in an easterly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot 28, granted to Jos. Anderson; thence in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of the lot granted to The Honourable Samuel D. Street and its prolongation to the westernmost corner of the said The Honourable Samuel D. Street lot; thence in an easterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lots 23 and 24, granted to Charles Connell; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot 22E, granted to Robert Harper; thence in a westerly direction to the banks or shores of Williamstown Lake; thence in a northerly and westerly direction along the banks or shores of the said Williamstown Lake to the southeast corner of Lot D, granted to Mary Bridges; thence in a westerly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot 10, granted to Charles Perley; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot 9, granted to Jas. A. Crandlemere; thence in an easterly direction to the southeast corner of Lot 8, granted to William Tomkins; thence in a northerly direction to the northernmost corner of the said William Tomkins lot; thence in an easterly direction along the prolongation of the northern boundary of the said William Tomkins lot to the westernmost corner of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, all granted to Matthew Corbett; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundaries of the said Matthew Corbett lots, Lots 5W and 6W, granted to A. Jamison, Lot C, granted to W. and A. Jamieson, and the ungranted lot to the northernmost corner of the said ungranted lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northern boundary of Lot 12, granted to George L. Ketch; thence in a westerly direction to the westernmost corner of the said George L. Ketch lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northern boundary of Lot 13, granted to A. B. Deforest; thence in a westerly direction to the westernmost corner of the said A. B. Deforest lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northern boundary of Lot 17, granted to Jane Curran; thence in an easterly direction to the northernmost corner of the said Jane Curran lot; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the said Jane Curran lot and its prolongation to the northernmost corner of the ungranted lot; thence in a southerly direction to the northern boundary of Lot 26, granted to John Brown; thence in a southerly direction along the prolongation of the eastern boundary of Lot 25, granted to John Campbell, to the parish line between the parishes of Wilmot and Wakefield; thence in a westerly direction to the place of beginning; and
(b) that area of Carleton County known as Upper and Lower Northampton in the parish of Northampton and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, community services and recreational facilities:
Beginning at a point where the Carleton-York county line meets the northern banks or shores of the Saint John River; thence northwesterly following the banks or shores of the Saint John River to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 59 granted to Thomas Stanley; thence easterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 59; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 19 granted to T. Woolverton; thence westerly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 18 granted to Jacob Tompkins; thence southwesterly to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 17 granted to Jacob Tompkins; thence southeasterly to where the northeastern corner of the upper half line of Lot No. 28 meets the Carleton-York county line; thence southwesterly to the place of beginning.
85-103; 87-104; 87-161; 96-102
8In Charlotte County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) that area of Charlotte County known as Beaver Harbour in the Parish of Pennfield described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the western bank or shore of Beaver Harbour where the eastern prolongation of the northern boundary of Lot No. 319 granted by the Crown to Justus Seely meets the same; thence in a westerly direction following said prolongation and said northern boundary and its prolongation westerly to a point where it meets the eastern boundary of Lot No. 3 granted by the Crown to Samuel Bucknam, Jr.; thence in a southerly and westerly direction following the easterly and southerly bounds of said Lot No. 3 to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot No. 2 granted to Widow M. Fitzgerald; thence in a southerly direction following said eastern boundary to the southeast angle of same; thence in a westerly direction following the southern boundary of said lot to a point where the northern prolongation of the western boundaries of town plot Lot nos. 34 and 35 meets the same; thence in a southerly direction following said northerly prolongation and said boundaries of Lot Nos. 34 and 35 to the southwest angle of Lot No. 35; thence in an easterly direction following the southern boundaries of Lot Nos. 35, 32, 19 and 16 to the southeast angle of Lot No. 16; thence in a southern direction following the eastern boundaries of Lot Nos. 15 and 14 to a point where western prolongation of the southern boundary of Lot No. 6 meets the same; thence in an easterly direction following the prolongation and said southern boundary to the bank or shore of Beaver Harbour; thence in a northerly direction following the various courses of said bank or shore to the place of beginning;
(b) Repealed: 2010-139
(c) Repealed: 95-38
(d) the parish of Clarendon for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(e) the parish of Dufferin for fire protection and community services;
(f) the parish of Dumbarton for fire protection and community services;
(g) that area of Charlotte County known as the local service district of Fundy Bay, comprising of the settlements of Back Bay, L’Etete, L’Etang, Mascarene and Caithness in the parish of St. George, and described as follows for fire protection, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the southern bank or shore of the Magaguadavic River where the western boundary line of Lot. No. 55 granted to Donald McDougald meets the same; thence southeasterly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 55 to its southwestern angle; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 55, Lot No. 56, and 57 granted to Donald McDougald, Lot No. 58 granted to John Walsh, Lot No. 59, 60 and 61 granted to Donald McDougald, Lot No. 63 and 64 granted to Jos. Frost, Lot No. 65 granted to Wm Dow, to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 66; thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 66 and its prolongation in a straight line to meet the southern limits of New Brunswick Highway No. 1; thence easterly following the southern limits of said Highway No. 1 to meet the western bank or shore of the Letang River; thence southerly, westerly, northerly and easterly following the bank or shore of Letang River, Letang Harbour, Back Bay and the coast line to the mouth of Magaguadavic River; thence easterly following the southern bank or shore of Magaguadavic River upstream to the place of beginning;
(h) the parish of Lepreau for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(i) the parish of Pennfield, excluding the village of Blacks Harbour and that part of the parish included in the local service district of Beaver Harbour, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(j) that area of Charlotte County known as Chamcook in the parish of Saint Andrews and described as follows for fire protection:
Beginning at a point where the parish line between the parishes of Saint Andrews and Saint Croix meets the eastern banks or shores of the St. Croix River; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Saint Patrick and Saint Andrews; thence southeasterly along the various courses of the said parish line to a point on the western banks or shores of the Passamaquoddy Bay; thence southeasterly along the various courses of the said western banks or shores to a point on the northern boundary of the Town of Saint Andrews; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said northern boundary to a point on the eastern banks or shores of the St. Croix River; thence northwesterly along the various courses of the said eastern banks or shores to the place of beginning, including Ministers Island;
(k) the parish of Saint Croix, excluding the local service district of Bayside, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(l) the parish of Saint David for fire protection, non-fire related rescue and community services;
(m) the parish of Saint George excluding Town of St. George and the local service district of Fundy Bay, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services and for the additional service of community services in that portion of the parish known as Bonny River-Second Falls and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the western banks or shores of the Magaguadavic River meet the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #15054901, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21G/02-U4, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N513175, E911440; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 190.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #15040538, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N513030, E910850; thence continuing southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1315.0 metres to its southwestern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N511980, E906640; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 680.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #1242205, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N514150, E906100; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 560.0 metres to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #15035785, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N513690, E904330; thence northwesterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 60.0 metres to its northeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N512880, E904300; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 2500.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #1241405, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N511830, E896400; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 90.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #1241769, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N511520, E896450; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary a distance of approximately 520.0 metres to a point on the parish line between the parishes of St. George and St. Patrick, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N511250, E894780; thence northwesterly along the said parish line a distance of approximately 26,930.0 metres to a point on the southern banks or shores of the Magaguadavic River, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N599060, E890020; thence southeasterly along the said banks or shores downstream to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #1244243, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N540130, E913680; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 3420.0 metres to its northeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N542560, E924670; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot, crossing Red Rock Road, a distance of approximately 900.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #1238484, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N540670, E922420, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21G/02-Y3; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 3310.0 metres to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #15049778, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N530150, E925060; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary a distance of approximately 870.0 metres to a point on the eastern banks or shores of Lake Utopia, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N529430, E922310; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the banks or shores of the said Lake Utopia to a point on the northern banks or shores of the canal between Lake Utopia and the Magaguadavic River; thence westerly along the said northern banks or shores to meet the eastern banks or shores of the Magaguadavic River; thence northwesterly along the said eastern banks or shores to a point on the northeasterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #15054901; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation, crossing the said river, to the place of beginning;
(n) the parish of Saint James, excluding that portion of the local service district of Western Charlotte contained in the parish, for fire protection and community services;
(o) the parish of Saint Patrick for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(p) the parish of Saint Stephen, excluding The Town of St. Stephen, the local service district of Dennis-Weston and that portion of the local service district of Western Charlotte contained in the parish, for fire protection and community services;
(q) the parish of West Isles for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services and recreational facilities; and
(r) Repealed: 95-38
(s) that area of the parish of Grand Manan known as White Head Island, and comprising all the land area of the said island, for fire protection.
85-103; 86-8; 86-132; 87-42; 88-227; 88-228; 91-109; 95-38; 97-94; 98-46; 2008-157; 2010-139; 2013-60
8.1In Charlotte County, a local service district is established as follows:
(a) that area of Charlotte County known as Bayside in the parish of Saint Croix described as follows for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the parish line between the parishes of Saint Croix and Saint Patrick meets the southern right-of-way of Route 1; thence in a southerly direction following the said parish line to the parish line between the parishes of Saint Andrews and Saint Croix; thence in a westerly and southerly direction along the said parish line to the banks or shore of the St. Croix River; thence in a northerly direction along the said banks or shore to the southern right-of-way of Route 1; thence in an easterly direction to the place of beginning;
(b) that area of Charlotte County known as Dennis-Weston in the parish of Saint Stephen and described as follows for fire protection and community services:
Beginning at the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #01260538, said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Hanson Road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said right-of-way to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01258912; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot, said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of a crown reserved road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said right-of-way to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #01258383, said corner being also a point on the Saint Stephen - Saint James parish line; thence in a northeasterly direction along the said parish line to a point on the Saint Stephen - Saint David parish line; thence in a southerly direction following the said parish line to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #15157902; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said boundary and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01206051 to a point on the Saint Stephen - Dufferin parish line; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said parish line to the western banks or shores of Dennis Stream; thence in a northerly direction along the said banks or shores to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01304278, said corner being also a point on the northern right-of-way of Prince William Street; thence in an easterly direction along the said right-of-way to the southeastern corner of the southern portion of the lot with NB PID #01258144; thence in a northwesterly and northeasterly direction along the eastern boundary of the said portion to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #01257948, said corner being also a point on the southwestern boundary of the northern portion of the lot with NB PID #01258144; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said portion; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southeastern boundary of the said portion to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #01261197; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner, said corner being also a point on the southeastern boundary of the northern portion of the lot with NB PID #01258144; thence in a northeasterly direction along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01307347 to the northern corner of the said lot; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the southern banks or shores of Dennis Stream; thence in a westerly and northerly direction along the southern and western banks or shores of the said stream to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with PID #01344373; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said boundary and its northwesterly prolongation to a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Route 1; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said right-of-way to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01261437; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #15017171; thence in a northeasterly direction along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01259803; thence in a northwesterly and northeasterly direction along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence in a westerly direction along a straight line to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01259282; thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, said corner being also the northeastern corner of the northern portion of the lot with NB PID #01301340, and also being a point on the southeastern right-of-way of the new Route 1; thence in a northwesterly direction along a straight line, crossing the right-of-way of the new Route 1, to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #15068018; thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the said lot and the northern boundary of the lots with NB PID #15067135, NB PID #01296185 and NB PID #15034002 to the northwestern corner of the said lot, said corner being also a point on the eastern right-of-way of Route 740; thence in a southerly direction along the said right-of-way to a point on the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01296334; thence in a westerly direction along the said prolongation, the said boundary and the northern boundary of the lots with NB PID #01296532 and NB PID #15022106 to the northernmost corner of the said lot; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the place of beginning; and
(c) that area of Charlotte County known as Western Charlotte in the parishes of Saint James and Saint Stephen and described as follows for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the prolongation of the Saint Stephen - Saint James parish line meets the International border in the St. Croix River at Woodland Lake; thence northerly following the International border to the centre of the Canoose River; thence easterly following the centre of the Canoose River to the mouth of Green Brown Brook; thence generally southerly following the centre of Green Brown Brook to the point where it meets the prolongation of the rear base line of lots fronting on Basswood Ridge; thence generally southeasterly following the said rear base line and its prolongation to the southernmost angle of Lot No. 27 granted to Thomas Grimmer Sr.; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern angle; thence southeasterly following the southwestern boundary of Lot Nos. 26 through 17 to the Saint Stephen - Saint James parish line; thence southwesterly following the said parish line to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 36 granted to Robert Watson; thence southeasterly following the southwestern boundary of Lot Nos. 36 through 29 to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 29 granted to James Fraser; thence northwesterly following the southeasterly boundary of Lot No. 29 to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 98 granted to Henry B. Brown; thence southeasterly following the southwestern boundary of Lot Nos. 98 through 64 to the boundary of The Town of St. Stephen; thence following the said boundary of The Town of St. Stephen generally southwesterly to its intersection with the southwestern angle of Lot No. 3 granted to Robert Cowey; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundaries of Lot Nos. 3 through 8 to the point of intersection with the southeastern boundary of Lot No. 157 granted to Little John; thence southwesterly following the said southeastern boundary of Lot No. 157 and its prolongation to the centre of Mohannes Stream; thence generally northeasterly following the centre of Mohannes Stream to the intersection of the northeastern prolongation of the southeastern boundary of Lot No. 149 granted to Gallam Taylor; thence southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundaries of Lot Nos. 149, 150 and 204 to the Saint Stephen - Saint James parish line; thence southwesterly to the place of beginning.
85-103; 88-227; 88-228; 2007-8
9In Gloucester County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) that area of Gloucester County known as Allardville, excluding the local service district of Saint-Sauveur, described as follows for fire protection, community services and street lighting: 
Beginning at the point where the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20548954 meets the eastern right-of-way of Route 134; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and continuing along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20463576 to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20463576 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20312153; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20312153 to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20463568; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20463568 to its southeastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the parish line between the parishes of Allardville and Bathurst; thence northeasterly along the said parish line to a point, the said point being determined by the prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20296570, the said boundary being also the eastern right-of-way of a Crown reserve road; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20296570; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of the Crown reserve road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20305009, the said corner being also on the northern right-of-way of Route 160; thence southeasterly in a straight line, crossing Route 160, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20299947; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot, the said boundary being also the eastern right-of-way of a Crown reserve road, and its prolongation to a point on the county line between the counties of Gloucester and Northumberland; thence southwesterly along the said county line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Allardville and Bathurst, the said point being also on the Canadian National Railway; thence northerly along the said parish line, crossing Route 360, to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Allardville and Bathurst; thence northeasterly along the said parish line to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20313680; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20323226; thence northeasterly along the said southern boundary to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20313680; thence northeasterly along the said northern boundary, crossing Little Bass River, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20548798, the said point being also on the eastern right-of-way of Goodwin Mill Road; thence northwesterly along the eastern right-of-way of Goodwin Mill Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20548871; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of Route 134; thence northeasterly in a straight line, crossing Route 134, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20548954, being the place of beginning;
(b) Repealed: 99-54
(c) that area of Gloucester County known as Anse-Bleue in the parish of New Bandon described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the eastern boundary line of Lot letter “N” granted to F. Landry meets the bank or shore of the Bay of Chaleur; thence southeasterly following the eastern boundary line of said lot letter “N” to the southeast angle of said lot letter “N”; thence southwesterly following the southeastern boundary of said lot letter “N” and lots letter “M” south, Number 2, 3, 4, 2A, 5 & 6 to the northeast side of lot letter “J” granted to Fabien Pinnet; thence in a southwesterly direction following the rear line of granted lots letters “J”, “I”, “H”, “G”, “F”, “E”, “D”, “C”, the Victor Cormier lot, J. B. Albert lot, lot number 42, 41 granted to D. O’Neal, lots number 6, 7, 8, 9 and number 10 granted to Daniel Coughlan to the southwestern angle of said lot number 10; thence northwesterly following the southwestern boundary line of said lot number 10 to the bank or shore of the Bay of Chaleur; thence northeasterly following the bank or shore of the Bay of Chaleur to the place of beginning.
(d) that area of Gloucester County known as Baie du Petit Pokemouche in the parish of Shippegan described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services; 
Beginning at a point on the bank or shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence where the eastern boundary line of Lot No. 91 granted to Jesse Harding meets said bank or shore; thence northerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 91 to meet the southeastern boundary line of Lot No. 32 granted to John Power; thence northerly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 32 to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 32; thence crossing Lot No. 97 to Wm Lumsden in a straight line to the southeastern angle of Lot No. 76 not granted; thence northerly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 76 to meet the south eastern boundary line of Lot No. 75 granted to T. Cabot; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 75 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 75; thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 75 and its prolongation to meet the northwestern boundary line of a Lot granted to John B. Paquet; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot granted to John B. Paquet to meet the northwestern boundary line of Lot No. 85 granted to Julian Maillet; thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 85 and its prolongation crossing N. B. Highway No. 113 to the southeastern limits of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; thence southwesterly following the southeastern limits of said right-of-way to the northwestern prolongation of the southwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 85; thence southeasterly following said prolongation and the southwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 85 to meet the northwestern boundary line of Lot No. 89 granted to D. Robichau; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 89 to the northwestern angle of said Lot No. 89; thence southeasterly following the southwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 89 and its prolongation to meet the bank or shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thence northeasterly following the said bank or shore to the place of beginning;
(e) the parish of Bathurst, excluding the City of Bathurst, the local service districts of Big River and North Tetagouche, that portion of the local service districts of New Bandon-Salmon Beach and Dunlop located in the parish and that area known as Allardville Nord located in the parish, for fire protection, street lighting, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(f) the parish of Beresford, excluding the town of Beresford, that portion of Belledune contained in the parish, village of Nigadoo, village of Petit-Rocher, Village de Pointe-Verte, the local service districts of Laplante, Madran, Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux), Petit-Rocher-Sud, Robertville and Tremblay and that portion of the local service district of Dunlop contained in the parish, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Saint-Laurent Nord and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point where the southern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River meet the western boundary of the property owned or previously owned by John O’Connell being the lot with NB PID #20283669; thence in a northeasterly direction following the southern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River to the eastern boundary of the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission transmission line; thence in a northerly direction following the transmission line to the northern boundary of the property owned or previously owned by Raymond R. Arseneau being the lot with NB PID #20247441; thence in a westerly direction to the northwestern corner of the Raymond R. Arseneau property; thence in a southerly direction to the northeastern boundary of the property owned or previously owned by Sylvain Arseneau being the lot with NB PID #3501720; thence in a westerly direction to the northwestern corner of the property owned or previously owned by R. Doucet being the lot with NB PID #3501754; thence in a northerly direction to the southern boundary of the property owned or previously owned by Bendall Bursaries being the lot with NB PID #03688289; thence in a southwesterly direction to the northeastern corner of the property owned or previously owned by Allain G. Roy being the lot with NB PID #20241113; thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the Allain G. Roy property to the western banks or shores of the Nigadoo River; thence in a southerly and easterly direction following the said banks or shores to the northwestern corner of the property owned by Daniel Hache being the lot with NB PID #20237731; thence in a southerly direction following the western boundary of the said Daniel Hache property and the western boundary of the property owned or previously owned by Reginald Doucet being the lot with NB PID #20239125 to the southernmost corner of the Reginald Doucet property; thence in an easterly direction to the western boundary of the John O’Connell property; thence in a northerly direction to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Alcida and Dauversière and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the western boundary of Lot No. 26 granted to Thomas J. Roy meets the northern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River; thence in a northwesterly direction following the banks or shores of the Nigadoo River to the western boundary of Lot No. 55 granted to Réal Boudreau; thence in a northerly direction to the southern banks or shores of the South Branch Elmtree River; thence in a northeasterly direction following the banks or shores of the South Branch Elmtree River to the northern boundary of Lot No. 122 granted to Leon B. Boudreau and Joseph Côté; thence in an easterly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 122; thence in a southerly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 126 granted to A.J. Roy; thence in an easterly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 126; thence in a southerly direction to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 126; thence in a westerly direction to the eastern boundary of Lot No. 96 granted to Jos. J. M. Hachey; thence in a northerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 96; thence in a westerly direction to the northern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River; thence in a westerly direction along the banks or shores of the Nigadoo River to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Petit Rocher West and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point where the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway meets the southeastern corner of the property owned or previously owned by Placide Chiasson being the lot with NB PID #20274858; thence westerly to the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the property owned or previously owned by Alphonse J. Boudreau being the lot with NB PID #10527602; thence easterly to the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence southerly to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Sormany and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point where the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20579801 meets the southern banks or shores of the Millstream River; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20238234; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20255030; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20433066; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20254793; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20591848; thence southeasterly to the northern right-of-way of Sormany Road; thence southwesterly to meet the northern prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20258794; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20569760; thence southwesterly to the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20554093; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the eastern right-of-way of Lugar Road; thence northerly along the said right-of-way to the eastern prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20240362; thence southwesterly to the eastern right-of-way of the St. George Road; thence southwesterly to the eastern prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20238168; thence southwesterly to the eastern right-of-way of G. Boudreau Road; thence across the said road to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20581336; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20576278; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20587952; thence southeasterly to the northern right-of-way of Lincour Road; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20236881; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20440079; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20237046; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20236527; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20440087; thence northeasterly to the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20440103; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20241386; thence southeasterly to the southern banks or shores of the Millstream River; thence generally northeasterly to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Saint-Laurent and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point on the northern shore of Millstream River where it meets the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20241568; thence generally westerly following the northern shore of Millstream River to a point where the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20422374 meets the northern shore; thence northeasterly following the northern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20259792; thence northwesterly following the western boundary of the said lot and the rear base line of lots fronting on Route 322 to the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20239216; thence northeasterly following the northern boundary of the said lot and the southern right-of-way of Haut Nigadoo Road to the point where the said northern boundary again intersects the said southern right-of-way; thence crossing Haut Nigadoo Road at right angles to the northern right-of-way of the said road; thence northeasterly following the said northern right-of-way to a point where the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20277554 meets the said northern right-of-way; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lots with NB PID #20277554 and NB PID #20424909 to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20241014; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20256541; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation along the lot with NB PID #20239125 to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20533030; thence southeasterly following the eastern boundary of the said lot and the lot with NB PID #20255816 to the northern right-of-way of Haut Nigadoo Road; thence northeasterly following the said northern right-of-way and its prolongation crossing Saint-Laurent Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20255154; thence northeasterly following the northern boundary of the said lot to the rear base line of lots fronting on Saint-Laurent Road; thence southeasterly following the said rear base line and its prolongation crossing Route 322 and following the rear base line of lots fronting on Route 322 to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20239893; thence southwesterly following the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20239869; thence southeasterly following the base line of lots fronting on Route 322 to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20422523; thence southwesterly following the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20240800 to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly following the western boundary of the said lot and the lot with NB PID #20032108 to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Nicholas-Denys, Free Grant and Sainte-Rosette and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point where Meadow Brook meets Nigadoo River; thence generally southwesterly following the centre of Meadow Brook to the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20422440; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly following the eastern boundaries of the said lot and of the lot with NB PID #20422390 to the easternmost corner of the lot with NB PID #20422390; thence southwesterly along the northern boundaries of the lots with NB PID #20424909 and NB PID #20277554 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20277554; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the northern right-of-way of Haut-Nigadoo Road; thence southwesterly following the northern right-of-way of Haut-Nigadoo Road to a point being the point of a perpendicular crossing of Haut-Nigadoo Road from the westernmost corner of the lot with NB PID #20098901; thence southwesterly following the southern right-of-way of Haut-Nigadoo Road to the northern boundary of Lot No. 83 originally granted to Fabian Hache; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly following the western boundaries of Lot No. 83 through 74 to the southeastern corner of Lot Letter M originally granted to Jean B. Bertin; thence southwesterly following the southern boundaries of the said Lot Letter M and of Lot No. 29 originally granted to Francis F. Boudreau to the southwestern corner of the said Lot No. 29; thence southeasterly along the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 28 originally granted to Benoit Pitre to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 1 originally granted to Armand Doucet; thence southwesterly following the southern boundaries of Lot Nos. 1 through 22S ungranted; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said Lot No. 22S and its prolongation along the western boundary of Lot No. 22N to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundaries of Lot Nos. 25 through 22 to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 22; thence northwesterly following the eastern boundary of the said Lot No. 22 and its prolongation along the eastern boundary of Lot No. 29 originally granted to Marcia Roy to its northeastern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundaries of Lot Nos. 30W through 50 originally granted to Marcel J. Hachey to the centre of Nigadoo River; thence generally southeasterly to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Sainte-Thérèse Sud and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20257473 meets the Beresford-Bathurst parish line; thence southwesterly following the said parish line to the point where it meets the southeasterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20099602; thence northwesterly along the said southeasterly prolongation and the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation northwesterly to the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20407250; thence northeasterly following the said northern boundary and its prolongation and crossing Route 322 to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20256194; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Sainte-Louise and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the northern right-of-way of Sormany Road meets the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20591848; thence northerly along the said eastern boundary to the rear base line of lots fronting on Sormany Road; thence westerly along the said rear base line to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20254793; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the easternmost corner of the lot with NB PID #20238481; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20255030; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20238234; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing the Millstream River, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20433132; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20440111; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its intersection with the southern banks or shores of the Millstream River; thence easterly following the said southern banks or shores to the western right-of-way of Route 322; thence southerly following the said western right-of-way to its intersection with the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20256913; thence westerly following the said northern boundary to a point 304.80 metres (1000 feet) east of Sainte-Louise Road; thence southerly maintaining a distance of 304.80 metres (1000 feet) parallel to the said road and to South Sainte-Louise Road to the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20407250; thence easterly along the said northern boundary to its intersection with the northerly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20099644; thence southerly along the said prolongation and eastern boundary and its southerly prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20099602; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20280475; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said lot to a point 853.44 metres (2800 feet) west of the eastern right-of-way of Sainte-Louise Road; thence northerly along the southerly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20255113 and its northerly prolongation, crossing Lincour Road, to the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20241626; thence easterly along the said northern boundary to its intersection with the southerly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20238994; thence northerly along the said prolongation and western boundary to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20568663; thence easterly along the said westerly prolongation and southern boundary and the rear base line of lots fronting on the southern right-of-way of Sormany Road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20569760; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northern right-of-way of Sormany Road; thence easterly along the said northern right-of-way to the place of beginning;
and for the additional services of garbage and refuse collection and disposal and community services in that portion of the parish known as Nicholas-Denys, Free Grant, Sainte-Rosette and Sormany and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the southern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River meet the western banks or shores of Meadow Brook, as shown on LRIS Property Map 29P-E1; thence southerly following the said western banks or shores to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20422440, as shown on LRIS Property Map 29P-EO, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1447690, E1175880; thence northeasterly along the said northern boundary a distance of approximately 25.9 metres to the northeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1447725, E1175960; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 105.2 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20424909, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1447400, E1176085; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20424909 and the lot with NB PID #20277554 a distance of approximately 112.8 metres to the northwestern corner of the said lot with, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1447170, E1175780; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20277554 a distance of approximately 76.2 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20257820, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1446925, E1175875 and also being on the northern right-of-way of Haut Nigadoo Road; thence southwesterly along the said northern right-of-way a distance of approximately 237.7 metres to a point being on the intersection of the said northern right-of-way with a line drawn across and perpendicular to the said road from the westernmost corner of the lot with NB PID #20098901, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1446415, E1175275; thence southeasterly, crossing the said road, to the said westernmost corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1446350, E1175310 and also being on the southern right-of-way of the said road; thence southwesterly along the said southern right-of-way to meet the easternmost corner of the lot with NB PID #20422580, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Coordinates N1446035, E1174530; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 698.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20239216, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1445175, E1172410; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1360.9 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20238390, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1441035, E1173300; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing the Millstream River, to meet its southern banks or shores; thence following the said southern banks or shores upstream to meet the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20440111; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 730.0 metres to its northwestern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N438680, E355890; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 165.0 metres to its southwestern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N438540, E355950 and also being on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20433132; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary a distance of approximately 860.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20255352, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21P/12-Y1, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N438215, E355170; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing the Millstream River, a distance of approximately 1000.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20238234, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N437280, E355515; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 50.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20255030, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N437300, E355565; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 622.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20433066, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N436720, E355782; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1514.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20603791, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434580, E1171900; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 100.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434260, E1172020; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20590865 and its prolongation a distance of approximately 402.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20591848, as shown on LRIS Property Map 28P-E4, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434740, E1173250; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 106.1 metres to its southeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434420, E1173365 and also being on the northern right-of-way of the Sormany Road; thence southwesterly along the said northern right-of-way a distance of approximately 61.0 metres to a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20569760, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434340, E1173180; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 95.1 metres to its southeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1434060, E1173290; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 513.6 metres to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20554093, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1433460, E1171715; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 58.5 metres to its southeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1433280, E1171785; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1388.1 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20434825, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N436330, E355745 and also being on the eastern right-of-way of the Lugar Road; thence northwesterly along the said eastern right-of-way a distance of approximately 27.0 metres to a point on the northeasterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20240362, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N436360, E355735; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and the said southern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 2123.0 metres to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20238168, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N435640, E353738 and also being on the western right-of-way of St. George Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and the said western right-of-way a distance of approximately 291.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the said lot, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21P/12-X SE, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N435370, E353839; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1090.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20258612, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N435000, E352810 and also being on the eastern right-of-way of the G. Boudreau Road; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and the said eastern right-of-way a distance of approximately 18.0 metres to meet the northeasterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20238259; thence southwesterly along the said northeasterly prolongation a distance of approximately 530.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20531893, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N434840, E352305; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 843.0 metres to its southeastern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N434060, E352600; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 510.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20587952, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21P/12-U NE, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N433880, E352120; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 875.0 metres to meet the northern right-of-way of Lincour Road; thence southwesterly along the said northern right-of-way a distance of approximately 3262.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20236881, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N431945, E349350; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1643.0 metres, crossing Sormany Road, to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N433500, E348780; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to meet the northern right-of-way of Sormany Road and continuing northeasterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20579108, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N433650, E349040; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 2150.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20322343, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N435630, E348455; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 240.0 metres to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20435368, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N435720, E348670; thence northwesterly along the said southeasterly prolongation, crossing Massabielle Road, and continuing along the said western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 2950.0 metres to its northwestern corner, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21P/12-X, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N438490, E347670; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1575.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20439360, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N439080, E349130; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1365.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N440340, E348605; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 340.0 metres to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #20435228, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N440215, E348310 and also being on the southern right-of-way of Free Grant Road; thence northwesterly along the said southeasterly prolongation and the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1360.0 metres to its northwestern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N441480, E347790; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 6450.0 metres, crossing the Nigadoo River, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20237004, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21P/12-X NE, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N443905, E353765; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 410.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20435350, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N443525, E353920; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 310.0 metres to meet the southern banks or shores of the Nigadoo River; thence southeasterly following the said southern banks or shores to the place of beginning;
(g) the parish of Caraquet, excluding the town of Caraquet, the Village of Bas-Caraquet, the village of Bertrand and the local service districts of St. Simon, Blanchard Settlement and Pokesudie, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(h) that area of Gloucester County known as Chiasson-Savoy in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for street lighting, fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and community services: 
Beginning at the point where the banks or shores of Baie de Lamèque meet the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20193892; thence southeasterly along the said northern boundary and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20468195; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20468203; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20172813; thence northeasterly along the said northwestern boundary to the northwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #20172813; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20485181; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20173498; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20173498 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20200382; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20200382 and its prolongation to the northwestern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20291993; thence northeasterly to the northernmost corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20170338; thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the boundary of the said lot to its southernmost corner; thence southeasterly along the rear baseline of lots fronting on Chiasson Road to the northwestern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20171500; thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20194007; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #20194007; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northern right-of-way of Chiasson Road; thence southeasterly at a 90 degree angle to the said right-of-way to meet the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thence southwesterly along the said banks or shores to Shippegan Gully; thence around Shippegan Gully following the said banks or shores and the eastern banks or shores of Caribou Bay and Shippegan Harbour, around Pointe Peinture, to the place of beginning;
(i) that area known as Dugas in the parish of New Bandon described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the eastern limits of N.B. Highway No. 11 meets the northern boundary line of Lot No. 8 granted to Hypolite Dugan; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 8, Lot No. 9 granted to Bruno Dugan, and Lot No. 10 granted to Florent Dugan to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 10; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 10 to meet the northern boundary line of Lot No. 39 granted to F. Bordenave; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 39 and Lot No. 40 granted to Jas. L. Dugas to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 40; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 40 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 40; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of Lot No. 40, Lot No. 39 granted to F. Bordenave, Lot No. 10 granted to Florent Dugan, Lot No. 9 granted to Bruno Dugan to the southwestern angle of said Lot No. 9; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 9 to meet the southern boundary line of Lot No. 8 granted to Hypolite Dugan; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 8 to meet the southern boundary line of Lot No. 1 granted to Michael Landry; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 1 to meet the northern limits of the Highway to St. Paul; thence westerly following the northern limits of said Highway to meet the western boundary line of Lot No. 4 granted to U. Landry; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 4 to the northwestern angle of said Lot No. 4; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 4, Lot No. 3 granted to Michael Godin, Lot No. 2 granted to David Landry and Lot No. 1 granted to Michael Landry to meet the western boundary line of Lot No. 8 granted to Hypolite Dugan; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 8 to the northwestern angle of said Lot No. 8; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 8 to the place of beginning;
(j) that area of Gloucester County known as Haut-Lamèque in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the bank or shore of Lameque Bay where the southwest boundary line of grant No. 88 granted to Pierre Maillett meets the same; thence southeasterly following the southwest boundary line of said lot No. 88 to the southeast angle of said lot no. 88; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said lot no. 88 and lots no. 89 and 90 granted to Luke Savoy to the northeast angle of said lot no. 90; thence southeasterly following the southerly boundary line of lot no. 22 granted to Paul Noel to the southeastern angle of said lot no. 22; thence northerly following the eastern boundary line of said lot no. 22 to the southwestern angle of lot no. 29 granted to Paul Noel; thence southeasterly following the southern boundary line of said lot no. 29 to the southeast angle of said lot no. 29; thence northeasterly following the easterly boundary line of said lot no. 29 and lot no. 32 granted to Luke Savoy to the northeast angle of said lot no. 32; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of lot no. 30 granted to Eug. Robicheau to the southwest angle of lot no. 46 granted to F. Alexander; thence northerly following the westerly boundary line of said lot no. 46 and lot letter “K” granted to Anatas Duguay to the northwestern angle of said lot letter “K”; thence westerly following the southerly boundary line of lot letter “J” granted to Gustave J. Godin to the southwest angle of said lot letter “J”; thence northerly following the eastern boundary line of lot no. 197 granted to Dominic Noel and lot no. 205 granted to Augustine Poulain to the northeast angle of said lot no. 205; thence westerly following the northern boundary line of said lot no. 205 to the northwestern angle of said lot; thence southerly following the western boundary line of said lot no. 205, lot no. 204 granted to N. Noel, lot no. 203 granted to Hubert Noel, lot no. 202 granted to Sinai Ache, lot no. 201 granted to Jacque Noel, lot no. 200 granted to J. L. Savoy Jr. to a point on the northern boundary line of lot no. 18 granted to F. Ache; thence westerly following the northern boundary line of said lot no. 18 to the northwestern angle of said lot no. 18; thence southerly following the western boundary line of said lot no. 18 to the bank or shore of Lameque Bay; thence southerly following the eastern bank or shore of Lameque Bay to the place of beginning;
(k) Repealed: 2014-35
(l) Repealed: 2014-35
(m) that area of Gloucester County known as Inkerman Centre, shown on the attached Schedule 9(m) for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services;
(n) that area of Gloucester County known as Laplante in the parish of Beresford and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the northeastern boundary line of Lots in the Second Tier of Lots from the Baie de Chaleur where N.B. Highway 315 meets the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 63 granted to James Legasee; thence southeasterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Second Tier Lots to the southeastern angle of Lot No. 108S granted to Jerome E. Comeau; thence southwesterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 108S to the southwestern angle of said Lot No. 108S; thence northwesterly following the southwesterly boundary line of said Lots in the Second Tier to the northeasterly angle of Lot No. 126 granted to A. J. Roy; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 126 to the northwestern angle of said Lot No. 126; thence northwesterly following the southwesterly boundary line of said Lots in the Second Tier to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 64S granted to Jerome Godin; thence northeasterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 64S to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 64S; thence southeasterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 64S and Lot No. 63 granted to James Legasee to the place of beginning;
(o) Repealed: 86-39
(p) Repealed: 86-40
(q) that area of Gloucester County known as Miscou Island in the parish of Shippegan, and comprising all the land area of Miscou Island, is established for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and first aid and ambulance services;
(r) the parish of New Bandon, excluding the villages of Bertrand, Grande-Anse, Maisonnette and Saint-Léolin and the local service districts of Anse-Bleu, Dugas, New Bandon-Salmon Beach and Poirier, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(s) that area of Gloucester County known as New Bandon-Salmon Beach in the parishes of New Bandon and Bathurst and described as follows for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the bank or shore of Chaleur Bay at the northeastern angle of Lot No. 37 granted to Garrett Hodnett; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 37 to the southeastern angle of said lot; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of a Lot granted to Gavin Kerr to the southeastern angle of said lot; thence southwesterly following the southern boundary lines of said lot granted to Gavin Kerr and a lot granted to Edwin Mills to the southwestern angle of said Edwin Mills lot; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Edwin Mills lot to the northwestern angle of said lot; thence southwesterly following the northern boundary line of Lot No. 32 granted to Patrick Theriault, Lot No. 30 granted to L. Blanchard, Lot No. 28 not granted and the western prolongation of said boundary line to a point on the eastern boundary line of Lot No. 105S not granted; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 105S to the southeastern angle of said lot; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 105S and its prolongation westerly to a point on the eastern boundary line of Lot No. 110 granted to J. B. Smith; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said grant No. 110 and grants Nos. 111, 112 and 113 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 113; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 113 to the eastern boundary line of Lot No. 114 granted to J. R. Christie; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 114, Lots Nos. 115, 116 and Lot No. 3 granted to Francis Ferguson to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 204 granted to William Hornibrook; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 204 to the northeastern angle of said lot; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 204 to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 5 granted to William Hornibrook; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 5 to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 5; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 5 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 5; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 5, Lot No. 204 and Lot No. 3 granted to Francis Ferguson to the northeastern angle of Lot No. 25 granted to B. G. Peters; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 25 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 25; thence easterly following the northern and northeastern boundary line of Lot No. 30 granted to Est. of Ethan Jagoe to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 30; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 30 and Lot No. 29 granted to Leigh B. Jagoe to the southwestern angle of said Lot No. 29; thence southeasterly and southerly following the western boundary line of lots fronting on the western side of the Rocheville Settlement Road to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 1 not granted, being on the parish line of New Bandon and Paquetville Parishes; thence westerly, southerly, southwesterly, westerly, northerly and westerly following the said parish line of New Bandon and Bathurst Parishes to the southeastern angle of Lot Letter “B” granted to John Porter; thence northerly following the rear boundary lines of granted Lots on the eastern side of New Brunswick Highway No. 8 to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 1, 2 and 3 granted to John C. Ord; thence northerly following the eastern boundary line of Lots Nos. 114E, 116E, 17, 119E, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 and 125 to the northwestern angle of Lot No. 15 granted to Exavier Doucet; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 15 and Lot No. 16 granted to Ambrose Doucet to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 16; thence northerly following the western boundary line of Lots Nos. 8 and 9 granted to John C. Ord to the northwest angle of said Lot No. 9; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 9 and its prolongation easterly to meet the southern prolongation of the western boundary line of Lot No. 1 granted to Pierre Doucet the 4th; thence northerly following said prolongation and the western boundary line of said Lot No. 1 to the bank or shore of Chaleur Bay; thence easterly and northerly following the bank or shore of Chaleur Bay to the place of beginning;
(t) the parish of Paquetville, excluding the Village of Paquetville and those portions of the local services districts of Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Érables, Sainte-Rose and the parish of Saint-Isidore contained in the parish, for fire protection and street lighting;
(u) that area of Gloucester County known as Petite-Lamèque in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the southwestern corner of property owned or previously owned by Lorenzo Noel (LRIS PID #20211942) meets the banks or shores of Chaleur Bay; thence easterly to the southeastern corner of the property owned or previously owned by Laurier Savoie (LRIS PID #20205597); thence northerly to the northernmost corner of the property owned or previously owned by Léandre Duguay (LRIS PID #20177010); thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the property owned or previously owned by Maria Jean (LRIS PID #20215018); thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the property owned or previously owned by the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources (LRIS PID #20175741); thence easterly to the southern prolongation of the eastern boundary of the property owned or previously owned by Jean-Guy Duguay (LRIS PID #20292462); thence northerly along the said prolongation to the northeastern corner of the Jean-Guy Duguay property; thence easterly to the western right-of-way of the Portage Road; thence easterly across the Portage Road to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 158 granted to Lazare Gauvin; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot. No. 156 granted to A.L. Duguay and Jos. Gauvin; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 156; thence easterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 157 granted to L. Gauvin Sr., S. Dugue and Basil Noel; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 118 granted to H. Noel; thence easterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 112 granted to John L. Duguay; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 112; thence westerly to the banks or shores of the Baie de Petite-Lamèque; thence westerly and northerly along the banks or shores of the Baie de Petite-Lamèque and Chaleur Bay to the place of beginning;
(v) that area of Gloucester County known as Petit-Rocher-Nord (Devereaux) and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at the point where the western banks or shores of Chaleur Bay meet the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20276663, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30Q-AO, the said point being also on the southern boundary of Village de Pointe-Verte and having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1487280, E1186900; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1515.0 metres to a point on the eastern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1485500, E1182365; thence southeasterly along the said eastern right-of-way a distance of approximately 2655.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #20272894, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29Q-A4, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1447390, E1185425; thence southwesterly in a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, a distance of approximately 76.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20421498, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1477310, E1185175; thence continuing southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 3028.0 metres to a point on the eastern right-of-way of Highway No. 11, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29P-E4, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1474080, E1175820; thence southeasterly along the said eastern right-of-way a distance of approximately 988.0 metres to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20250700, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29P-E3, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1471090, E1177080; thence northeasterly along the said northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 3118.0 metres to its northeastern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29Q-18, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1474375, E1186320 and being also on the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence northeasterly in a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, a distance of approximately 80.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway and having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1474465, E1186555; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing rue Principale, a distance of approximately 1158.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #20421384, the said corner being also on the western banks or shores of Nepisiguit Bay and on the northern boundary of village of Petit-Rocher and having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N1475760, E1190135; thence northerly following the said western banks or shores, crossing the mouth of the Elmtree River, and continuing northerly along the said western banks or shores and the western banks or shores of Chaleur Bay to the place of beginning;
(w) that area of Gloucester County known as Petit-Rocher-Sud in the parish of Beresford described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the west bank or shore of Nepisiquit Bay where the northern boundary line of lot Number 32 granted to Raymond Doucet, meets the same; thence southwesterly following the northern boundary line of said lot Number 32 to meet the eastern boundary line of Canadian National Railway right-of-way; thence southerly following said right-of-way to meet the northern boundary line of lot Number 25 granted to Antoine Degrace fils; thence southwesterly following the northern boundary line of said lot Number 25 to meet the eastern limits of the New Brunswick Highway No. 11 (new); thence southerly following said highway limits to meet the southern boundary line of said lot Number 25; thence northeasterly following the said boundary line to meet the bank or shore of Nepisiquit Bay; thence northerly following said bank or shore to the place of beginning;
(x) that area of Gloucester County known as Pigeon Hill in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting and community services: 
Beginning at a point where the southwestern corner of Lot No. 280 granted to C. Resle meets the banks or shores of Portage Bay; thence southeasterly to the western boundary of Lot No. 118 granted to Romain Chiasson; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 118; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 118; thence southwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 122 ungranted; thence southeasterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 122; thence southwesterly to the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 95 granted to Esdras Ache; thence northwesterly to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 95; thence southwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 95; thence southeasterly to the northeastern prolongation of the northern right-of-way of Route No. 305; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and the right-of-way of Route No. 305 to the southwestern boundary of Lot No. 93 granted to Honore Larocque; thence southeasterly to the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thence northerly along the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and southwesterly along the banks or shores of Miscou Harbour and Portage Bay to the place of beginning;
(y) Repealed: 2014-35
(z) Repealed: 2001-68
(aa) that area of Gloucester County known as Robertville in the parish of Beresford, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at the southeast angle of Lot No. 6 north granted by the Crown to Charles Grant; thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern side line of Tier 3 Dumfries Settlement to the southern boundary of Lot No. 2 granted to Rev. Richard Clark; thence in a northeasterly direction along said southern boundary to the southeast corner of land owned or previously owned by Henri Hache being on the south side of the road leading to Dunlop; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of said lot and its prolongation northwesterly to meet the southern bank or shore of the Millstream River to a point where the northeastern prolongation of the northern boundary of Lot No. 19 granted to Hubert Commeau meets the same; thence southwesterly along said prolongation and said northern boundary to a point on said boundary 1,000 feet (304.80 metres) distant measuring easterly, from the eastern limit of the St. Louise Settlement Road; thence in southeasterly direction parallel to the St. Louise Settlement Road and 1,000 feet (304.80 metres) distant from said road to the southern boundary of Lot No. 6 north; thence in a northeasterly direction along said southern boundary to the place of beginning;
(bb) Repealed: 2014-35
(cc) the parish of Shippegan, excluding the town of Lamèque, the town of Shippagan, the villages of Le Goulet and Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël and the local service districts of Baie du Petit Pokemouche, Cap‑Bateau, Chiasson-Savoy, Coteau Road, Haut-Lamèque, Haut-Shippagan, Miscou Island, Petite-Lamèque, Pigeon Hill, Pointe-Alexandre, Pointe-Canot, Pointe-Sauvage (Indian Point) and Ste. Cecile for fire protection services and for the additional services of street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal in that portion of the parish known as Pointe Brûlée and described as follows: 
Beginning at a point where the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #20502423, as shown on Service New Brunswick’s Real Property Map series as of June 8, 2001, meets the ordinary high water mark of the western banks or shores of Shippegan Harbour; thence northwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its western corner; thence northwesterly along a straight line to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #20711776; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Chemin Pointe-Brûlé, to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20216370; thence southwesterly along the said southeastern boundary of the said lot and the lot with NB PID #20172227 to a point on the southeastern prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20194304; thence northwesterly along the said southeastern prolongation and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #20194304 to the point where it meets the ordinary high water mark of the southern banks or shores of Baie Brûlé; thence northerly, easterly and southerly following the ordinary high water mark of the banks or shores of Baie Brûlé, Baie Saint-Simon-Nord and Baie de Lamèque to the place of beginning;
(dd) the parish of Saint-Isidore, excluding the village of Saint-Isidore and those portions of the local service districts of Pont Landry and Sainte-Rose contained in the parish and including that portion of the area known as Bois-Blanc contained in the parish of Paquetville and described as follows, for fire protection and street lighting: 
Beginning at the point where the eastern right-of-way of Route 135 meet the northern banks or shores of the Pokemouche River; thence northeasterly following the various courses of the said northern banks or shores to a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20202982, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W4; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and eastern boundary to a point on the parish line of the parish of Paquetville; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20207619, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W3; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to a point on the northern banks or shores of Trout Brook; thence northeasterly along the said northern banks or shores and the northern banks or shores of the Pokemouche River to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of garbage and refuse collection and disposal in that portion of the parish known as Bois-Blanc - Hacheyville - Duguayville and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the western right-of-way of Route 135 meets the southern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20482923, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-T4, the said point being also on the northern limits of the village of Saint-Isidore; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation along the baseline of the tier of lots fronting on the southern right-of-way of Hacheyville Road to the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20223384, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-T3; thence northwesterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20577805 to the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20506473; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20550836, the said corner being also on the parish line between the parishes of Allardville and Saint-Isidore, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-S2; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20550836 and its prolongation along the said parish line, crossing Hacheyville Road and the Pokemouche River, to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Saint-Isidore and Paquetville, the said point being also on the southern right-of-way of the Crown reserved road, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-V2; thence northeasterly and northwesterly along the said parish line between the parishes of Saint-Isidore and Paquetville to the southern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20102620, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 2lP/11-W1; thence northeasterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation, the said southern boundary and prolongation being also on the said parish line, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20207619; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southern banks or shores of Trout Brook, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W3; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores and their prolongation to the eastern banks or shores of the Pokemouche River; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said eastern banks or shores, crossing Route 135, to the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20202982, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W4; thence southeasterly along the said northwesterly prolongation and eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, the said corner being also on the northern right-of-way of Route 355; thence southeasterly, crossing Route 355 in a straight line, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20515458; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W2 NW; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20226809, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-W2; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20223905; thence southeasterly along the said northwesterly prolongation of the said eastern boundary, crossing Duguayville Road, and continuing southeasterly along the said eastern boundary to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20229837; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20491221; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20491221 to its southeastern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/10-U1 SW; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20223640; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20223640 and its prolongation to the southern right-of-way of S. Savoy Road, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/10-R3 NW; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way and its prolongation, crossing W.D. Brideau Road, and continuing southwesterly along the southern right-of-way of Basque Road to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20227393, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/11-T4; thence continuing southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation along the baseline of the tier of lots fronting on the southern right-of-way of the said Basque Road, crossing Route 135, to the place of beginning;
(ee) Repealed: 91-93
(ff) Repealed: 89-150
(gg) that area of Gloucester County known as Ste. Cecile in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, community services and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20215034 meets the banks or shores of Chaleur Bay; thence easterly, southerly and easterly following the said boundary to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20209003; thence southerly following the said western boundary to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly following the southern boundary of the said lot, crossing Route No. 113 and continuing along the said boundary to the southern prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20538906; thence northerly following the said prolongation and western side line to the northwestern corner of the lot; thence easterly following the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the eastern right-of-way of the Portage Road; thence northerly following the said right-of-way to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 161 granted to M. Lantain and J. Savoy; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and the northern boundary of the third tier of lots of Chaleur Bay to the northeastern angle of Lot No. 315 granted to Max Lanteigne; thence southeasterly to the northern boundary of Lot No. 316 granted to Lazare Lanteigne; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Lot No. 316 and the southern boundary of Lot No. 318 granted to Daniel Chiasson to the southeastern angle of Lot No. 318; thence northerly along the western boundaries of Lot No. 318 and Lot No. 319 granted to D. Guignard to the northeastern angle of Lot No. 319; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary of Lot No. 320 granted to H.D. Chiasson to the southern boundary of Lot No. 296 granted to S. Boudin; thence southeasterly along the base line of lots fronting on Chaleur Bay to the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 289 granted to B. Duguay, A. Poulin and E. Chiasson; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 289 to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 289; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot No. 289 to the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 288 granted to Jas. McDougal; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 288 to the northwestern angle of the lot; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of Lot No. 288 to the western boundary of Lot No. 1 granted to John Campbell; thence southwesterly and southeasterly along the boundaries of Lot No. 1 to the western banks or shores of Portage River; thence northerly following the various courses of Portage River and westerly and southerly following the various courses of Miscou Harbour and Chaleur Bay to the place of beginning;
(hh) Repealed: 86-41
(ii) that area of Gloucester County known as St. Simon in the parish of Caraquet described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and recreational facilities: 
Beginning on the western bank or shore of the St. Simon River where the northern boundary of lot number 50 granted to F. and J. Herbert meets the same; thence in a southwesterly direction following the northern boundary of said lot and the northern boundary of lot numbers 25 and 26 granted to Louis Maners to the northwest corner of lot number 26; thence in a southeasterly direction following the western boundary of lot number 26 to meet the southwest angle of same; thence in a northeasterly direction following the southern boundary of lot number 26 to meet the northwest angle of lot number 56 granted to N. T. Doiron; thence in southeasterly direction following the western boundaries of lot number 56, lot number 22 granted to Alex Paulin, lot number 92W granted to J. L. Savoy and lot number 81 granted to Francis Robichaud to meet the eastern boundary of the C. N. R. right-of-way; thence in a southeasterly direction following the eastern boundary of the aforementioned right-of-way to the parish line between the Parishes of Caraquet and Inkerman; thence in an easterly direction following said parish line to intersect the eastern boundary of lot number 3 granted to Herbert Godin; thence in a northeasterly direction following said eastern boundary to meet the southern boundary of lot number 85 granted to S. Landry; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southern boundaries of lot number 85, lot number 86 granted to E. Landry and lot number 87 granted to E. P. Landry to the southeast angle of lot number 87; thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern boundary of lot number 87 to the southwest angle of lot number 55 granted to P. C. Frigau; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southern boundaries of lot number 55 and lot number 56 granted to H. Hebert and lot number 57W granted to J. E. Gallien to meet the northwestern angle of lot number 63 granted to X. A. Lanteigne; thence in a southeastern direction following the southwestern boundary of lot number 63 to meet the southwestern angle of same; thence in a northeasterly direction following the southeastern boundary of lot number 63 to the southeast angle of same; thence in a northwesterly direction following the northeastern boundary of said lot to the northeastern boundary of same, said point being the southwest angle of lot number 61 granted to Ant. Mallet; thence in a northeastern direction following the southeastern boundaries of said lot number 61 and lot number 62 granted to J. G. Cabot to meet the southwest boundary of lot number 36 granted to Isaac Albert; thence in a southeastern direction following said boundary to the southwest angle of said lot; thence in a northeasterly direction following the southeastern boundary of said lot to the western bank or shore of North St. Simon Inlet; thence in a northerly, southerly, and northwesterly direction following the various courses of the westerly bank or shore of North St. Simon Inlet to the place of beginning;
(jj) that area of Gloucester County known as Tremblay in the parish of Beresford described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the northern bank or shore of the Nigadoo River where the eastern limits of the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission transmission line meets the same; thence northerly along said eastern limits to the northern boundary of Lot No. 107 granted to Gregoire Arsenault; thence easterly along said northern boundary and its prolongation to the eastern limits of the highway leading from Tremblay Settlement to Laplante; thence southerly along said eastern limits to the northern boundary of Lot No. 31 granted to Timothe Boudreau; thence easterly along said northern boundary to the western limits of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; thence southerly along said western limits to the northern limits of Lot No. 25 granted to Antoine Degrace & Sons; thence westerly along said northern boundary to the eastern limits of the Department of Highways By-Pass right-of-way leading from Bathurst to Belledune; thence southerly along said eastern limits to the northern bank or shore of the Nigadoo River; thence westerly along said bank or shore following its various courses upstream to the place of beginning; and
(kk) the area of Gloucester County known as Pointe-Sauvage (Indian Point) in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the southwestern bank or shore of Shippegan Harbour where the southern boundary of Lot No. 67 being a Crown Grant to heirs of P. Bugler meets the same; thence in a southwesterly direction along said southern boundary being also the northern boundary for Shippegan Gully to meet the rear line of a tier of lots fronting on the southwestern bank or shore of Shippegan Harbour at the southwestern corner of said Lot No. 67; thence in a northwesterly direction following said rear line to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 76 being Crown Land; thence in a northeasterly direction along the western boundary of Lot No. 76 and its prolongation to meet the southern boundary of the town of Shippagan; thence in a southeasterly direction along said southern boundary to meet the southwestern bank or shore of Shippegan Harbour; thence in a southeasterly direction along said bank or shore to place of beginning.
85-40; 85-103; 86-1; 86-31; 86-34; 86-39; 86-40; 86-41; 86-42; 87-42; 87-43; 87-104; 87-143; 87-170; 88-7; 88-40; 88-41; 88-42; 88-43; 88-44; 88-48; 88-49; 88-67; 88-74; 88-147; 88-148; 88-149; 88-150; 88-151; 88-152; 88-229; 88-230; 89-114; 89-120; 89-121; 89-122; 89-123; 89-150; 89-155; 89-156; 89-194; 89-195; 90-56; 90-66; 90-67; 90-133; 90-144; 90-169; 90-176; 90-177; 91-19; 91-20; 91-25; 91-36; 91-37; 91-85; 91-93; 91-138; 91-173; 91-184; 92-127; 93-121; 94-3; 94-40; 94-138; 95-79; 96-102; 99-6; 99-44; 99-54; 2001-68; 2008-108; 2008-156; 2010-42; 2014-35
9.1In Gloucester County, local service districts are established as follows:
(a) Repealed: 2014-35
(b) Repealed: 2014-35
(c) Repealed: 2014-35
(d) that area of Gloucester County known as Saint-Sauveur in the parish of Allardville described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, community services and recreational facilities:
Beginning at the point where the Allardville-Saumarez parish line meets the Gloucester-Northumberland county line; thence in a northerly and easterly direction along the said parish line to the Allardville-Saint-Isidore parish line; thence northerly and easterly following the said Allardville-Saint-Isidore parish line to the Allardville-Paquetville parish line; thence westerly following the said Allardville-Paquetville parish line, the Allardville-New Bandon parish line and the Allardville-Bathurst parish line to the prolongation of the western boundary of Lot 31, granted to Ovide Duguay; thence southerly along the said prolongation, the western boundaries of the said Lot 31, granted to Ovide Duguay, and Lot 31, granted to Lucien Losier, and the prolongation of the said Lucien Losier lot to the Gloucester-Northumberland county line; thence easterly along the said county line to the place of beginning; and
(e) that area of Gloucester County known as the Paroisse Notre-Dame-des-Érables in the parishes of New Bandon and Paquetville described as follows for fire protection, recreational facilities and street lighting:
Beginning at a point where the eastern most corner of Lot No. 36 granted to Azade Guignon meets the Paquetville - Saint-Isidore parish line; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southern boundaries of lots in Range 6 of the Paquetville South Settlement and its prolongation to meet the Paquetville - New Bandon parish line; thence in a northwesterly direction along said parish line and its prolongation to meet the westernmost corner of Lot No. 27 granted to Dosithe Rouselle; thence in a northeasterly direction along the northerly boundary of said Lot No. 27 and Lot No. 28 ungranted to meet the northernmost corner of said Lot No. 28; thence in a southeasterly direction following the southern boundaries of Lots No. 36, 38, 40 and 42 to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 26 granted to E. A. Theriault; thence in a southerly direction following the eastern boundaries of lots fronting on the east side of Route 340 to the Paquetville - New Bandon parish line; thence in an easterly direction following the said parish line and the northern boundaries of lots fronting on the north side of Route 340 to the northeast corner of Lot No. 45 granted to Fred Lanteigne; thence in a southerly direction following the eastern boundary of said Lot No. 45 and Lot No. 46 granted to Thos. Landry to the southeastern corner of said Lot No. 46; thence in an easterly direction to the northwest corner of Lot No. 68 granted to Prudent Legere; thence in a southerly direction following the western boundary of said Lot No. 68 and the eastern boundary of Lot No. 36 granted to Azade Guignon to the Paquetville - Saint-Isidore parish line being the point of beginning;
(f) Repealed: 2014-35
(g) Repealed: 2014-35
(h) that area of Gloucester County known as North Tetagouche in the parish of Bathurst and described as follows for fire protection, community services, street lighting, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the northwestern corner of Lot No. 128 granted to George Aube meets the Beresford - Bathurst parish line; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 128; thence westerly to the eastern boundary of Lot Letter N granted to Patrick Brennan; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of Lot Letter N; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of Lot Letter N; thence southerly to the northeastern corner of Lot Letter O granted to Benjamin James; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of Lot Letter O; thence southerly to the northern banks or shores of the Tetagouche River; thence easterly following the banks or shores of the Tetagouche River to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 25 granted to Pierre Doucet Jr.; thence northerly to the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20320339; thence southwesterly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20310678; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence generally northeasterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20438271; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20310504; thence northerly to the Beresford - Bathurst parish line; thence westerly to the place of beginning;
(i) that area of Gloucester County known as Poirier in the parish of New Bandon and described as follows for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the eastern boundary of Lot No. 3 granted to E. Doucet meets the banks or shores of the Baie de Caraquet; thence in a northerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 3; thence in a westerly direction to the eastern boundary of Lot No. 51 granted to C. L. Goddin; thence in a northerly direction to the southern boundary of Lot No. 52 granted to D. Blanchard; thence in an easterly direction to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 52; thence in a northerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 52; thence in a westerly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 52; thence in a southerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 49 granted to Pierre Blanchard; thence in a southwesterly direction to the eastern boundary of Lot No. 52 granted to I. Blanchard; thence in a northerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 52; thence in a westerly direction to the eastern boundary of Lot No. 44 granted to A.F. Pinet; thence in a northerly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 44; thence in a westerly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 43 granted to F. Bordinave; thence in a southerly direction to the northern boundary of Lot No. 13 granted to Jos. Dugas; thence in an easterly direction to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 13; thence in a southerly direction to the banks or shores of the Baie de Caraquet; thence in an easterly direction following the banks or shores of the Baie de Caraquet to the place of beginning;
(j) Repealed: 2014-35
(k) Repealed: 2014-35
(l) that area of Gloucester County known as Cap-Bateau in the parish of Shippegan, excluding the village of Sainte-Marie - Saint Raphaël, and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, first aid and ambulance services and garbage and refuse collection and disposal:
Beginning at the point where the easternmost corner of Lot Letter Z granted to B. Ache meets the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thence in a northwesterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 226 granted to the heirs of M. Larocque; thence in a southwesterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 220 granted to Eli Chiasson; thence in a northwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 220; thence in a southwesterly direction to the eastern boundary of the village of Sainte-Marie - Saint Raphaël; thence in a southeasterly and southwesterly direction following the said village boundary to the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thence in a northeasterly direction following the banks or shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the place of beginning;
(m) that area of Gloucester County known as Pointe-Canot in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #2015034 meets the banks or shores of Chaleur Bay; thence southerly along the said banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20211942; thence easterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20205597; thence northerly to the northernmost corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20177010; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20215018; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20175741; thence easterly to the southern prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20292462; thence northerly along the said prolongation to the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20209003; thence westerly following the said southern boundary, crossing Route No. 113 to the southwestern boundary of the said lot; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20215034; thence westerly, northerly and westerly following the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20215034 to the place of beginning;
(n) that area of Gloucester County known as Maltempec in the parish of Inkerman and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and recreational facilities:
Beginning at a point where the southeastern corner of Lot No. 12 granted to James Somerville meets the banks or shores of Pokemouche River; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 43 granted to John Landry; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 43; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 44 granted to F. Landry; thence easterly to the southeastern boundary of Lot No. 269S granted to Oliver Landry; thence northerly to the Inkerman-Caraquet parish line; thence westerly to the Paquetville-Inkerman parish line; thence southerly and southwesterly to the northern banks or shores of the Pokemouche River; thence easterly along the banks or shores of the Pokemouche River to the place of beginning;
(o) that area of Gloucester County known as Coteau Road in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and street lighting:
Beginning at a point where the southwestern corner of Lot No. 280 granted to C. Resle meets the banks or shores of the Portage Bay; thence southeasterly to the western boundary of Lot No. 118 granted to Romain Chiasson; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 118; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 118; thence southwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 122 ungranted; thence southeasterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 122; thence southwesterly to the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 95 granted to Esdras Ache; thence northwesterly to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 95; thence southwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 95; thence southeasterly to the northeastern prolongation of the northern right-of-way of Route No. 305; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and the right-of-way of Route No. 305 to the southwestern boundary of Lot No. 93 granted to Honore Larocque; thence northwesterly to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 226 granted to the heirs of M. Larocque; thence southwesterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 220 granted to Eli Chiasson; thence northwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 220; thence southwesterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 217 granted to A.B. Noel; thence northwesterly to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 211 granted to Octave Ache; thence southwesterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 210 granted to Xavier Poulain; thence northwesterly to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 209 granted to H. Paulin and S. Ache; thence southwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 209; thence southeasterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 209; thence southwesterly to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 207 granted to Jos. M. Savoy; thence northwesterly to the southeastern boundary of Lot No. 133 granted to Andrew Ache; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 133; thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 133 to the prolongation of a line that is 152.4 metres from and parallel to the southeastern limits of the road to the Provincial Nursery; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and line maintaining a distance of 152.4 metres from the road to the Provincial Nursery to the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 402 granted to Z. Noel; thence northwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 404 granted to J.A. Chiasson; thence northeasterly to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 270 granted to A. Ache; thence northwesterly to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 407 granted to Elie Chiasson; thence northeasterly to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 407; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 5 granted to Alexander Campbell, said corner being on the banks or shores of Portage Bay; thence northeasterly along the banks or shores of Portage Bay to the place of beginning;
(p) that area of Gloucester County known as Blanchard Settlement in the parish of Caraquet and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 335 meets the Caraquet-Inkerman parish line; thence westerly along the said parish line to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 148 ungranted; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of Lot Letter D ungranted; thence northwesterly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 143 granted to Alfred Landry; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 143; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 141 granted to Phil Commeau; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 141; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 40 granted to Daniel Blanchard; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of Lot Letter B granted to Stan Legere; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 27 granted to P. Lantain; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 25 granted to Louis Manera; thence easterly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 56 granted to N.T. Doiron; thence southerly to the eastern boundary of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the Caraquet-Inkerman parish line; thence westerly to the place of beginning;
(q) that area of Gloucester County known as Pokemouche in the parish of Inkerman and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulances services:
Beginning at a point where the eastern boundary of Lot No. 37 granted to C. Laundrie meets the Inkerman - Caraquet parish line; thence westerly along the said parish line to the western boundary of Lot Letter K granted to J. Paulin; thence southwesterly to the northeastern corner of Lot Letter Q; thence westerly, southwesterly, westerly and southwesterly following the boundaries of Lot Letter Q to the southwestern corner of the lot; thence easterly to the northwestern corner of Lot Letter R granted to O. Gionet; thence southwesterly to the northern boundary of Lot No. 2SW granted to M. Thompson; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 2SW; thence southwesterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 3 granted to L. Légere; thence southeasterly following the banks or shores of Whalens Brook to the Pokemouche River; thence southeasterly across the Pokemouche River to the southeastern corner of Lot Letter X granted to John Hébert; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot granted to John Headon; thence easterly to the western boundary of Lot No. 24 granted to J. Headon; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly to the eastern boundary of the said lot; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 4 Rear granted to J. Navin; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 1 Rear; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 2W granted to Jos. Mahar; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 8 granted to John Whitney; thence northeasterly to the northern banks or shores of the South Branch Pokemouche River; thence northerly along the said banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot granted to Etienne Arseneau; thence northeasterly across Lac Inkerman to the point where the southwestern corner of Lot No. 3 granted to Hubert Godin meets the northern banks or shores of Lac Inkerman; thence generally northwesterly along the said banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20052437; thence northerly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20073706; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20461034; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20460903; thence northwesterly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20073714; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20067971; thence southerly to the northern right-of-way of Highway No. 11; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way and across the Evangéline Road to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #320457149; thence northeasterly to the Inkerman - Caraquet parish line; thence westerly to the place of beginning;
(r) that area of Gloucester County known as Landry Office in the parish of Inkerman and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the northwestern right-of-way of Basile Road meets the Caraquet-Inkerman parish line; thence southwesterly following the northwestern right-of-way of Basile Road to the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20054474; thence northwesterly, southwesterly, northwesterly, southwesterly and southeasterly around the boundary of the said lot to the northwestern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20051645; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundaries of the lots with LRIS PID #20051645 and LRIS PID #20051389 to the northeastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20061545; thence northwesterly and southwesterly around the boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20061545 to the western bank or shore of Whalens Brook; thence southerly along the bank or shore of Whalens Brook to the northern bank or shore of the Pokemouche River; thence crossing the Pokemouche River to the point where the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20056206 meets the southern shore of the said river; thence generally southeasterly following the bank or shore of the said river, crossing Gliddens Brook at the mouth and continuing to the point at Cowan’s Creek; thence crossing the Pokemouche River in an easterly direction to the point where the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20056040 meets the eastern shore of the said river; thence due east to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20051868; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20056057; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the intersection with the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20056511; thence northeasterly, southeasterly, southwesterly and southeasterly around the boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20056511 to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20056511; thence continuing southeasterly along the eastern boundaries of the lots with LRIS PID #20056073 and LRIS PID #20056537 to the southeastern corner of the lots; thence southwesterly, southeasterly and southwesterly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20421145; thence southerly and westerly around the boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20056743; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence westerly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20056164; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20056131; thence southwesterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20057253; thence westerly along the rear base line of lots fronting on the Pokemouche River to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20491619; thence southerly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20202255; thence southerly to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20215562; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the Inkerman-Paquetville parish line; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along the Inkerman-Paquetville parish line and its prolongation to the northern bank or shore of the Pokemouche River; thence northeasterly along the northern bank or shore of the Pokemouche River to the point where it meets the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20456901; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary and its prolongation across Route No. 350 and along the western boundaries of the lot with LRIS PID #20071981 and of the lots with LRIS PID #20062857 and LRIS PID #20345336 to the Caraquet-Inkerman parish line; thence easterly along the Caraquet-Inkerman parish line to the place of beginning;
(s) that area of Gloucester County known as Dunlop in the parish of Beresford and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20397485 meets the intersection of the western boundary of the town of Beresford with the parish line between the parishes of Beresford and Bathurst, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 28Q-B3; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20320339, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 28Q-A3; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route #315, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20322368; thence southwesterly along the southern boundaries of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20322368 and the lot with NBGIC PID #20438560 to the southwestern corner of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20438560; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along the boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20438560 to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20438271; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20438271 to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20559928; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20559928 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20310504; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20310504 to its northwestern corner, the said corner being also on the parish line between the parishes of Beresford and Bathurst; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20266466; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Morrison Road, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20238838, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 28Q-A4; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20238838 to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20407185; thence northwesterly along the said southeasterly prolongation and the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the southern right-of-way of Sormany Road; thence northwesterly in a straight line, crossing Sormany Road, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20057501; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southern banks or shores of Duguay Brook; thence northeasterly and northerly along the various courses of the southern banks or shores of the said brook to the southern banks or shores of the Millstream River; thence westerly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores of the Millstream River to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20032108, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 28P-E4; thence northwesterly along the said southeasterly prolongation and the said western boundary and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20240800, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29P-E0; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20240925; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20241071, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29P-E0; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route #315, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20407060, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29Q-O2, the said corner being also on the boundary of the village of Nigadoo; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20407060 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20262689, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 29Q-A0, the said corner being also on the western boundary of the town of Beresford; thence southeasterly along the northwesterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #20244133 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20586756; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20586756 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20407086, the said corner being also on the northern right-of-way of Station Road and on the western boundary of the town of Beresford; thence southeasterly in a straight line, crossing Station Road, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20267654; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing the Millstream River, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20404018; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20404018 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #20258380, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 28Q-A4; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #20258380 and its prolongation, crossing Morrison Road and Haché Brook, to the place of beginning;
(t) that area of Gloucester County being Pokesudie Island and L’Îlette de Pokesudie and known as Pokesudie in the parish of Caraquet for fire protection, community services, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services;
(u) that area of Gloucester County known as Evangéline in the parish of Inkerman and described as follows for street lighting, fire protection, recreational and sports facilities and community services:
Beginning at a point where the northeastern corner of Lot No. 9 granted to Pat Bulyer meets the Inkerman-Caraquet parish line; thence southwesterly to the banks or shores of Lac Inkerman; thence generally northwesterly along the said banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20052437; thence northerly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20073706; thence westerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20461034; thence southerly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20460903; thence northwesterly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20073714; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20067971; thence southerly to the northern right-of-way of Highway No. 11; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way and across the Evangéline Road to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #320457149; thence northeasterly to the Inkerman-Caraquet parish line; thence easterly and southeasterly to the place of beginning;
(v) that area of Gloucester County known as Haut-Shippagan in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and street lighting services:
Beginning at a point where the westernmost corner of the lot with GIC PID #20197224 meets the ordinary high water mark of the eastern banks or shores of Baie Saint-Simon-Sud; thence westerly, northerly and easterly in a clockwise direction following the ordinary high water mark of the banks or shores of Baie Saint-Simon-Sud and Baie Brûlé to the southwestern corner of the lot with GIC PID #20194304; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with GIC PID #20172227; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the lot with GIC PID #20038378 to the northern corner of the lot with GIC PID #20266722; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot with GIC PID #20266722 and the northeastern boundary of the lot with GIC PID #20038386 to the middle of the main channel of Ruisseau Bar; thence northeasterly along the middle of the main channel of Ruisseau Bar to the point where it meets the ordinary high water mark of the western banks or shores of Shippegan Harbour; thence southeasterly following the said ordinary high water mark of Shippegan Harbour to the eastern corner of the lot with GIC PID #20697652; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the northern right-of-way of Chemin Haut-Shippegan; thence southeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way to the easternmost corner of the lot with GIC PID #20104444; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the most eastern portion of the said lot to the southern corner of the eastern portion; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the most eastern portion to the western corner of the eastern portion; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the western portion and the southeastern boundary of the lot with GIC PID #20195137 to the southern corner of the said lot with GIC PID #20195137; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and the lots with GIC PID #20170171, PID #20599023 and the southwestern boundary of the lot with GIC PID #20680484 to the easternmost corner of the lot with GIC PID #20192621; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot with GIC PID #20192621 and the lots with GIC PID #20171708 and PID #20194189 to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with GIC PID #20197224; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northernmost corner; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the place of beginning.
(w) Repealed: 2014-35
(x) Repealed: 2014-35
(y) Repealed: 2014-35
(z) Repealed: 2014-35
(aa) that area of Gloucester County known as Pointe-Alexandre in the parish of Shippegan and described as follows for street lighting, fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and community services:
Beginning at the point where the northern banks or shores of Ruisseau Jean-Marie meet the banks or shores of Baie de Petite-Lamèque and Baie de Lamèque; thence westerly, southerly and northeasterly following the banks or shores of Baie de Lamèque to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 111 granted to G. and P. Duguay; thence easterly to the northeastern corner of the said Lot No. 111; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 100 granted to Sebastian Archer; thence southerly following the western boundary of the said Lot No. 100 to the northern banks or shores of Ruisseau Jean-Marie; thence southwesterly to the place of beginning;
(bb) that area of Gloucester County known as Big River in the parish of Bathurst and described as follows for street lighting, fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, recreational facilities and community services:
Beginning at the point where the boundary of the City of Bathurst meets the western banks or shores of the Nepisiquit River; thence southerly following the said western banks or shores to the northern boundary of the Pabineau Indian Reserve; thence westerly and southerly along the northern and western boundaries of the Pabineau Indian Reserve to the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20181939; thence westerly along the said northern boundary to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation crossing the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence along the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20307583 to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20307757; thence westerly along the southern boundaries of the said lot and the lots with LRIS PID #20598496 and LRIS PID #20598488 and the prolongation of the said boundaries, crossing the said right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway and the right-of-way of Route No. 430 and continuing along the southern boundaries of the lots with LRIS PID #20562013 and LRIS PID #20324992, to the southwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #20324992; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20307815; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20572350; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20064952; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the point where it meets the southerly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20307740; thence northerly along the southerly prolongation and western boundary of the said lot and of the lot with LRIS PID #20314043 to its northwestern corner; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20308003; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20326419; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20318317; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20318309; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20307500; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20179214; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20395216; thence westerly following the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the eastern banks or shores of Little River; thence northeasterly along the said banks or shores to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20316808; thence westerly along the said easterly prolongation and northern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316576; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20393724; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316618; thence northerly to the southernmost boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20316816; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316782; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316915; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence westerly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316741; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20527347; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20316659, the said corner being also on the southwestern boundary of the City of Bathurst; thence easterly and northerly following the said southwestern boundary to the northern right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence easterly following the boundary of the City of Bathurst to the place of beginning; and
(cc) that area of Gloucester County known as Madran in the parish of Beresford and described as follows for street lighting, fire protection, first aid and ambulance services, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and community services:
Beginning at the point where the western right-of-way of Route No. 11 meets the eastern prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20425815; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and northern boundary and the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20248084 to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20293049; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20293049 and its prolongation to the rear baseline of lots fronting on Pointe-Verte Road; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20445862 and its prolongation, being also the said rear baseline, to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20447439; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20447439 a distance of approximately 825.0 metres to a point; thence northeasterly in a straight line, crossing Access Road, to the point of intersection of the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20425674 with the eastern right-of-way of Access Road; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and of the lot with LRIS PID #20560223 to the southern right-of-way of Pointe-Verte Road; thence northeasterly along the said southern right-of-way to the western right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence southeasterly along the said western right-of-way to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20276697; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its intersection with the lot with LRIS PID #20423810; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20423810 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20563649; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20563649 to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20563623; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20563623 to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20353728; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20353728 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20353678; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20353678 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #20273165; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #20273165 and the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20425120 to the boundary of Village de Pointe-Verte; thence generally southeasterly along the boundary of Village de Pointe-Verte to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence southeasterly along the said eastern right-of-way to the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #20273108; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation to the western right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way to the place of beginning.
85-40; 85-103; 86-1; 87-42; 87-43; 87-104; 87-170; 88-41; 88-42; 88-43; 88-44; 88-50; 88-74; 88-75; 88-149; 88-153; 88-154; 88-155; 88-156; 88-157; 88-158; 88-230; 88-236; 88-237; 89-116; 89-121; 89-122; 89-140; 89-141; 89-194; 89-195; 90-98; 91-85; 92-44; 92-166; 93-121; 98-76; 99-12; 2001-68; 2008-138; 2011-58; 2014-35
10In Kent County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Acadieville for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and community services; except that the provision of community services is discontinued for the portion of the parish known as Acadie Siding and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the county line between the counties of Northumberland and Kent meets the eastern boundary of the Village of Rogersville; thence northeasterly along the said county line to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25001496; thence easterly along the said northern boundary to a point on the western right-of-way limits of a Crown reserve road; thence southerly along the said western right-of-way limits and continuing along the western right-of-way limits of H. Richard Road and the western right-of-way limits of Block 14 Road, crossing Saint-Pierre Road, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25004409; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25002981; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25003278; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25003294; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence westerly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25003294 and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25005786; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25005786 to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25002973; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #25003658; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25001793; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25004102; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route 480, and continuing along the eastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #25167479, PID #25267386 and PID #25001710 and its prolongation to a point on the southern banks or shores of the Kouchibouguac River; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25004664; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Belliveau Road, to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25199399; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25199399 to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25004623; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25004623 and its prolongation to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Acadieville and Saint-Louis; thence southwesterly along the said parish line, crossing Route 126, to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Acadieville and Weldford; thence westerly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Acadieville and Huskisson; thence northwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the county line between the counties of Kent and Northumberland; thence northeasterly along the said county line to a point on the western right-of-way of Route 126, said point being also on the western boundary of the Village of Rogersville; thence southeasterly, northeasterly and northwesterly along the various courses of the village boundary to the place of beginning;
(b) that area of Kent County known as Aldouane in the parish of Saint Charles and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the bank or shore of Aldouane Lake where the dividing line between the Parishes of St. Charles and Richibucto meets the said bank or shore; thence southwesterly following said Parish line to a point on said Parish line Fifteen Hundred Feet (1,500′) (457.200 metres) southwest of the Richibucto Back Road so called; thence northwesterly on a straight line parallel to and maintaining a distance of Fifteen Hundred Feet (1,500′) (457.200 metres) from said Back Road crossing Rivière Saint Charles (also known as Aldouane River) to meet the southeastern limits of North Saint Charles Road; thence northeasterly following the limits of said Road to a point where the southwestern limits of N.B. Highway No. 11 is met; thence northeasterly in a straight line from said point to the north-western angle of Lot No. 108 not granted; thence northeasterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 108 to a point where it meets the southern bank of shore of Rivière aux Masuals (also known as Birchbark Creek); thence easterly to meet the bank or shore of Aldouane Lake at the mouth of Rivière Saint Charles; thence crossing the mouth of the Rivière Saint Charles and following the bank or shore of Aldouane Lake easterly and southerly to the place of beginning;
(c) the parish of Carleton, excluding the local service district of Pointe-Sapin, for fire protection, street lighting and community services;
(d) the parish of Dundas, excluding the rural community of Cocagne and those portions of the local service districts of Grand-Digue and Shediac Bridge-Shediac River contained in the parish, for fire protection and street lighting;
(e) that area of Kent County known as Grand Saint-Antoine in the parish of St. Marys and parish of Dundas and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on N.B. Highway No. 525 where the north branch of Murray Brook crosses said Highway; thence easterly following the north branch of Murray Brook downstream to the eastern boundary line of a 526.09128 hectare Lot granted to Humphrey Gilbert, Thomas Nickerson, Sr., George Nickerson, Jeremiah Nickerson and Robert Keech as joint tenants; thence northerly following the easterly boundary line of said lot to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 1 granted to the widow and heirs of John Hannington; thence easterly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 1, Lot No. 2 granted to John Welling, Lot No. 3 granted to Hezekiah Semmans, Lot No. 4 granted to Lowther Semmans to the southeast angle of said Lot No. 4; thence northerly to the northwest angle of Lot No. 27 granted to Joseph Hebert, Jr; thence easterly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 4, Lots Nos. 103 and 104 granted to Hill Gilmore; Lot No. 105 granted to Ed J. Smith; Lot No. 106 granted to Octave White to the southeast angle of said Lot No. 106; thence northerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 106 to the northeast angle of said Lot No. 106; thence northeasterly following the easterly boundary line of Lot No. 75 granted to D. Lezere and Lot No. 77 granted to Reueben Breau to the northeast angle of said Lot No. 77; thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 77 to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 5 granted to Joseph Robicheaux and Francois Robicheaux; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said Lot No. 5 to the northern angle of Lot No. 74 granted to M. Cormier; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 74, Lot No. 73 granted to Jos Cormea and Lot No. 72 granted to J. White to the northern boundary line of Lot No. 11 granted to P. Hebert; thence northwesterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 11 and Lots Nos. 68 and 69 granted to John B. Lezere to the northern angle of said Lots Nos. 68 and 69; thence southwesterly following the western boundary line of said Lots Nos. 68 and 69 to the western angle of said Lots Nos. 68 and 69; thence northwesterly following the southern boundary line of Lot Letter “Z” granted to James Cutler to the bank or shore of Little Buctouche River; thence downstream following the bank or shore of Little Buctouche River to the northern boundary line of Lot Letter “P” south granted to Reuben Richard; thence northwesterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot Letter “P” south to the north angle of said Lot Letter “P” south; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot Letter “P” south, Lot Letter “Q” granted to Eli Richard, Lot Letter “R” granted to Simon Richard to the eastern limits of N.B. Highway No. 525; thence southerly following the eastern limits of said Highway No. 525 to a point on the eastern prolongation of the northern boundary line of Lot NO. 128 granted to Peter Allain; thence westerly following said prolongation across Highway No. 525 and the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 128 to the northwestern angle of said Lot No. 128 on the eastern boundary line of Lot No. 1 granted to Sefroe Allain; thence northwesterly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot No. 1 to the northeastern angle of said Lot No. 1; thence southwesterly following the northwestern boundary line of said Lot No. 1 to a point on the boundary line 60.9600 metres east of Haut Saint Antoine road; thence northwesterly following a line 60.9600 metres east of and parallel to the northward running section of this road and crossing the said road on its northeastward running section to a point 60.9600 metres northwesterly of the northwestern limits of the upper stretch of said road where it proceeds northeasterly toward N.B. Highway No. 525, said point being in the southerly portion of Lot No. 28 granted to Turner White; thence from a said point in a southwesterly direction in a direct line to the northeastern angle of Lot No. 36 granted to D.D. Cormier; thence southeasterly following the rear line of Lots fronting on the western side of Haut Saint Antoine road to the southwestern angle of Lot No. 24 granted to V. Robicheau; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 24 and its prolongation across the Haut Saint Antoine road to a point 60.9600 metres northeasterly of the eastern limits of said road, said point being within Lot No. 24 granted to Frank Gougune; thence southeasterly in a line parallel to and 60.9600 metres distant from said road to a point on the southeastern boundary line of Lot No. 19 granted to A. White; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 24 to the southeastern angle of said Lot No. 24; thence southeasterly, northeasterly and southerly following the western boundary lines of Lots Nos. 49 granted to Rosalie, 48 granted to B. Richard, 60 granted to Oliver Gouguen to the southwestern angle of said Lot No. 60; thence easterly following the southern boundary line of said Lot No. 60 to the western limits of N.B. Highway No. 525; thence across said highway in a direct line to the place of beginning, excluding the Village of Saint-Antoine contained therein;
(f) the parish of Harcourt for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(g) that area of Kent County known as Pointe-Sapin in the parish of Carleton and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at the eastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25208109, having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N354850, E429335; thence northwesterly following the various contours of the Kouchibouguac National Park boundary until it meets the boundary of Highway No. 117 at the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N354800, E427400; thence southwesterly following Highway No. 117 to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N354850, E426840; thence southwesterly following the said park boundary to the point where it intersects Highway No. 117, having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N353730, E425670; thence northwesterly and southwesterly following the said park boundary to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N353340, E424800; thence northwesterly following the said park boundary to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N353790, E424270; thence southeasterly following the said park boundary to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N353640, E425190; thence along the said park boundary following the Rivière-au-Portage to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25248139; thence northeasterly to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N357550, E429070; thence westerly following the said park boundary to the point having New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N357540, E424180; thence northerly to the Kent-Northumberland county line; thence following the said county line to the banks or shores of Northumberland Strait; thence southerly following the said banks or shores to the place of beginning;
(h) the parish of Richibucto, excluding the villages of Richibucto and Rexton, that portion therein of the local service district of Ste. Anne de Kent and the local service district of Cap-de-Richibouctou, for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and first aid and ambulance services;
(i) Cap-de-Richibouctou, being that area of Kent County known as Bedec, Peters Mills, Richibucto Cape and Richibucto-Village and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting and community services: 
Beginning at the point where the western banks or shores of Northumberland Strait meet the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25129800, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21I/10-V2, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317040, E440980; thence northwesterly along the said southern boundary a distance of approximately 322.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25025198, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317185, E440705; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 265.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25135948, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates of N317015, E440505; thence northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25135948 and its prolongation a distance of approximately 850.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25196452, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317370, E439740 and being also on the eastern right-of-way of Highway No. 505; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way a distance of approximately 385.0 metres to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25254442, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317050, E439560; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and the southern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1090.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317530, E438575; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 200.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25131004, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317705, E438660; thence northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25131004 a distance of approximately 332.0 metres to a point on the western boundary of the said lot, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N317865, E438370; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 600.0 metres to a point on the northern right-of-way of the Village-La-Prairie Road, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21I/10-V1, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N318460, E438390; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way a distance of approximately 230.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25254723, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N318475, E438620; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 825.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25198136, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319215, E438980; thence northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25198136 a distance of approximately 315.0 metres to a point on the western boundary of the said lot, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319320, E438680; thence northeasterly along the said western boundary a distance of approximately 35.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25133513, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319350, E438700; thence northwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 160.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25198136, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319355, E438535; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25198136 a distance of approximately 280.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319635, E438545; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 300.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25197484, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N319640, E438840; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25197484 a distance of approximately 405.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320040, E438840; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 525.0 metres to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25130675, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320015, E439370; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25130675 a distance of approximately 475.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25134610, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21I/10-V3, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320220, E438950; thence westerly along the said southern boundary a distance of approximately 1620.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25254384, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320285, E437335; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 185.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25195991, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N310095, E437325; thence westerly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25195991, crossing Village-La-Prairie Road, and continuing along the said northern boundary a distance of approximately 2040.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25134610, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320210, E435300; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 180.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25034703, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320390, E435310; thence westerly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation, crossing East Galloway Road, a distance of approximately 240.0 metres to meet its western right-of-way; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way a distance of approximately 135.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25255084, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N320320, E434965; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 845.0 metres to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25132721, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321175, E434978; thence northwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25132721 a distance of approximately 726.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25284811, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321225, E434255; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25284811 and its prolongation a distance of approximately 300.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25254947, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321525, E434275; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25254947 a distance of approximately 860.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321240, E433465; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 675.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25254939, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321880, E433235; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25254939 a distance of approximately 265.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25131608, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N321870, E433500; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25131608 a distance of approximately 1690.0 metres to a point on the northern boundary of the said lot, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N323555, E433615; thence easterly along the said northern boundary a distance of approximately 220.0 metres to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25244500, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N323550, E433835; thence northerly along the said eastern boundary a distance of approximately 372.0 metres to a point on the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25255126, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N323915, E433850; thence westerly along the said prolongation and southern boundary a distance of approximately 415.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N323937, E433438; thence northerly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Highway No. 505, a distance of approximately 780.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25131459, as shown in LRIS Property Map 21I/10-Y1, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N324710, E433510; thence westerly along the said southern boundary a distance of approximately 178.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #25131459, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N323728, E433337; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 2562.0 metres to a point on the northern right-of-way of Indian Island Road, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N327280, E433540; thence westerly along the said right-of-way a distance of approximately 83.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25131251, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N327300, E433457; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 233.0 metres to a point on the southern banks or shores of the Richibucto Harbour, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N327480, E433610; thence easterly following the said banks or shores to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25044389, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N327350, E434935; thence southeasterly along the said northern boundary and its prolongation, crossing Indian Island Road twice, a distance of approximately 850.0 metres to meet the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25246620 on the western banks or shores of Gaspereau Creek; thence northeasterly along the said western boundary a distance of approximately 480.0 metres to a point on the southern banks or shores of the Passe de l’Île, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N327420, E435838; thence easterly along the said southern banks or shores, crossing the mouth of Gaspereau Creek and continuing along the said banks or shores to the most northerly point on Pointe des Richard; thence easterly in a straight line, crossing Baie du Village to meet its eastern banks or shores; thence northeasterly and northwesterly, following the said eastern banks or shores around the sand bar and continuing southeasterly, following the western banks or shores of Northumberland Strait to the place of beginning, excluding Indian Island;
(j) that area of Kent County known as Sainte-Anne-de-Kent in the parish of Wellington and parish of Richibucto and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities, first aid and ambulance services and garbage and refuse collection and disposal: 
Beginning at a point where the eastern prolongation of the northern boundary of Lot Letter M granted to M. Doucet meets the banks or shores of the Northumberland Strait; thence in a northwesterly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot Letter M; thence in a southwesterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot Letter M; thence in a northwesterly direction to the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 505; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said right-of-way to the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of Lot Letter T granted to P.J. White; thence in a northwesterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot Letter T; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot Letter S granted to Chas. White; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot Letter R granted to S. Richard; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot Letter R; thence in a northwesterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 3 granted to Dominic Richard; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 5 granted to Peter Casey; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 2 granted to Raphael Casey; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 1 granted to Fidelle Casey; thence in a northwesterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 1 granted to Laurent Richard Jr.; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 2 granted to Joseph Richard Jr.; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 2E granted to J. Maiher; thence in a southwesterly direction to the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 91 granted to Wm. McLeod; thence in a southwesterly direction to the northernmost corner of the 1st Tract granted to P. McAway; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of the 1st Tract; thence in an easterly direction to the Richibucto - Wellington parish line; thence in a southwesterly direction along the said parish line to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 115 granted to Wm. Mooney; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 115; thence in a northeasterly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 100 granted to Jos. Vautore; thence in a southeasterly direction to the northern boundary of the lot granted to Norman McNiel; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of said Norman McNiel lot; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southernmost corner of the Norman McNiel lot; thence in a northeasterly direction to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 2 granted to F. Beaton; thence in a southeasterly direction to the banks or shores of the Black River; thence in an easterly direction along the banks or shores of the Black River to the western boundary of Lot No. 4 granted to P. Jarvaise; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 4; thence in a northeasterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 5 granted to J. Jarvaise; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 6 granted to John B. Bushea; thence in an easterly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 8 granted to Stanislas Collett; thence in a southeasterly direction to the westernmost corner of the lot granted to Peter Allen; thence in an easterly direction to the easternmost corner of the lot granted to M. Deroche; thence in a northwesterly direction to the southernmost corner of Lot Letter D granted to Joseph White; thence in a northeasterly direction to the western boundary of Lot No. 17 granted to Placid DeRoche; thence in a northerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 17; thence in a northeasterly direction to the banks and shores of the Baie de Buctouche; thence in a northerly direction following the banks and shores of said Baie de Buctouche and the banks or shores of Northumberland Strait to the place of beginning;
(k) the parish of Saint-Charles, excluding the local service district of Aldouane, for fire protection, street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal;
(l) the parish of Saint-Louis, excluding the village of Saint-Louis de Kent and the local service district of Saint-Ignace, for fire protection and street lighting; 
except that the service of street lighting is discontinued for that portion of the parish known as Canisto Road and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25198839 meets the western right-of-way of Route 11; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25011966; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25011966 to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25013244; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25209974; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25011867; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25016171; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #25209883; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western right-of-way of Piquette Road; thence northwesterly along the western right-of-way of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25209784; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25203324; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25013103; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25012485; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25261686; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot, crossing Gallant Road, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PIC #25012600; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25012600 and its prolongation, crossing Le Buttereau Road, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25203282; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25270422; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route 480, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25012857; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to a point being 100 metres north of the northern right-of-way of Route 480; thence southeasterly along a straight line to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25265372; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25261678; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25022583; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25209842; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25209859; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25011958; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25012062; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25153859; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25011909; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route 480, to the place of beginning;
(m) the parish of Saint Mary, excluding the Village of Saint-Antoine, for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(n) the parish of Saint-Paul for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(o) the parish of Weldford for fire protection and non-fire related rescue; and
(p) the parish of Wellington, excluding the Village of Buctouche and that portion therein of the local service district of Ste. Anne de Kent, for fire protection, and for the additional service of street lighting for that portion of the parish known as Desroches and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the northern banks or shores of Ruisseau Georges-Collette meet the town limits of Bouctouche; thence northwesterly following the said town limits to the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 11; thence northerly along the said eastern right-of-way to the southern banks or shores of the Black River; thence downstream following the various courses of the said river to the southern prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25063884; thence northerly along the said prolongation and western boundary to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25063561; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #25063561; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25063629; thence southerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25237892; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25073164; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25073164 to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25064767; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25064767 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25278540; thence northerly to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25039231; thence easterly along the rear base line of lots fronting on the southern right-of-way of Perry Road to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25071481; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25062548 and its prolongation, crossing Route No. 475, to the banks or shores of Baie de Buctouche; thence southerly following the said banks or shores and the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 475, crossing the Black River to the point where its southern banks or shores intersect the town limits of Bouctouche; thence westerly following the said town limits to the mouth of Ruisseau Georges-Collette; thence crossing the said Ruisseau Georges-Collette to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Dixon Point-Route 134 and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the eastern right-of-way of Route 134 meets the southern banks or shores of Buctouche Harbour, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 17U-C3; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores around Dixon Point and continuing southeasterly along the western banks or shores of Baie de Buctouche to a point on the southern banks or shores of Biggs Brook, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 17U-86; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25058157, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/07-Z1; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/07-Y2; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #25058157 and its prolongation to a point on the northern banks or shores of Biggs Brook; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said northern banks or shores, crossing Ward Road and Route 134, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25061359; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of Route 11; thence northwesterly along the various courses of the said eastern right-of-way, crossing McKees Mill Road, to a point on the southern banks or shores of Little Buctouche River, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 17U-C3; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores, crossing Route 134, to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Bouctouche Cove and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #25343997 and the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25056599 meets the northern right-of-way limits of Mill Creek Road; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25056599 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25241787; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #25067125; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25067125 to the southwestern corner of lot with NB PID #25057787, also being the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #25164104; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot, thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #25057084 to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of said lot; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #25057829 until it meets a branch of Noel Creek; thence easterly, crossing the lot with NB PID #25057829, along the various courses of the said branch of Noel Creek to Noel Creek, the said creek also being the municipal boundary limits for the town of Bouctouche; thence northeasterly and then southeasterly along the various courses of the western banks or shores of Noel Creek and the municipal boundary limits for the town of Bouctouche, crossing Route 515, to the Bouctouche River; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the northern banks or shores of the Bouctouche River to the point where the parish line between the parishes of Sainte-Marie and Wellington meet; thence northwesterly, crossing Route 515 at Mill Creek, along the various courses of the Sainte-Marie and Wellington parish boundary limits to the point where the prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NB PID # 25057332 meets the Sainte-Marie and Wellington parish boundary limit; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #25057332 to the northwestern corner of said lot, also being the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #25268947; thence northeasterly following the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #25057332 and its various courses, to the Mill Creek Road; thence northeasterly, crossing said road, then southeasterly along the northerly right-of-way limits of said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #25056599, being the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Saint-Grégoire and described as follows: 
Beginning where the most northerly point of NB PID #25382821 intersects the mean high water level of the Little Bouctouche River; then in a southwesterly direction along the contour of the mean high water level of the Little Bouctouche River to the northwestern point of NB PID #25059700; then in a southwestern direction along NB PID #s 25059700 and 25384595 to the western boundary of NB PID #25384595; then south along the western boundary of NB PID #25384595 to the northern boundary line of NB PID #25015389; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25015389 to the intersection with NB PID #25059676; then in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of NB PID #25015389 to the intersection with NB PID #25068842; then in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25068842 to the intersection with NB PID #25015389; then in a southerly direction along the western boundary of NB PID #25015389 to Route 115 (also known as the McKees Mills Road); then southerly across Route 115 to a point where the southern boundary of Route 115 intersects with NB PID #25061326 at 100 meters from the Saint-Grégoire Road; then running south parallel 100 meters west of the Saint-Grégoire Road until it intersects with the northern boundary line of NB PID #25064133; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25041433; then running in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of NB PID #25061433 to the intersection with the northern boundary of NB PID #25068552; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25068552 to the intersection with NB PID #25375064; then in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25375064 to the intersection with NB PID #25061326; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25375064 until it intersects with NB PID #25059437; then in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25375064 to the so-called Spring Road; then south across the Spring Road until it intersects with the northern boundary of NB PID #25061425; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundaries of NB PID #s 25061425 and 25061458 until it intersects with NB PID #25059445; then in a southerly direction along the western boundary of NB PID #s 25061458 and 25246430 to the intersection with NB PID #25060559; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #25060559 to the Smelt Brook; then in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of NB PID #25060559 to the intersection with NB PID #25060310; then in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of NB PID #s 25060310, 25061029 and 25246463; then in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundary of NB PID #25246463 to the intersection with NB PID #25060310; then in a southerly direction along the western boundary of NB PID #250603100 until it intersects with NB PID #s 25261512 and 25108119; then in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundaries of NB PID #s 25108119 and 25231564 until it intersects the southern boundary of NB PID #25231564; then in an easterly direction along the southern boundaries of NB PID #s 25231564, 25106832 and 25106824 until it intersects with NB PID #25106113; then in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25106824 until it intersects with NB PID #25070798; then in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of NB PID #25070798 until it intersects with NB PID #25227463; then in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25070798 until it intersects with NB PID #25061078; then in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of NB PID #25061078 until it intersects with NB PID #25106709; then in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25061078 until it intersects with NB PID #s 25061367 and 25061516; then in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of NB PID #25061516 until it intersects with NB PID #25106253; then in a northerly direction along the eastern boundary of NB PID #25061516 until it intersects with NB PID #25061632; then in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of NB PID #25061532 until it intersects with the western boundary of Route 11; then in a northerly direction along the western boundary of Route 11 to the intersection of the mean water level of the Little Bouctouche River and the most northerly point of NB PID #25382821, being the place of beginning.
87-42; 87-57; 88-45; 88-76; 88-86; 88-231; 90-68; 90-77; 90-165; 90-167; 91-82; 91-86; 91-98; 91-123; 91-124; 91-162; 91-190; 92-88; 94-41; 94-42; 95-47; 95-135; 95-144; 95-156; 96-86; 96-94; 98-79; 99-13; 2003-4; 2003-30; 2008-80; 2009-68; 2012-100; 2014-44; 2015-17
10.1In Kent County, local service districts are established as follows:
(a) Repealed: 2014-44
(b) that area of Kent County known as Saint-Ignace in the parish of Saint-Louis and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the Saint-Louis - Saint-Charles parish line meets the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25014317; thence northerly along the said western boundary to the southern banks or shores of the Kouchibouguacis River; thence westerly along the said banks or shores to the southerly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012808; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and boundary of the said lot to its northernmost corner; thence northerly along the various courses of the boundaries of the lot with LRIS PID #25203324 and now or previously owned by the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25013145; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary and the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012444 to the northwestern corner of the said lot with LRIS PID #25012444; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25012444 and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012592; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012592 to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012568; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25012568 to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25012600; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25012600 to its southeastern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25261686 to its southeastern corner; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25261686 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25012485; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25012485 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25268145; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25268145 to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25014077; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25014077 to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northern banks or shores of the Kouchibouguacis River; thence southeasterly in a straight line to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25010505; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northern right-of-way of Pont-du-Milieu Road; thence southeasterly, crossing the said road, to the northeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25207036; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the Saint-Louis - Saint-Charles parish line; thence southwesterly following the boundary of the said parish line to the place of beginning; and
(c) that area of Kent County and Westmorland County known as Grande-Digue in the parishes of Dundas and Shediac and described as follows for fire protection, non-fire-related rescue, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, recreational facilities and community services:
Beginning at the point where the western right-of-way of Highway No. 134 meets the northern banks or shores of the Ruisseau Albert-Gallant the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N925780, E1485115, as shown on LRIS Property Map 16V-01; thence southeasterly following the northern banks or shores of the said Ruisseau Albert-Gallant upstream to a point on the western right-of-way of Highway No.11, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N924760, E1483900 and also being on the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #70210968; thence northeasterly along the said western right-of-way a distance of approximately 46.0 metres to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #70099767, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N924900, E1483960; thence northerly along the said eastern boundary a distance of approximately 32.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25139064, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N925000, E1483960; thence northwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 207.0 metres to a point on the western right-of-way of the Babineau Access Road, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N925100, E1483295 and also being on the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25109414; thence continuing northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1330.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25245226, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282160, E450810; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25245226 and its prolongation a distance of approximately 240.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25094152, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282380, E450910, as shown on LRIS Property Map 21I/07-T1; thence northwesterly along the said southern boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #25094152 a distance of approximately 570.0 metres to its southwestern corner, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282445, E450340; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 350.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25100447, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282760, E450495; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 790.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25245044, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282515, E449750; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 110.0 metres to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25101221, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282620, E449710; thence northwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation a distance of approximately 1220.0 metres to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25101288, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N282870, E448520; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation a distance of approximately 940.0 metres to a point on the westerly prolongation of the northern right-of-way of the Babineau Road, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N283760, E448295; thence easterly along the said westerly prolongation and the northern right-of-way of the said road and its easterly prolongation a distance of approximately 1800.0 metres to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25100454, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N283850, E450010; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 835.0 metres to the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25094459, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N284650, E449750; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot a distance of approximately 1000.0 metres to a point on the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25097080, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N284710, E450740; thence northerly along the said western boundary, crossing Highway No.11 and Highway No.134, a distance of approximately 3000.0 metres to a point on the southern right-of-way of Highway No.530, the said point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N943850, E1478340, as shown on LRIS Property Map 16U-95; thence in a straight line, crossing Highway No.530, to a point on the eastern right-of-way of the Cocagne Bay Road at the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #25108481, the said corner having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N943945, E1478380; thence northerly along the said eastern right-of-way to meet the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #25097080 and continuing northerly along the said western boundary to meet the southern banks or shores of the Cocagne Harbour, as shown on LRIS Property Map 16U-96; thence easterly and northerly following the said southern banks or shores to meet the western banks or shores of the Northumberland Strait at Pointe aux Renards; thence southeasterly and southwesterly following the said western banks or shores, around Cap de Cocagne, Cap de Cassie and around the sand bar at Pointe Grand-Digue, and continuing southwesterly following the western banks or shores of Shediac Bay to meet the northern banks or shores of the Ruisseau Albert-Gallant; thence following the said northern banks or shores upstream, crossing Highway No.134, to the place of beginning.
88-45; 91-82; 91-98; 92-123; 95-12; 99-64; 2014-44; 2016-23
11In King’s County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) Repealed: 97-42
(b) the parish of Cardwell, for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(c) the parish of Greenwich, for fire protection and recreational facilities;
(d) the parish of Hammond, for fire protection and recreational facilities;
(e) the parish of Hampton, excluding Quispamsis and that portion of Hampton located in the parish, shown on the attached Schedule 11(e) for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services, and
(i) for the additional service of recreational facilities in that portion of the parish known as Nauwigewauk and shown in Inset 1 of the Schedule,
(ii) for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Fairmont Subdivision and shown in Inset 2 of the Schedule;
(f) the parish of Havelock, for fire protection and non-fire related rescue; and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Havelock Inside and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the northwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #172700 meets the southern right-of-way of a Crown Reserve road; thence northeasterly following the said southern right-of-way, crossing Route No. 885 and continuing along the said southern right-of-way to the northeastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #172932; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #960369; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the eastern right-of-way of Hicks Settlement Road; thence northwesterly and northeasterly following the eastern and southern rights-of-way of Hicks Settlement Road to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #960328; thence southeasterly, northeasterly, northwesterly and northeasterly following the various boundaries of the said lot to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #960609; thence southeasterly following the said western boundary of the said lot to the northern right-of-way of Route No. 880; thence southwesterly following the said northern right-of-way to the northerly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #70067210; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #70089024 to the eastern right-of-way of Beckwith Road; thence southeasterly along the said eastern right-of-way to the northern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence southwesterly along the said northern right-of-way to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #960666; thence northerly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and the northern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway to the northerly prolongation of the western boundary of the said lot with LRIS PID #960666; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and western boundary of the said lot to the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #167882; thence southwesterly along the said southern boundary to the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #167684; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #154146; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the eastern right-of-way of Route No. 885; thence southeasterly following the said eastern right-of-way to the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #172973; thence southwesterly, southeasterly, southwesterly, northwesterly and northeasterly around the boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #169185; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundaries of the said lot and the lot with LRIS PID #169201 and their prolongation to the northern right-of-way of Route No. 880; thence southwesterly along the said northern right-of-way to the eastern right-of-way of Mineral Springs Road; thence northwesterly along the said eastern right-of-way to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #60657; thence northwesterly following the said western boundary and the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #172700 to the place of beginning;
(g) the parish of Kars for fire protection, non-fire related rescue and recreational facilities;
(h) the parish of Kingston, for fire protection and non-fire related rescue;
(i) the parish of Norton, excluding those portions of Hampton and the Village of Norton located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(j) the parish of Rothesay, excluding Rothesay and Quispamsis, for fire protection and recreational facilities;
(k) the parish of Springfield, excluding that portion of the Village of Norton located in the parish, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(l) the parish of Studholm for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, recreational and sports facilities and community services; and for the additional service of community services facility in that portion of the parish known as Lower Millstream and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the southeasterly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30030803 meets the parish line between the parishes of Studholm and Sussex; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation, the said boundary and its northwesterly prolongation to a point on the northwestern right-of-way of Route 121; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00126771, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30000996; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #00117465; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30112296; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30206387 to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00117739; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #00127076; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner, the said corner being also a point on the northwestern banks or shores of an unnamed brook; thence northeasterly along the said banks or shores to a point on the southwestern boundary of the southern portion of the lot with NB PID #30068373; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30025860; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #30069082; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30069074 to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #30071245 and NB PID #00085829 to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #30242770; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00117234, NB PID #00126904, NB PID #30071245 and NB PID #30069082 to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #30025860; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot, the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #30208854 and NB PID #00117291 and the northwesterly prolongation of the said boundary to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00483016; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00117986; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot, the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00102871, NB PID #00118109, NB PID #00117994 and NB PID #00117978 and the northwesterly prolongation of the said boundary to a point on the northern right-of-way of Route 875; thence westerly along the said right-of-way to the southern corner of the southern portion of the lot with NB PID #00117812, the said corner being also the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #30210926; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southern right-of-way of O’Neill Road; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00117846; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30163653; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the western portion of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Snyder Road; thence northeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southern corner of the eastern portion of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00118075 to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00118083; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern right-of-way of a Crown reserved road; thence northeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southern corner of the western portion of the lot with NB PID #00113613; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said western portion to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #30032601; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00117606; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Manitoba Road; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #00117630; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the western banks or shores of Millstream River; thence southerly along the said western banks or shores to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #30221592; thence easterly along a straight line, crossing the said river, to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #30243984; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #00122762; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00118299 to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #30210009; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #00127555; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00117259 to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00483438; thence northwesterly along the said boundary to the northern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00483420 to the western corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #00483412; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its western corner; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and its southeasterly prolongation to a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Route 121; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #30002984; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00483479 to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #30210009; thence southeasterly along the said boundary and its southeasterly prolongation to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Studholm and Sussex; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to the place of beginning;
(m) the parish of Sussex, excluding the Town of Sussex and the Village of Sussex Corner located therein, that is shown on the attached Schedule 11(m) for fire protection, recreational and sports facilities and community services; and for the additional service of community services facility in that portion of the parish known as Apohaqui;
(n) the parish of Upham, for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(o) the parish of Waterford, for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities; and
(p) the parish of Westfield, excluding Grand Bay-Westfield, for fire protection and recreational facilities; and the additional service of non-fire related rescue in the areas known as the Kingston Peninsula and Kennebecasis Island located in the parish;
86-31; 87-88; 88-99; 89-157; 90-145; 91-164; 93-152; 94-140; 94-156; 95-152; 97-42; 98-50; 2001-38; 2001-39; 2005-135; 2006-38; 2007-64; 2012-5; 2012-31; 2012-87; 2013-43; 2013-80; 2015-16
12In Madawaska County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) Repealed: 2017-5
(b) Repealed: 2017-5
(c) Repealed: 2017-5
(d) the parish of Madawaska, excluding those portions of Edmundston and Haut-Madawaska located in the parish, for fire protection;
(e) the parish of Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services;
(f) Repealed: 2006-55
(g) the parish of Sainte-Anne, excluding the Village of Sainte-Anne-de-Madawaska, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services, and for street lighting service as well to the area known as Seigas and described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the southwestern corner of Lot No. 94 granted to Michael Hartt meets the banks or shores of the Saint John River; thence in a northeasterly direction to the southeastern corner of said Lot No. 94; thence in a northwesterly direction following the rear line of lots fronting on the Saint John River to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 87 granted to Frederick Muzeroll; thence in a southwesterly direction to the banks or shores of the Saint John River; thence in a southeasterly direction following said banks or shores to the place of beginning;
(h) the parish of Saint-Basile, excluding that portion of Edmundston located therein and the Saint-Basile Indian Reserve, for fire protection;
(i) Repealed: 2017-5
(j) Repealed: 2017-5
(k) the parish of Saint-Jacques, excluding that portion of Edmundston located therein, for fire protection and street lighting;
(l) the parish of Saint-Joseph, excluding that portion of Edmundston located therein, for fire protection and recreational facilities;
(m) the parish of Saint-Léonard, excluding the town of Saint-Léonard, for fire protection, recreational and sports facilities and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Poitier and described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #35100098 meets the eastern banks or shores of the Saint John River; thence northwesterly along the various courses of the said banks or shores to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #35260819; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, said corner being also a point on the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence easterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #35101633; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner, said corner being also a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35100163; thence easterly along the said boundary and the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35261668 to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #35102631; thence northwesterly along the various courses of the western and northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, said corner being also a point on the western right-of-way of Route 144; thence easterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #35100643; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35103019 to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, said corner being also a point on the northwestern right-of-way of Grande Rivière Road; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Route 2; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #35101781; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern right-of-way of the abandoned Canadian National Railway, being also a lot with NB PID #35270834; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Montagne Road; thence easterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #35101963; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35183433; thence southeasterly along the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35233329 to the southern corner of the said lot, said corner being also a point on the northwestern right-of-way of a Crown reserve road; thence southeasterly along the southeastern prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35233329, crossing the said right-of-way, to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35101567; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Baker Road; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #35317940; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner, said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Montagne Road; thence southerly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #35208636, said corner being also a point on the northern boundary of the town of Saint-Léonard; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the place of beginning;
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Saint-Léonard-Parent and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the property line between the lot with NB PID #35285469 and the lot with NB PID #35304831 and the northeastern limit of the Canadian National Railway; thence northeasterly along the said property line and its prolongation, being also the northwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #35285469, NB PID #35097898, NB PID #35282490, NB PID #35236454, NB PID #35103134, NB PID #35205863 and NB PID #35205871, to the property line between the lot with NB PID #35205871 and the lot with NB PID #35312701; thence southeasterly along the property line between the lot with NB PID #35312701 and the lots with NB PID #35205871, NB PID #35169192 and NB PID #35103688 to the property line between the lot with NB PID #35312701 and the lot with NB PID #35103290; thence northeasterly along the property line between the lot with NB PID #35312701 and the lot with NB PID #35103290 to the southwestern limit of Route 2; thence along the said limit, being also the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #35312701, NB PID #35103290, NB PID #35099688, NB PID #35099720, NB PID #35101427, NB PID #35098649, NB PID #35102904, NB PID #35227362, NB PID #35227388, NB PID #35102375, a Crown reserve road and the lots with NB PID #35102375, NB PID #35101898, NB PID #35102854, NB PID #35102847, NB PID #35102987, NB PID #35205707, NB PID #35101195, NB PID #35098698, NB PID #35290832, NB PID #35240308, NB PID #35098342, NB PID #35237320, NB PID #35305549, NB PID #35312305, NB PID #35104090, NB PID #35208768, NB PID #35100221 and NB PID #35233394, to the northeastern limit of Old Route 2; thence southeasterly along the said limit to the property line between the lot with NB PID #35209261 and the lot with NB PID #35208990; thence southwesterly along the said property line and its prolongation, being also the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #35233394, to the northeastern limit of the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along the said limit, being also the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #35233394, NB PID #35100221, NB PID #35305556, NB PID #35099852, NB PID #35208453, NB PID #35102805, NB PID #35098276, NB PID #35268754, NB PID #35213248, NB PID #35208735, NB PID #35098136, NB PID #35098615, NB PID #35208669, NB PID #35098490, NB PID #35099845 and NB PID #35208693, to the southwestern limit of Old Route 2; thence northwesterly along the said limit to the intersection of the property line between the lot with NB PID #35265487 and the lot with NB PID #35213081; thence northwesterly along the limit of the Canadian National Railway, being also the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #35265487, NB PID #35265503, NB PID #35276930, NB PID #35098649, NB PID #35102532, NB PID #35101203, NB PID #35101385, NB PID #35101468, NB PID #35101427, NB PID #35227511, NB PID #35227503, NB PID #35007202, NB PID #35232537, NB PID #35232511, NB PID #35232529, NB PID #35000793, NB PID #35232545, NB PID #35232552, NB PID #35280544, NB PID #35280536, NB PID #35102458, NB PID #35102268, NB PID #35098714, NB PID #35285451 and NB PID #35285469, to the place of beginning;
(n) the parish of Rivière-Verte, excluding the Village of Rivière-Verte, for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services.
85-40; 86-31; 87-114; 87-115; 87-151; 88-8; 90-52; 91-155; 95-113; 96-77; 97-86; 2000-17; 2002-91; 2004-56; 2006-13; 2006-55; 2008-36; 2010-42; 2010-145; 2012-72; 2017-5
13In Northumberland County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Alnwick, excluding the village of Neguac and the local service districts of Upper Portage River (Haut-Rivière-du-Portage), Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge, Fair Isle, Tabusintac and the portion of the local service districts of Val-Comeau and Portage River-Tracadie Beach located therein, for fire protection and street lighting and for the additional service of garbage and refuse collection and disposal in that portion of the area known as Barryville-New Jersey and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the southern right-of-way of Route 11 meets the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40017345, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-56; thence southeasterly along the said western boundary and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40309023, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-C2; thence northeasterly along the prolongation of the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40007171; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40007239, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-56; thence southeasterly along the said western boundary to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40007254; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and the said northern boundary and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40007429, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-66; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40014672, the said point being also on the western boundary of the Burnt Church Indian Reserve No. 14; thence southeasterly along the said western boundary, crossing the Burnt Church River, to a point on the northwestern banks or shores of the Miramichi Bay, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-D2; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said northwestern banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40009094, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-V3; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route 11, and continuing northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40009250 to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40009250 to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40009235; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40009235 and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40009185; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008898, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-Y1; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40299844, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-Y2 SW; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008724; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40008724 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008716; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40008716 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008542; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40008542 to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-Y2; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008336; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40008328, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-Y4; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary to the southern banks or shores of the Burnt Church River; thence southeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores downstream to the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40005712; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and the said western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40005944; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40006892, the said corner being also on the southern right-of-way of Drisdelle Settlement Road, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-37; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40006892 to the northwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40006850, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-46; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the said northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40006728; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and the said northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of Route 450, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 24S-56; thence southeasterly along the said western right-of-way to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also on the northern right-of-way of Route 11; thence southeasterly in a straight line, crossing Route 11, to the place of beginning;
(b) that area of Northumberland County known as Baie Ste. Anne in the parish of Hardwicke, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the western bank or shore of Baie Ste. Anne where the northern side line of Lot Letter “C” granted by the Crown to Joseph Tibodo Jr. meets the same; thence northwesterly along said northern side line of Lot Letter “C” to the northwest corner of same, thence southwesterly along the rear base line of granted lots fronting on the western bank or shore of Eel River and Meadow Brook to a point where the southern side line of lot number twenty-six granted to David Turbide meets the bank or shore of Meadow Brook; thence across Meadow Brook and upstream along the eastern bank or shore of said brook to a point where the southern side line of lot number twenty-five granted to Charles Turbide meets the same; thence southeasterly along said southern side line and the rear line of granted lots fronting on Eel River to where the rear line of lot number one granted to M. Blanch meets the bank or shore of same to a point where the western side line of lot number two hundred forty-two meets the same; thence southerly along said western side line of said lot and along the rear base line of granted lots fronting on Eel River to the southwestern corner of lot number six granted to R. Ryan; thence easterly along the southern side line of lot six to the bank or shore of Eel River; thence across Eel River and up the eastern bank or shore of same to a point where the southern side line of granted lot number twelve meets the same; thence northeasterly along said southern side line of lot number twelve to the southeast corner of same; thence northerly along the rear base line of granted lots fronting on Eel River and its northern prolongation to the southwest corner of lot number nineteen granted to Noel Manuel; thence easterly along the rear base line of lots numbers nineteen aforesaid, twenty-one granted to William Savoy and lots fronting on Portage River to the southeast corner of lot number twenty-three; thence northerly along the eastern side line of said lot to the bank or shore of Portage River; thence across Portage River to a point where the southern or rear line of lot number 32 west granted to A. A. Martin meets the same; thence easterly along said rear line and the rear base line of lots fronting Baie Ste. Anne and the Gulf of St. Lawrence to a point on the southerly boundary of lot number two granted to Lewis Jimmo et al, being distant four hundred thirty-five feet easterly and at right angles from the westerly side line of the said lot number two, said point also being the southeast corner of property owned or previously owned by Anathase Durelle; thence northerly along the east side line of said Anathase Durelle and maintaining a distance of four hundred thirty-five feet (132.588 metres) easterly from the west side line of lot number two, to a point on the northerly side line of the highway leading from Baie Ste. Anne to Escuminac thence in an easterly direction, along the northerly boundary of the said highway a distance of three hundred fifty-eight feet (109.1184 metres) to the southeast corner of property of Alvin Durelle; thence northerly parallel to the west side line of lot number two, along the east side line of property owned or previously owned by Alvin Durelle and also along the east side line of property owned or previously owned by John E. Russell to a point on the south shore of the Miramichi Bay and the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Baie Ste. Anne following its various courses to a point where the eastern side line of the lot number twenty granted by the Crown to Alex McDonald meets the same; thence in a straight line across Baie Ste. Anne to the place of beginning;
(c) that area of Northumberland County known as Collette in the parish of Rogersville and described as follows for fire protection and street lighting:
Beginning at the point where the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway meets the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40145534, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 20R-B2; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40297848; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40297848 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40148405; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40148405 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40149155, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/12-Z4; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40149155 to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/13-T2; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the southern banks or shores of the Middle Branch Barnaby River; thence northeasterly following the various courses of the said southern banks or shores to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40149148; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40149064; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40149064, crossing the Middle Branch Barnaby River, to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40148868, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-R1; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40148868 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40149718; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40149718 to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along the said western right-of-way to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40149874; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation, crossing the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway, and continuing northeasterly along the said northern boundary to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40155350, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-R3; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40155350 and its prolongation, crossing the Barnaby River, to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40150047; thence northeasterly along the said northwestern boundary and its prolongation to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40153405; thence northeasterly along the said northwestern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40153405 and its prolongation, crossing Route 126, to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40152886; thence southeasterly along the said southern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40150344; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40150344 and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40150450; thence northwesterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western banks or shores of an unnamed stream; thence northwesterly following the various courses of the said western banks or shores downstream to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40155939; thence northeasterly along the said southeastern boundary and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40153041, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-U1; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Nelson and Rogersville; thence northeasterly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Glenelg and Rogersville, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-U2; thence southeasterly along the said parish line between the parishes of Glenelg and Rogersville to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40154643, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-R4; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40151813; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40151771; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40301954; thence northwesterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40151672; thence southwesterly along the said northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40151672 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40301988; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40301988 and its prolongation to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40153470, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-R2; thence northwesterly along the said northeastern boundary to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40152779; thence southwesterly along the said southeastern boundary and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40300402; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40301319; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40301319 to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40300527, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/14-R1; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40152407; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot, crossing the Barnaby River, and continuing southwesterly along the said southern boundary and its prolongation, crossing Route 126 and the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway, to a point on the western right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence northwesterly along the said western right-of-way to the place of beginning;
(d) that area of the parishes of Hardwicke and Glenelg, known as Black River-Hardwicke described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the western bank or shore of Baie Du Vin where the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 1 granted to Alexander McDonald & John McLean meets the same; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary to the northwest angle of same; thence in a southwesterly direction along the rear base line of lots fronting Baie Du Vin and Big Black River to the southwest angle of lot granted by the Crown to Don McNaughton, said lot being in block 16 range 11; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundary of the aforementioned lot to a point where it meets the northern limits of N. B. Highway No. 11; thence in a southeasterly direction following the northern limits of N. B. Highway No. 11 to a point where the northwestern boundary of Lot No. 59 granted to Henry McCafferty meets the same; thence in a northeasterly direction along said northwestern boundary and its prolongation northeasterly to the northeast angle of Lot No. 17 granted by the Crown to Donald McCall; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly boundary of Lot No. 17 to a point where the southwesterly prolongation of the southeast boundaries of lots granted by the Crown to Alex McDonald and Hugh McDonald meets the same; thence in a northeasterly direction along said prolongation and said boundaries to the northeast angle of the aforementioned lot granted to Hugh McDonald; thence in a southeast direction, in a straight line, to the southwest angle of Lot No. 1 granted by the Crown to J. M. Johnson fronting on Little Black River, said lot being located in block 16 range 9; thence in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of Lot No. 1 and Lot No. 4 granted by the Crown to George Fowlie and its prolongation easterly to a point on the parish line between the Parishes of Glenelg and Hardwicke; thence in a southeasterly direction following said parish line to a point where it meets the county line between the Counties of Northumberland and Kent; thence in a northeasterly direction following said county line and the various courses of the boundary of School District No. 10 to the place of beginning;
(e) the parish of Blackville, excluding the Village of Blackville, and the local service district of Renous-Quarryville, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(f) the parish of Blissfield, excluding the Village of Doaktown, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(g) Repealed: 2014-35
(h) the parish of Chatham, excluding the portion of the city of Miramichi located in the parish, for fire protection;
(i) Repealed: 94-80
(j) the parish of Derby, excluding the local service district of Renous-Quarryville, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(k) Repealed: 94-80
(l) that area of Northumberland County known as Escuminac in the parish of Hardwicke and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the south shore of the Miramichi Bay, said point being distant 793 feet easterly and at right angles from the boundary line between Lot Number 3 granted to Daniel McLean and Lot Number 2 granted to Lewis Jimmo et al, said point also being the northeast corner of the property owned or previously owned by John E. Russell; thence from the place of beginning southerly along the said property of John E. Russell and also along property owned or previously owned by Alvin Durelle, and parallel with the west side line of Lot Number 2 granted to Lewis Jimmo et al, to a point on the northerly boundary of the Highway leading from Escuminac to Baie Ste. Anne; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of the said highway a distance of 358 feet (109.1184 metres) to a point, said point also being distant 435 feet (132.588 metres) easterly and at right angles from the boundary line between Lot Number 3 granted to Daniel McLean and Lot Number 2 granted to Lewis Jimmo et al; thence from said point, in a southerly direction crossing the Highway and continuing southerly along the east side line of property owned or previously owned by Anathase Durelle and maintaining a distance of 435 feet (132.588 metres) easterly from the west side line of Lot Number 2, to a point on the rear of the said lot, said point also being the southeast corner of said property of Anathase Durelle; thence in an easterly direction along the rear of the said Lot Number 2 and continuing easterly along the base line the Escuminac Lots to the southeast corner of Lot Letter I granted to Daniel McLean; thence in a northerly direction along the east side line of Lot I to the southwest corner of Lot K granted to D. Lloyd; thence easterly along the rear line of Lot L to the southeast corner of the said lot; thence in a northerly direction and following the easterly line of Lot L to the south shore of the Miramichi Bay; thence in a westerly direction along the south shore of the Miramichi Bay to the place of beginning;
(m) the parish of Glenelg, excluding the portion of the local service district of Black River-Hardwicke, the portion of the local service district of St. Margarets and the portion of the city of Miramichi located in the parish, for fire protection;
(n) the parish of Hardwicke, excluding the local service districts of Baie Ste. Anne, Escuminac and the portion of the local service district of Black River-Hardwicke located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(o) Repealed: 2014-35
(p) the parish of Nelson, excluding the portion of the city of Miramichi located in the parish, for fire protection;
(q) the parish of Newcastle, excluding the local service district of Ferry Road - Russellville and the portion of the city of Miramichi located in the parish, for fire protection;
(r) Repealed: 94-80
(s) the parish of North Esk, excluding the local service district of Sunny Corner and the portion of the city of Miramichi located in the parish, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(t) that area of Northumberland County known as Oak Point - Bartibog Bridge in the parish of Alnwick, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at point where the southeast corner of Lot 84 granted to Edward White meets the northerly bank or shore of the Miramichi River; thence from the place of beginning in a southwesterly direction and following the various courses of the north bank or shore of the Miramichi River to where the Bartibog River empties into the said Miramichi River; thence in a northerly direction along the east bank or shore of the Bartibog River to the southwest corner of Lot 1 granted to Joseph Stronach; thence in an easterly direction along the southern boundary line of Lot 1 to its southeast corner; thence in a northerly direction along the easterly boundary of Lot 1 to the northwest corner of Lot 9, being part of the third tract granted to John English; thence in an easterly direction along the rear of Lots 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 to the northeast corner of Lot 1 granted to Donald Buchanan; thence in a southerly direction along the easterly boundary of said Lot 1 granted to Donald Buchanan to a point where the northwest corner of Lot 72 granted to Donald McDonald meets the same; thence in an easterly direction along the rear of lots 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 80 to a point where the northeast corner of Lot 80 granted to James Fraser meets the westerly boundary of Lot 81 granted to James Fraser; thence in a northerly direction along the westerly boundary of Lot 81 granted to James Fraser to its northwest corner; thence in an easterly direction along the rear of lots 81, 82, 83 and 84 to the northeast corner of Lot 84 granted to Edward White; thence in a southerly direction along the easterly boundary of Lot 84 to the north bank or shore of the Miramichi River being the place of beginning;
(u) Repealed: 2014-35
(v) that area of Northumberland County known as Renous-Quarryville in the parish of Blackville and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the western right-of-way of Route No. 8 intersects the southern boundary of Lot No. 1 granted to T. McNamara; thence northeasterly along the said southern boundary and the southern boundary of Lot No. 2 granted to Thomas Nooney to meet the western banks or shores of the Southwest Miramichi River; thence northerly and westerly along the said banks or shores to the southern banks or shores of the Renous River; thence southwesterly following the said banks or shores of the Renous River upstream to meet the C.N.R. bridge crossing the Renous River; thence northwesterly, across the said river at the bridge, to meet the northern banks or shores of the said river; thence northeasterly following the said banks or shores downstream to the confluence of the Renous River with the Southwest Miramichi River; thence along the northerly banks or shores of the Southwest Miramichi River following its various courses downstream to its intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot No. 28 granted to William Davidson; thence northwesterly along the said boundary to the rear base line of lots fronting on the Southwest Miramichi River; thence southwesterly following the said rear baseline along its various courses to meet the Derby - South Esk parish line; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to meet the western boundary of Lot No. 7 granted to Byron Jardine; thence southerly along the said western boundary and the western boundaries of Lot No. 6 granted to Benjamin L. Young and Lot No. 5 granted to George H. Oak to the southwestern corner of the said Lot No. 5; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to meet the northern boundary of Lot No. 4 granted to Robert Jardine; thence southwesterly along the rear baselines of the said Lot No. 4, of Lot No. 3 granted to Joseph Cunard and of Lot No. 2 granted to John Boyd to meet the northeastern boundary of Lot No. 1 granted to John Foy; thence northwesterly along the said northeastern boundary to meet the rear baseline of granted lots fronting on the Southwest Miramichi River and the Renous River; thence southwesterly along the said rear baseline following its various courses to meet the northwestern corner of Lot No. 2 granted to William Lee; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said lot, crossing the Renous River, to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of Lot No. 28 granted to William J. Tucker; thence southerly along the western boundary of the said Lot No. 28 to its southern boundary; thence easterly along the said southern boundary and the southern boundary of Lot No. 27 granted to William S. Tucker to its southeastern corner; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said Lot No. 27 to meet the southern boundary of Lot No. 1 granted to David Newman; thence easterly along the said southern boundary to meet the western boundary of Lot No. 24 granted to James McEvoy; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to meet the western boundary of Lot Letter I granted to John Welsh; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary to the southwestern corner of the said Lot Letter I; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and the southern baseline of granted lots fronting on the southern banks or shores of the Renous River following the various courses of the said baseline to meet the western boundary of Lot No. 42 granted to J. Keefe; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary to meet the southern boundary of the said Lot No. 42; thence easterly along the said southern boundary to its southeastern corner; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to meet the southern boundary of Lot No. 11 granted to A. Donovan; thence easterly along the said southern boundary to the eastern boundary of the said lot; thence northerly along the said eastern boundary to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 10 granted to James Gillespie; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of Lot 39N; thence southerly along the western boundaries of the said Lot 39N and of Lot 39S granted to William T. Underhill to the southwestern corner of the said Lot 39S; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said Lot 39S to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 52 granted to B. N. Underhill; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said Lot No. 52 to the northwestern corner of the unnumbered lot in the name of the Government of Canada; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and of Lot Letter A granted to T. Coughlan to the northeastern corner of the said Lot Letter A; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of the said Lot Letter A to the northwestern corner of Lot 6S granted to Richard Crawford; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said Lot 6S to the western right-of-way of Route No. 8; thence northeasterly along the said western right-of-way to the place of beginning;
(w) the parish of Rogersville, excluding the village of Rogersville and the local service district of Collette, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(x) the parish of South Esk for fire protection and first aid and ambulance service;
(y) that area of Northumberland County known as Sunny Corner in the parish of North Esk and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the eastern bank or shore of the Northwest Miramichi River where the highway bridge to Red Bank meets said bank or shore; thence northerly following the eastern bank or shore of said River to a point where the northern boundary line of Lot No. 2 granted to Richard Lawrence meets said bank or shore; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said Lot No. 2, Lot Letter “X” granted to Thos O’Shea and Lot Letter “Y” granted to Bert O’Shea to meet the western boundary line of Lot Letter “I” granted to Duffy Gillice; thence northerly and easterly following the rear boundary lines of lots fronting on the Northwest Miramichi River to meet the eastern boundary line of Lot Letter “E” granted to James Welsh; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said Lot Letter “E” to meet the northern bank or shore of the Northwest Miramichi River; thence westerly and northerly following the bank or shore of said Northwest Miramichi River to the place of beginning;
(z) that area of Northumberland County known as Tabusintac in the parish of Alnwick, shown on the attached Schedule 13(z) for fire protection, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services.
(aa) Repealed: 2008-38
85-40; 85-103; 86-133; 86-179; 87-42; 87-104; 89-117; 89-118; 89-142; 89-143; 90-46; 90-84; 91-87; 92-93; 94-80; 94-107; 95-2; 95-80; 99-7; 2008-38; 2014-35
13.1In Northumberland County, a local service district is established as follows:
(a) that area of Northumberland County known as St. Margarets in the parish of Glenelg and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services and street lighting:
Beginning at a point where the northeastern corner of Lot No. 1 granted to Henry McCafferty meets Route 11; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 1 to the northwestern corner of the same; thence in a southeasterly direction following the rear base line of lots fronting on Route 11 to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 50 granted to Robert Lobban; thence in a southeasterly direction following the western boundary of Lot No. 51 granted to Robert Lobban and its prolongation to the northern boundary of Lot No. 60 granted to John Quinn; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 60 to the northwestern boundary of the same; thence in a southeasterly direction along the western boundary of Lots No. 60 and 61 granted to John Quinn and Lot Letter S ungranted to the southwestern corner of the said Lot Letter S; thence in a northeasterly direction along the prolongation of the southern boundary of Lot No. 5 granted to Hugh Dalley and the southern boundary of the said Lot No. 5 to the southeastern corner of the same; thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern boundary of the said Lot No. 5 and Lot No. 4 granted to Henry Dalley; to the northeastern corner of said Lot No. 4; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 4 to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 103 granted to R. Dalley, thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern boundary of the said Lot No. 103 and Lot No. 102, ungranted, to the southern boundary of the Lot granted to S. C. Hewes; thence in a northeasterly direction along the said southern boundary to the southeastern corner of the same; thence in a northwesterly direction along the eastern boundary of the said S. C. Hewes lot to the northeastern corner of the same; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the said S. C. Hewes lot to the eastern boundary of the ungranted lot; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said eastern boundary and Lot No. 67 granted to J. T. Dickens to the southern boundary of Lot No. 114 granted to John Dwyer; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southern boundary of the said Lot No. 114 to the southeastern corner of the same; thence in a northwesterly direction along the rear base lines of lots fronting on Route 11 to the northeastern corner of Lot No. 59 granted to Henry McCafferty; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 59 and its prolongation to the place of beginning;
(b) that area of Northumberland County known as Fair Isle in the parish of Alnwick and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, community services, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the southern boundary of Lot Letter A granted to M. Breau meets the western right-of-way of Ross Road; thence in a northerly direction along the said right-of-way to the northern right-of-way of Route No. 445; thence in a southwesterly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 44 granted to John McDonald; thence in a northerly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 44; thence in a westerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 71 granted to J. Williston Jr.; thence in a southerly direction to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 73 granted to James Williston; thence in a westerly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 73; thence in a southerly direction to the western right-of-way of Route No. 460; thence in a northwesterly and northerly direction along the said right-of-way to the banks or shores of the Stymest Millstream; thence in a westerly direction along the said banks or shores to the northern boundary of Lot No. 101 granted to Romain Godin; thence in a northwesterly direction to the westernmost boundary of Lot No. 100 granted to Stanislas St. Coeur; thence in a southerly direction to the easternmost corner of Lot No. 1 granted to Thomas Allain; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 12 ungranted; thence in a southeasterly direction to the southernmost corner of the lot granted to S. Breaux; thence in a southwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of Lot No. 49 granted to Ed Roy; thence in a southeasterly direction to the Burnt Church Indian Reserve No. 14; thence in an easterly direction to the western boundary of the village of Neguac; thence in a northwesterly and northeasterly direction along the northern boundary of the village of Neguac to the place of beginning;
(c) Repealed: 94-80
(d) that area of Northumberland County known as Lower Newcastle-Russellville in the parish of Newcastle and described as follows for fire protection and street lighting:
Beginning at the point where the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40101610 meets the western banks or shores of the Bartibog River, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-U2; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said western banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40101081, the said corner being also on the northern banks or shores of the Miramichi River, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-U2-SE; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said northern banks or shores to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40115453, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 02 470600 65420; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot, crossing Route 11, to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-U1; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #40101354, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-U2-SW; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #40101354 to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/ 03-U1; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40101669, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21P/03-U4; thence southeasterly along the said western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #40101610; thence southeasterly along the said western boundary, crossing Russellville Road, to the place of beginning, including Bartibog Island.
85-40; 87-42; 89-117; 89-118; 89-144; 91-2; 94-80; 97-93
14In Queens County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Brunswick, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(b) the parish of Cambridge, excluding that portion of the Village of Cambridge-Narrows located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(c) the parish of Canning, excluding that part of the Village of Minto located in the parish, for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(d) the parish of Chipman, excluding the Village of Chipman, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(e) that area of Queens County known as Hampstead in the parish of Hampstead and described as follows for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point where the Hampstead-Gagetown Parish line meets the western bank of the St. John River; thence in a southwesterly direction along said Parish line to where the eastern boundary of Camp Gagetown meets the Parish line; thence in a southerly direction following the eastern boundary of Camp Gagetown to where the said boundary meets the Queens-Kings County line; thence in a northeasterly direction along said County line to where the County line meets the western boundary of the St. John River; thence in a northerly direction following the western bank of the St. John River to place of beginning;
(f) the parish of Johnston, excluding that portion of the Village of Cambridge-Narrows located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(g) the parish of Petersville, excluding the properties of the Department of National Defence located therein and the local service district of Wirral-Enniskillen, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(h) that area of Queens County known as Upper Gagetown in the parish of Gagetown, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at a point on the western bank or shore of the Saint John River where the county line between the County of Sunbury and the County of Queens meets said bank or shore; thence southwesterly following said county line to meet the southwestern angle of Lot No. 80 granted to Aaron Allan; thence southeasterly following the Base Gagetown boundary line, being also the rear boundary lines of granted lots fronting on the Saint John River, to meet the southeastern angle of Lot No. 1 granted to Thomas Horsefield; thence northeasterly following the southeastern boundary line of said Lot No. 1 and Lot No. 59 granted to Samuel Peabody to meet the southwestern bank or shore of the Saint John River; thence northwesterly following the said bank or shore to the place of beginning;
(i) the parish of Waterborough for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(j) the parish of Wickham, excluding that portion of the Village of Cambridge-Narrows located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services; and
(k) that area of Queens County known as Wirral-Enniskillen, in the parish of Petersville described as follows for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities:
Beginning at the point where the county line between the counties of Charlotte and Queens meets the county line between the counties of Queens and Sunbury; thence northeasterly along the said county line to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #45046539; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and continuing along the said boundary to a point on the northeasterly prolongation of the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #45033313; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and the said boundary to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along a straight line to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #45138757; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot, crossing the right-of-way of Route 101, to a point on the county line between the counties of Charlotte and Queens; thence westerly along the said county line to the place of beginning.
87-42; 2008-79; 2008-157
15In Restigouche County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Addington, excluding the City of Campbellton, the Villages of Atholville and Tide Head and the local service districts of Flatlands and Glencoe, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(b) the parish of Balmoral, excluding the Village of Balmoral and the local service districts of Balmoral-St. Maure and Blair Athol, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(c) that area of Restigouche County known as Balmoral-St. Maure in the parish of Balmoral and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the boundary of Village of Balmoral meets the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #50132398; thence southerly along the said eastern boundary to the southern boundary of the said lot, said southern boundary being the northern right-of-way of a Crown reserved road; thence southwesterly following the said northern right-of-way to the western boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #50132455; thence northerly along the said western boundary and its northerly prolongation to the boundary of Village of Balmoral; thence easterly, northerly and easterly following the said boundary to the place of beginning;
(d) that area of Restigouche County known as Blair Athol in the parish of Balmoral that is shown on the attached Schedule 15(d) for fire protection and street lighting;
(e) Repealed: 96-116
(f) the parish of Dalhousie, excluding Town of Dalhousie, the Village of Eel River Crossing and that portion of the Village of Charlo located therein, as well as the local service districts of Dalhousie Junction, McLeods and Point La Nim for fire protection;
(g) that area of Restigouche County known as Dalhousie Junction that is shown on the attached Schedule 15(g) for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, community planning, street lighting and recreational facilities;
(h) Repealed: 2015-36
(i) Repealed: 96-116
(j) the parish of Eldon, excluding the local service districts of Mann Mountain, St.-Jean Baptiste-de-Restigouche, Menneval and that portion of White’s Brook contained in the parish of Eldon, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(k) that area of Restigouche County known as Flatlands, being former School District No. 4 in the Parish of Addington, for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, first aid and ambulance services and recreational facilities;
(l) that area of Restigouche County known as Glencoe described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, recreational facilities and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the western boundary line of lot No. 5 granted to D. McBeath meets the northern limits of the Campbellton By-Pass Highway No. 11; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 5 to a point on the southern boundary line of lot No. 1 granted to Angus Ure; thence easterly following the southern boundary line of said lot No. 1 to the southwestern angle of lot No. 41 granted to John W. McDonald; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot no. 41 to its northwestern angle; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of lots No. 41 granted to John W. McDonald, No. 42 granted to John W. McDonald, No. 43 granted to Joshua Miller and No. 44 not granted to the northeastern angle of said lot No. 44; thence in a straight line to the southwestern angle of lot No. 3 granted to Margaret Nellis; thence easterly following the southern boundary lines of said lot No. 1, lot No. 2 granted to Jas Christopher and its prolongation to meet the western boundary line of lot No. 16 granted to John Butters; thence southerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 16 to its southwestern angle; thence easterly following the southern boundary lines of said lot No. 16 and lot No. 15 being crown land to the northeastern angle of lot letter “C” granted to James Ferguson; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said lot letter “C” to the southwestern angle of lot No. 14 granted to Edward J. Mann; thence easterly following the southern boundary line of lots fronting on the Restigouche River to the northeastern angle of lot letter “I” granted to James Andrew; thence southerly following the eastern boundary lines of said lot letter “I” to the southeastern angle of said lot letter “I”; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said lot letter “I”, lot letter “H” granted to James Gerrard, lot letter “G” granted to John D. Gerrard, lot letter “F” granted to Elzear Roy, lot letter “E East” granted to George Craig, lot letter “E West” granted to Wm Glover, lot letter “D” granted to John Gallie, and a 100 Acre lot granted to C. Gallie to meet the eastern boundary line of lot No. 33 granted to James Harris; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said lot No. 33 to its southeastern angle; thence westerly following the southern boundary lines of said lot No. 33, lot No. 32 granted to Jas. T. Kierstead, lot No. 31 granted to Amos Purdee, lot No. 30 granted to Wm Firth to the southwestern angle of said lot No. 30; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 30 to the southeastern angle of lot letter “C” granted to D. M. Walker; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said lot letter “C” to the eastern boundary line of lot No. 28 granted to D. W. Walker; thence southerly following the eastern boundary line of said lot No. 28 to its southeastern angle; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of said lot No. 28 to its southwestern angle; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 28 to the southeastern angle of lot No. 27 granted to Levi D. Walker; thence westerly, northerly and easterly following the south, west and northern boundary lines of said lot No. 27 to its northeastern angle; thence northerly following the western boundary line of lot No. 28 granted to D. W. Walker to its northwestern angle; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said lot No. 28 to its northeastern angle; thence northerly following the western boundary line of lot letter “C” granted to D. M. Walker to its northwestern angle; thence easterly following the northern boundary line of said lot letter “C” to a point on the western boundary line of lot letter “B” granted to Hugh Cragie; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot letter “B” to its northwestern angle; thence westerly following the southern boundary lines of lot letter “A” granted to A. Boyde, lot No. 4 granted to W. G. McBeath, lot No. 4A granted to Wm. E. McKiel to the southwestern angle of said lot No. 4A; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 4A to its northwestern angle; thence westerly following the southern boundary line of lot No. 5 granted to D. McBeath to its southwestern angle; thence northerly following the western boundary line of said lot No. 5 to the place of beginning;
(m) Repealed: 2012-19
(n) that area of Restigouche County known as Mann Mountain described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, first aid and ambulance services, garbage collection and disposal and recreational facilities: 
Beginning at a point where the eastern boundary of lot No. 25 granted to Wm. Bell meets the southern bank or shore of the Restigouche River; thence southerly following the eastern boundary of said lot No. 25, lot No. 26 granted to William McLeod and lot No. 42 granted to Geo. Firth to the south west angle of lot No. 24 granted to William Harvey; thence easterly following the southern boundary of said lot No. 24 to the western boundary of lot no. 23 granted to John Johnston; thence southerly following the western boundary of said lot No. 23 to the south eastern angle of lot No. 42 granted to Geo. Firth; thence westerly following the southern boundary of said lot No. 42 to the north east angle of lot No. 44 not granted; thence southerly following the eastern boundary of said lot No. 44 to the north west angle of lot No. 41 not granted; thence easterly following the northern boundary of lot No. 41 to the north east angle of said lot No. 41; thence southerly following the eastern boundary of said lot No. 41 and lot No. 42 granted to Georgina Pollock & Others to the south east angle of said lot No. 42; thence westerly following the southern boundary of said lot No. 42 and lot No. 46 not granted to a point where the northerly prolongation of the western boundary of lot No. 9 granted to David W. Cooling meets the same; thence southerly along said prolongation and boundary to a point where it meets the northern boundary of lot No. 11 granted to Chas. Cooling; thence westerly following the northern boundaries of said lot No. 11, lot No. 13, lot No. 15, lot No. 17, lot No. 19, lot No. 21, lot No. 25, lot No. 27, lot No. 29, lot No. 31, and the prolongation of said northern boundary to the south western angle of lot No. 65 granted to John Cook; thence westerly following the southerly boundary of said lot No. 65 to a point where it meets the south bank or shore of the Restigouche River; thence north easterly following the various courses of said bank or shore of the Restigouche River to the point of beginning;
(o) that area of Restigouche County known as McLeods that is shown on the attached Schedule 15(o) for fire protection, street lighting, garbage and refuse collection and disposal and recreational facilities;
(p) Repealed: 96-116
(q) that area of Restigouche County known as Point La Nim in the parish of Dalhousie and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services and street lighting: 
Beginning at a point on the southern bank or shore of Restigouche Harbour where the western boundary line of lot No. 63 granted to Alexander Low meets the same; thence southerly following the western boundary line of said lot no. 63 to the rear base line of the first tier of lots fronting on the Restigouche Harbour; thence easterly following said rear base line to the western boundary line of lot No. 78 granted to John McNish; thence southerly following the western boundary line of said lot no. 78 to the northern boundary line of the Village of Darlington, being the westerly prolongation of the northern boundary line of the Paschal Charlefort grant; thence easterly following the said Village of Darlington boundary line to the eastern boundary line of said lot no. 78; thence northerly following the said eastern boundary line of lot no. 78 to meet the southern bank or shore of Restigouche Harbour; thence in a westerly direction following the various courses of said bank or shore to the place of beginning;
(r) Repealed: 2015-13
(s) that area of Restigouche County known as St. Jean Baptiste de Restigouche, being School District No. 5 in the said parish, for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services;
(t) that area of Restigouche County known as St. Martin de Restigouche described as follows for fire protection and street lighting: 
Beginning at a point on the eastern limit of the highway leading from St. Martin-de-Restigouche to Limerick where the southern boundary line of lot number twenty-seven granted by the Crown to Adelarde Demuele meets the same; thence easterly along said southern boundary to the rear base line of lots in Range Fifteen, Hazen Settlement; thence northerly along said rear base line to the northeast angle of lot number thirty-three granted to the Farm Settlement Board; thence westerly along the northern boundary of said lot to the southeast angle of lot number thirty-four west granted to Alexander Dionne; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said lot to the northeast angle of same; thence westerly along the northern boundary and its prolongation westerly to meet the western boundary of lot letter “F” granted to Adelard Marcotte; thence southerly along said western boundary to intersect the northern boundary of lot number thirty-two granted Benjamin Michaud; thence westerly along said northern boundary to the rear base line of lots in Range Fourteen, Hazen Settlement; thence southerly along said base line to the southwest angle of lot number twenty-seven granted to E. Morissette; thence easterly along the southern boundary of said lot to the southeast angle of same; thence northerly along the eastern boundary to meet the prolongation westerly of the southern boundary of lot number twenty-seven aforesaid; thence easterly along said prolongation to the place of beginning;
(u) the parish of Saint-Quentin, excluding Saint-Quentin and the local service district of St. Martin de Restigouche, for fire protection and community services;
(v) Repealed: 2015-13
85-103; 86-1; 86-31; 89-115; 91-3; 91-81; 91-153; 92-149; 94-3; 94-119; 94-126; 95-11; 96-116; 99-10; 2002-5; 2007-63 ; 2012-19; 2015-13; 2015-36
15.1In Restigouche County, local service districts are established as follows:
(a) Repealed: 94-3
(b) that area of Restigouche County known as Menneval in the Parish of Eldon and described as follows to provide fire protection and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point where the southernmost corner of Lot No. 38A ungranted meets the northern right-of-way of Route No. 17; thence in a northwesterly direction to the westernmost corner of said Lot 38A; thence in a northerly and easterly direction following the base line of lots fronting on the north side of Route No. 17 to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 106 granted to Angus Paulin; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of said Lot No. 106 granted to Angus Paulin; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of said Lot No. 106 and its prolongation to meet the eastern prolongation of the southern boundary of Lot No. 67 granted to Ludger Paré, the said eastern prolongation running parallel to Route No. 17; thence in a westerly direction following the said prolongation and the rear base line of lots fronting on the south side of Route No. 17 to the southernmost corner of Lot No. 37 granted to A. Palmer; thence in a westerly direction across said Route No. 17 to the point of beginning;
(c) that area of Restigouche County known as White’s Brook in the parishes of Grimmer and Eldon and described as follows to provide fire protection, first aid and ambulance services and recreational facilities: 
Beginning at a point where the northernmost corner of Lot No. 209A ungranted meets the eastern right of way of Route # 17; thence in a southeasterly direction to the easternmost corner of said Lot No. 209A; thence in a southwesterly and southerly direction following the rear line of lots fronting on the eastern right of way of Route # 17 to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 14 ungranted; thence in a westerly direction to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 14 granted to Hubert Savard; thence in a northerly and northeasterly direction following the rear line of lots fronting on the western right of way of Route # 17 to the northernmost corner of Lot No. 208 ungranted; thence in a southeasterly direction to the place of beginning;
(d) that area of Restigouche County known as Lorne in the parishes of Colbourne and Durham and described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and recreational facilities: 
Beginning at the point where the southern right-of-way of Route 11 meet the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50084664, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-D3, the said point being also on the western boundary of the village of Belledune; thence southwesterly along the said western boundary to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083344, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-D2; thence northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #50084235; thence southwesterly along the said eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/16-W; thence northwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50071174, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 21I/16-V; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50071174 and its prolongation, crossing Main Road, to a point on the northern right-of-way of the said road, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-B3; thence southeasterly along the said northern right-of-way to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50081538; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50082882, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-C3; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50082882 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083831; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NGBIC PID #50083831 to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50004936; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50004936 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50190149, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-C4; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50190149 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083799; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50083799 to a point on the northern right-of-way of the Doyleville Road; thence southeasterly along the said northern right-of-way to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083153, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-D3; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083146; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50083146 to a point on the northern right-of-way of the Doyleville Road; thence southeasterly along the said northern right-of-way to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50170687; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50084771; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50084771 to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #50080720; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50080720 to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence northeasterly in a straight line, crossing Route 11, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50087683; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, as shown on NBGIC Property Map 30N-D4; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50083567; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50083567 to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50084664; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50084664 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #50084656; thence southwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #50084656 and its prolongation crossing Route 11, to the place of beginning; and
(e) that area of Restigouche County known as Chaleur, being the parish of Colborne excluding that portion of the Village of Charlo within the parish of Colborne and that portion of the local service district of Lorne contained within the parish of Colborne, and being the parish of Durham, excluding that portion of the village of Belledune contained within the parish of Durham and that portion of the local service district of Lorne contained within the parish of Durham for fire protection, street lighting and recreational facilities.
85-103; 86-1; 86-31; 92-43; 94-3; 94-119; 96-116; 2001-27; 2006-35
16In the parish of the City and county of Saint John, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) that area of the City and county of Saint John known as Fairfield in the Parish of Simonds, described as follows for fire protection:
Beginning at the eastern end of the covered bridge across the mouth of Gardner Creek; thence upstream following the various courses of Gardner Creek to the mouth of Brothers Brook; thence upstream following the various courses of Brothers Brook to the northern limits of New Brunswick Highway number 111; thence easterly along the northern limits of said highway number 111 to the point where said limits meet the westerly boundary of the James Brown grant; thence northerly following the western boundary of said grant to the northwest angle of said grant; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of said grant to the southwestern angle of Lot Number 1 granted to Phillip McHogh; thence northerly along the western boundary of said Lot Number 1 to a point where it meets the west branch of Gardner Creek; thence southeasterly following the various courses of the west branch of Gardner Creek to the junction of the west and east branches of Gardner Creek; thence upstream following the various courses of the east branch of Gardner Creek to a point where it meets the Simonds-Saint Martins Parish line; thence southeasterly along said parish line to a point where it meets the northerly bank or shore of the Bay of Fundy; thence westerly following the various courses of the said bank or shore of the Bay of Fundy to the place of beginning;
(b) the parish of Saint Martins, excluding the Village of St. Martins, for fire protection, community services and recreational facilities; and
(c) the parish of Simonds, excluding that portion of The City of Saint John and that portion of Rothesay located in the parish and the local service district of Fairfield, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, recreational facilities and street lighting.
94-139; 95-88; 97-42; 2012-5
16.1In Saint John County a local service district is established as follows:
(a) the parish of Musquash for fire protection, non-fire related rescue and recreational facilities.
85-103; 95-153; 2012-5
17In Sunbury County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Blissville for fire protection and recreational and sports facilities;
(b) the parish of Burton, excluding the Town of Oromocto, for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(c) the parish of Gladstone, excluding the Village of Fredericton Junction and the Village of Tracy, for fire protection, community services and recreational and sports facilities;
(d) the parish of Lincoln, excluding the local service district of Rusagonis-Waasis and that portion of The City of Fredericton located in the parish, that is shown on the attached Schedule 17(d) for fire protection, recreational facilities, community services and street lighting;
(e) the parish of Maugerville, excluding the local service district of Noonan, for fire protection and community services;
and for the additional service of recreational and sport facilities in that portion of the parish known as Inner Maugerville and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the parish line between the parishes of Lincoln and Maugerville meets the county line between the counties of Sunbury and York; thence northeasterly along the said county line to a point on the northeastern banks or shores of Mud Creek; thence southeasterly along a straight line to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #60118700, the said point being a point on the northwestern right-of-way of a property owned by New Brunswick Telephone Company Limited; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the southwestern right-of-way of Church Road; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the said right-of-way to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #60071107; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #60071073 to a point on the northwestern right-of-way of Church Street; thence southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along the said right-of-way and its southeasterly prolongation to a point in the parish line between the parishes of Burton and Maugerville; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Lincoln and Maugerville; thence northwesterly along the said parish line to the place of beginning.
(f) the parish of Northfield, excluding that part of the Village of Minto located therein, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services; and
(g) the parish of Sheffield for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services.
87-42; 87-161; 88-46; 89-158; 93-88; 2008-46; 2008-157; 2013-21; 2014-101
17.1In Sunbury County a local service district is established as follows:
(a) that area of Sunbury County known as Rusagonis-Waasis in the Parish of Lincoln, described as follows for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services:
Beginning at the point where the eastern boundary of The City of Fredericton meets the southern right-of-way of Route #7; thence in a southerly direction following the city boundary and the York-Sunbury county line to the point where the Lincoln-Gladstone parish line meets the said county line; thence in an easterly direction along the said parish line to the western banks or shores of the Oromocto River; thence in a northerly direction along the said banks or shores to the southern right-of-way of Route #7; thence in a westerly direction along the said right-of-way to the place of beginning; and
(b) that area of Sunbury County known as Noonan in the parish of Maugerville and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, community services and recreational and sports facilities:
Beginning at a point where the western boundary of the Burpee Wildlife Management Area meets the York - Sunbury county line; thence southerly, southeasterly and northeasterly to the western right-of-way of the Canadian Pacific Railway; thence southwesterly to the point where the said right-of-way meets the western boundary of Lot No. 72 granted to Samuel Osborne, such point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N734490, E301920; thence northwesterly to where Mud Creek meets the York - Sunbury county line, such point having approximate New Brunswick Grid Coordinates N736420, E294655; thence northeasterly to the place of beginning.
87-112; 88-46; 2007-40
18In Victoria County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Andover, excluding the Village of Aroostook and that part of the Village of Perth-Andover located therein, for fire protection, recreational facilities and community services;
(b) the parish of Denmark, for fire protection and community services;
(c) the parish of Drummond, excluding the village of Drummond, for fire protection, street lighting and community services;
(d) the parish of Gordon, excluding the village of Plaster Rock, for fire protection and community services;
(e) the parish of Grand Falls, excluding the town of Grand Falls, for fire protection and community services;
(f) the parish of Lorne, excluding the local service district of Riley Brook, for fire protection and community services;
(g) the parish of Perth, excluding that part of the Village of Perth-Andover located therein, for fire protection, recreational facilities and community services; and
(h) that area of Victoria County known as Riley Brook, described as follows for fire protection, community planning, street lighting, community services and recreational facilities:
Beginning at a point where the northerly line of Lot No. 255 granted to John McDougall meets the Tobique River; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of said Lot No. 255 in a straight line until meeting with the line of the New Brunswick Railway Company land; thence in a southerly direction and following the base or easterly lines of Lots as follows: Lot A granted to James Horne, Lot No. 253 granted to R. H. Ross, Lot No. 250 granted to S. L. Gaunce, Lot No. 249 granted to Isaac Scott, Lot No. 248 granted to E. Everett, Lot No. 247 granted to Francis Tibbets, Lot No. 246 granted to Wm. E. Everett, Lot No. 245 granted to S. Mahoney, Lot No. 244 granted to Wm. Nicholson, Lot No. 243 granted to Hugh McKay, Lot No. 242 granted to W. L. Ross, Lot No. 241 granted to J. McKeen, Lot No. 240 granted to John McKeen and Lot No. 239 granted to J. McKeen; thence in a westerly direction and following the south line of Lot No. 239 granted to Jacob Tracey in a westerly direction to the line of the New Brunswick Railway Company; thence in a northerly direction along the base or west lines of Lot No. 239 granted to Jacob Tracey, Lot No. 240 granted to Charles Barker, Lot No. 241 granted to J. Barker, Lot No. 242 granted to T. Ferguson, Lot No. 243 granted to J. Mitchell, Lot No. 244 granted to J. W. Howard, Lot No. 245 granted to R. H. Ross, Lot No. 246 granted to S. P. Everett, Lot No. 247 granted to Wm. E. Everett, Lot No. 248 granted to John T. Everett, Lot No. 249 granted to Isaac Gaunce, Lot No. 250 granted to Amos M. Gaunce, Lot No. 251 granted to C. H. Lugrim, Lot No. 252 granted to Adam Clyde; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of said Lot No. 252 to the Tobique River; thence upstream to the place of beginning.
92-14; 95-146; 95-154; 2010-42
19In Westmorland County local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) that area of Westmorland County known as Baie-Verte described as follows for fire protection, street lighting, community services and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the Trans-Canada Highway which point is distant 1000′ (304.80 metres) north of Trans Canada Highway on the Village of Port Elgin boundary; thence extending southwesterly along the north side of Trans Canada Highway and maintaining a distance of 1000′ (304.80 metres) therefrom to a point 1000′ (304.80 metres) from the easterly side of the Coburg Road (so-called); thence north-westerly along said Coburg Road until the lot owned or previously owned by Dean Scopie is reached; thence westerly crossing said Coburg Road to a point 1000′ (304.80 metres) westerly of said road; thence southeasterly along Coburg Road and maintaining a distance of 1000′ (304.80 metres) to a point 1000′ (304.80 metres) from the north side of Trans-Canada Highway; thence generally south-westerly along Trans Canada Highway and maintaining a distance of 1000′ (304.80 metres) therefrom until the westerly line of the lot owned or previously owned by William O. Coates is reached; thence southeasterly crossing said Trans Canada Highway until the Nova Scotia Border is reached; thence generally easterly and following said Nova Scotia border until the southeasterly line of the lot owned or previously owned by Maurice Lamb is reached; thence northeasterly following said lot and prolonged easterly until the lot owned or previously owned by Lewis Craig is reached; thence southeasterly along said Craig lot to the Cottage Road; thence generally easterly to include the lot owned or previously owned by Claude Chapman and following Creek to the Bay; thence following Bay Shore in a generally northerly direction until the northeast line of the lot owned or previously owned by Dr. Crawford is reached; thence northerly along said line to the Village of Port Elgin; thence following boundary of the Village of Port Elgin until a point 1000′ (304.80 metres) north of Trans Canada Highway, the point of beginning is reached;
(b) the parish of Botsford, excluding Village of Port Elgin, the local service districts of Cape Tormentine and Bayfield, the portion of the rural community of Beaubassin East located in the parish and the portion of village of Cap-Pelé located in the parish, for fire protection;
(c) Repealed: 95-38
(d) that area of Westmorland County known as Cape Tormentine in the Parish of Botsford, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on Highway No. 16, running between Bayfield and Cape Tormentine, where the westerly line of the property owned or previously owned by William Payne meets said highway; thence northerly on a line prolonged northerly from the said Payne property crossing said highway to the bay shore; thence easterly along the bay shore around and including the N.B. - P.E.I. Ferry Terminal until a point is reached where a line prolonged northerly from the northeast corner of the property owned or previously owned by John MacLeod meets said point; thence southerly crossing said highway and following the easterly line of said John MacLeod until a point 300 feet (91.44 metres) south of said highway is reached; thence northerly along the westerly line of said William Payne to Highway No. 16, the point of beginning;
(e) Repealed: 95-38
(f) the parish of Dorchester, excluding Village of Dorchester, Memramcook and the portion of Dieppe located in the parish, for fire protection, and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Calhoun Road and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the parish lines of the parish of Moncton and the parish of Dorchester meet the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to the northwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70143193; thence northeasterly along the said lot’s northwestern boundary to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to the northwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70143201; thence northeasterly along the said lot’s northwestern boundary to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the northern corner of the lot having NB PID #00911115; thence southeasterly along the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to a portion of the northwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70004320; thence northeasterly along that portion of the said lot’s northwestern boundary to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along a portion of the said lot’s northeastern boundary to a northeastern corner; thence northeasterly along a portion of the said lot’s northwestern boundary to the western limit of Calhoun Road, so-called; thence in a southeasterly direction along the western limit of Calhoun Road to a portion of the said lot’s southeasterly boundary; thence southwesterly along that portion of the said lot’s southeasterly boundary to another northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along a portion of the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along a portion of the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to a portion of the northwesterly boundary of the lot having NB PID #00911149; thence northeasterly along that portion of the said lot’s northwestern boundary to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along a portion of the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its northeastern corner; thence northeasterly along a portion of the said lot’s northwesterly boundary to the western limit of Calhoun Road; thence in a southeasterly direction along the western limit of Calhoun Road to the said lot’s southeastern boundary; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the northern corner of the lot having NB PID #70113741; thence southeasterly along the said lot’s northeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to the northeastern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70170121; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said lot’s northeastern boundary to the northwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70259825; thence northeasterly along the said lot’s northwestern boundary to the western limit of Calhoun Road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western limit of Calhoun Road to the southwesterly prolongation of the southeastern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70113915; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and the said lot’s southeastern boundary to the western limit of Old Calhoun Road, so-called; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western limit of Old Calhoun Road to the southwesterly prolongation of a portion of the northwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00921668; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and that portion of the said lot’s northwestern boundary to the western bank of Memramcook River; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western bank of Memramcook River to the southern boundary of the lot having NB PID #70182282; thence westerly along the said lot’s southern boundary to its southwestern corner; thence northerly along the said lot’s western boundary to the southeastern limit of Calhoun Station Road, so-called; thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of Calhoun Station Road to the southeasterly prolongation of a portion of the southwestern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00902429; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and in a northwesterly direction along the said lot’s southwestern boundary to its western corner; thence northeasterly along a portion the said lot’s northwestern boundary to the western boundary of the lot having NB PID #70125315; thence in a northerly direction along the said lot’s western boundary to the southeastern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00910943; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to its southern corner; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said lot’s southwestern boundary to the southeastern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00910760; thence southwesterly along the said lot’s southeastern boundary to its southern corner; thence northwesterly along the said lot’s southwestern boundary to its western corner; thence northeasterly along the said lot’s northwestern boundary to the western boundary of the lot having NB PID #70125315; thence in a northerly direction along the said lot’s western boundary to the division line between the parishes of Moncton and Dorchester; thence southwesterly along the said division line to the place of beginning;
(g) Repealed: 95-38
(h) Repealed: 95-38
(i) Repealed: 95-38
(j) the parish of Moncton, excluding the city of Moncton and the portion of Dieppe located in the parish, for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and for the additional services of street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal in that portion of the parish known as Greater Lakeburn and described as follows: 
Beginning at the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #70170659, the said corner being also a point on the western right-of-way of Route 2; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its western corner, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of a Crown reserved road; thence southwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #00915876; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00982587 to the western corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of a Crown reserved road; thence southwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #70315288; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70315270 to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00923953; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00982470, NB PID #00924589, NB PID #00946764, NB PID #00982520, NB PID #70335781, NB PID #00946962, NB PID #00924878, NB PID #70013313, NB PID #70260112 and NB PID #70013305 to the northern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Leblanc Road; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70155643; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00924316, NB PID #00924688, NB PID #00982264, NB PID #00982256, NB PID #00924712, NB PID #00924241 and NB PID #70402615 to the northern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Melanson Road; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70306568; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70451547 to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #00925271; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00924811 to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00925115, NB PID #70447784, NB PID #70422241, NB PID #01008986, NB PID #70122312, NB PID #70443304 and NB PID #70439807 to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00926592; thence easterly along the said boundary and the southern boundary of the lots with NB PID #00925503, NB PID #01011311, NB PID #00926410, NB PID #00926089, NB PID #00926139, NB PID #01014752, NB PID #00926253, NB PID #00926980, NB PID #70458310, NB PID #00927483, NB PID #00927475, NB PID #00927442, NB PID #00927426, NB PID #01112184 and NB PID #01025147 to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70014881 to the northeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southern right-of-way of Route 132; thence northerly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70267141; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its northerly prolongation to a point that is a distance of 182.88 m north of the northern right-of-way of Route 131; thence easterly, maintaining a distance of 182.88 m north of the said right-of-way to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00927079, the said point being also a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Route 2; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Painsec Junction and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the southern right-of-way of Route 134 meets the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928432; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, the said corner being a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00929323; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00929323 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928465; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928390; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot, crossing Route 15, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928630; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot, the said boundary also being the southern right-of-way of Route 15, and its prolongation, crossing Painsec Branch Road, to a point on the southern right-of-way of Route 15, the said point determined by the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01079391; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the said eastern boundary and its prolongation to a point on the northern right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway; thence southwesterly along the northern right-of-way of the said railway, crossing Route 15 and Route 134, to a point on the eastern boundary of the city of Moncton; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the eastern boundary of the city of Moncton to a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00947556; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70118039; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northern right-of-way of Millview Drive; thence northeasterly along the said northern right-of-way to a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70118047; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the said eastern boundary to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01024454; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00869438; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00928648; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation and the said northern boundary to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00823724; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70225768; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928671; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Miracle Drive, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00929174; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928689, the said corner being a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00929182; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928341; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928879, the said corner being a point on the western right-of-way of Biddington Avenue; thence southeasterly along the said western right-of-way to a point on the northern right-of-way of Route 134; thence northeasterly along the said northern right-of-way to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01023902, said corner being also on the western right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence northwesterly along the western right-of-way of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70147624; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70147624 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01023696, the said corner being also on the southern right-of-way of Hart Street; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing Hart Street, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70015722; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928481, the said corner being also on the southern right-of-way of Euclide Street; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing Euclide Street, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00929059; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70134846, the said corner being also on the southern right-of-way of Duchess Street; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing Duchess Street, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70134853; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Holiday Street, to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70178173, the said point being also on the northern right-of-way of Holiday Street; thence southwesterly along the northern right-of-way of Holiday Street to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70178173, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of Biddington Avenue; thence northwesterly along the eastern right-of-way of Biddington Avenue to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70178173; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence northwesterly along the western right-of-way of McNeil Road and its prolongation, crossing Cowling Crescent, to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00913178; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70142112; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70142112 and continuing along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70142120 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70052824, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence northwesterly along the western right-of-way of McNeil Road, crossing McNulty Avenue, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70173810; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, the said corner being a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70173802; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70173802 and its prolongation, crossing Cliff Street, to a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70173737; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70173737 and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70173711; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70191770, the said corner being also on the western right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Kindale Street, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70191762; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70191762 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70191754; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70173513; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70191671; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNulty Avenue; thence northwesterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNulty Avenue to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70202593; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70202528; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70202528 and its prolongation to a point on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence northwesterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70224795; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70298179; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70298179 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928846; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70053442; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70053442 to a point on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southwesterly along the said eastern right-of-way to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01094564; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01094564 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01094614; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southwesterly along the said southern right-of-way and continuing along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01094572; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01094572 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70011291; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70011291 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70082300; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the said eastern right-of-way to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70082318; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70082318 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01094622; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01094556; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01025394; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01025394 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01025410; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01025386; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01025386 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70212444; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01023704, the said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01023571; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01023571 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947572, the said corner being also a point on the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01024058; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01024058 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01024041; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01024033; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01023712; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947382; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00947382 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947424; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01024025; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01024025 and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928986; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, said corner being also on the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road; thence southeasterly along the eastern right-of-way of McNeil Road to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70167333; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70167333 to its southeastern corner, the said corner being also on the northern right-of-way of Route 134; thence southeasterly along a straight line, crossing Route 134, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00928432, the said corner being the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Irishtown and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point located on the northern side of Ammon Road and being the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00951673 and the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01015361, the said corner also being on the northern boundary of the City of Moncton, thence northwesterly along the boundary of the City of Moncton to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01015395; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01015353; thence northeasterly, crossing a Crown reserved road, to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00943480; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70235478; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00943415; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID # 01105733; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70011515; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00943563 to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70232111; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00943514; thence northeasterly, crossing a Crown reserved road, to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00943399; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70193685; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70279658; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70279625; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107234; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being the northern limits of Ammon Road; thence northeasterly along the northern limits of Ammon Road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107101; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107127; thence southeasterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107135; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107143; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107242; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID # 70090766; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01105527; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01105493; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107093; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly, crossing McLaughlin Drive, to the northwestern corner of the lot NB PID #01107309; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #01105261; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70116736; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70090634; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70116728; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along eastern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70090659; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70229034; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70294921; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70294921 to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive to the northern bank of a brook, the said brook being the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70044433; thence northeasterly following the various courses of the northern banks of the said brook or southern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70039383; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of the McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00952143; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00952143 to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00739953; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00740282; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00744102; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00744110; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70295571; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70295563; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive; thence northwesterly along the eastern limits of McLaughlin Drive to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70295555; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70047477; thence northwesterly, crossing Communication Road, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70032891; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70032891 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70032875; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70047568 to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID # 00952036; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot; the said corner being on the northern limits of Communication Road; thence northeasterly along the northern limits of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70032909; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70032974, the said corner also being the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70268206; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70268206 to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly from the said corner along the northern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with the NB PID #70164363; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70032917; the said corner being on the northern limits of Communication Road; thence northeasterly along the northern limits of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033667; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033709; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the northern limits of Communication Road; thence northeasterly along the northern limits of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033717; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033758, being the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00931220; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033782; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; the said corner being on the western limits of Irishtown Road; thence northwesterly along the westerly limits of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70036272; thence southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931220 to its northeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037239; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot, and also being the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931600, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037213; thence northwesterly, in a straight line, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70206248; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037346; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037320; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northwesterly along the western limits of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037312; thence southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70204359; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70248562; thence northwesterly from the said corner, in a straight line, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033519; thence to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the northerly boundary of the said lot to its northeastern corner, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northerly along the western limits of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033527; thence northwesterly and southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70136114; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #70136114 and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70217047; thence northeasterly and southeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70033659, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northeasterly along the western limits of the said road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70111554; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00886457 and the lot with NB PID #00875674 to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the Irishtown Road; thence northeasterly along the western limits of the Irishtown Road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70037726; thence to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70203724; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70169537, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northeasterly along the western limits of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70135421; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70135413, where said corner meets the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931501; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931501 to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931501 to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70185939; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northeasterly along the western limits of the said road to southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70036405; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation (excluding the lot with NB PID #70308929) to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70036405; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the western limits of the Irishtown Road; thence northeasterly along the western boundary of the said road to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70268149; thence northwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00931501, the said corner also being the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70237813; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00931501 to the northeastern corner of the said lot where the said corner meets the southern limits of a Crown reserved road; thence northwesterly, crossing the said Crown reserved road, to a point on the northern limits of the said Crown reserved road, and being a point on the southern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70080437; thence northeasterly along the northern limits of the Crown reserved road to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70080452; thence northwesterly to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the northwestern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70080445; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70080445 to where the said boundary meets the southern bank or shore of the Cocagne River; thence northeasterly along the southerly banks or shores of the Cocagne River, crossing the Poirier Office Road, to where the shores or banks of the said river meet the Moncton and Dundas parish boundary; thence easterly along the said parish boundary, crossing the Irishtown Road to where the said boundary meets the Moncton and Shediac parish boundary; thence southeasterly along the Moncton and Shediac parish boundary to the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00806711; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #00806711 to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being on the northern limits of the Cape Breton Road; thence southeasterly, crossing the said road, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00823781; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00933002; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot NB PID #00933044; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #70239652 to the southeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947846; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947739; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70034681; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner, where the said corner meets the northern limits of a Crown reserved road; thence southwesterly along northern limits of the Crown reserved road, being the southern boundary of lots with NB PID #70034699 and NB PID #70011580, to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70011580; thence southwesterly, crossing the Caledonia Road, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01011345; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00933259; thence southeasterly to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00948059; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00947838; thence southeasterly to the southwestern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00931766; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01107739; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #70135348; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00932004; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #00932012; thence southeasterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its southwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00932756; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to its southeastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #70228820; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot until it meets the northeastern boundary of the City of Moncton; thence westerly, crossing the Irishtown Road, along the various courses of the northern boundary of the City of Moncton, crossing the Ammon Road, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #00951673, being the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Calhoun Road and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where a portion of the southern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00927194 meets the eastern limit of Meadow Brook Road, so-called; thence in a southwesterly direction along the eastern limit of Meadow Brook Road to the eastern limit of Route 2; thence in a southeasterly direction along the eastern limit of Route 2 to the division line between the parishes of Moncton and Dorchester; thence northeasterly along the said division line to the western boundary of the lot having NB PID #70125315; thence in a northerly direction along the said lot’s western boundary to its northwestern corner; thence easterly along the said lot’s northern boundary to the western bank of Memramcook River; thence in a northeasterly direction along the western bank of Memramcook River to the western limit of lands occupied by Canadian National Railways; thence in a northwesterly direction along the lands occupied by Canadian National Railways to the southern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00902429; thence westerly along the said lot’s southern boundary to a portion of the eastern boundary of the lot having NB PID #00927194; thence westerly along a portion of the said lot’s southern boundary to the place of beginning;
(k) that area of the parish of Botsford known as Murray Corner and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance services and recreational facilities: 
Beginning at a point where the western right-of-way of the road leading to Cape Jourimain meets the banks or shores of the Northumberland Strait or Dobson Cove; thence in a southwesterly direction following said right-of-way to meet the eastern prolongation of the rear base line of lots fronting on the Trans Canada Highway; thence in a southwesterly direction along said prolongation and rear base line to the southwestern corner of Lot No. 8 granted to Michael Blanch; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western boundary of said Lot No. 8 to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 9 granted to A. Amos; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southern boundary of said Lot No. 9 and Lot No. 10 granted to John Anderson to the southwestern corner of said Lot No. 10; thence in a northwesterly direction along the western boundary of said Lot No. 10, Lot No. 12 granted to Patrick Dalton and the lot granted to William Blacklock to the southeastern corner of Lot No. 2 granted to Thomas Blacklock; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southern boundary of said Lot No. 2 to the eastern boundary of the lot granted to James Riley; thence in a northwesterly direction along said eastern boundary to the northeastern corner of said James Riley grant; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of said James Riley grant to the right-of-way of Niles Road; thence in a northerly direction along said right-of-way to the northern boundary of said Lot No. 2; thence in a southwesterly direction along the northern boundary of said Lot No. 2 to meet the banks or shores of Blacklock Brook; thence in a northwesterly direction along the various courses of said Blacklock Brook to the banks or shores of Little Shemogue Harbour; thence in a northerly and easterly direction along the banks or shores of Little Shemogue Harbour and the Northumberland Strait to the place of beginning;
(l) that area of Westmorland County known as Pointe de Bute in the parish of Westmorland and described as follows for fire protection, first aid and ambulance and community services: 
Beginning at the point on the New Brunswick - Nova Scotia provincial border where the northeastern boundary of the lands owned or previously owned by John Thomson Junior (being LRIS PID #70025978) meets the same; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeastern boundary of said John Thomson property to the southeastern right-of-way of Route #16; thence northeasterly along the southeastern right-of-way of Route #16 to where the southeasterly prolongation of the northeastern boundary of the land owned or previously owned by Bruce O. Coates (being LRIS PID #827261); thence northwesterly following the northeastern boundary of said Bruce O. Coates property to the northeastern corner of same; thence in a northeasterly direction along the northwestern boundaries the lots owned or previously owned by Max Gray (being LRIS PID #70040845) and John Thompson (being LRIS PID #830182) to the northeastern corner of same; thence in a northwesterly direction following the northeastern boundary of the lots owned or previously owned by Harry Oulton (LRIS PID #901843) to the Westmorland-Sackville Parish line; thence in a southwesterly direction following the said Parish line to the banks or shore of Cumberland Basin; thence in a southeasterly direction following the banks or shore of Cumberland Basin; thence in a southeasterly direction following the banks or shore of Cumberland Basin to the New Brunswick - Nova Scotia Provincial border; thence in a north-easterly direction along said provincial border to place of beginning;
(m) that area of Westmorland County known as Pointe-du-Chêne in the parish of Shediac that is shown on the attached Schedule 19(m) for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting and community services;
(n) Repealed: 95-38
(o) the parish of Sackville, excluding the Town of Sackville and a portion of the rural community of Beaubassin East, for fire protection;
(p) the parish of Salisbury, excluding the Villages of Petitcodiac and Salisbury, for fire protection and first aid and ambulance services;
(q) the parish of Shediac, excluding Shediac, that is shown on the attached Schedule 19(q), for fire protection;
(r) Repealed: 95-38
(s) the parish of Westmorland, excluding the local service district of Baie-Verte and Pointe de Bute and the portion of the Village of Port Elgin located therein, for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services; and
(t) that area of Westmorland County known as Bayfield, in the Parish of Botsford, described as follows for fire protection, street lighting and first aid and ambulance services: 
Beginning at a point on the east side of the road known as New Brunswick Highway No. 16 where it is intersected by the southerly side of land owned or previously owned by the Hazen Mitton Estate, as shown on a certain tax map prepared by James Sewall Co. Ltd., as Botsford Sheet 6, Lot No. 235; thence in a southeasterly direction along said line until it strikes the westerly line of Lot No. 233, now or previously owned by Austin Oulton; thence in a northerly direction following the above line along the eastern lines of properties owned or previously owned by Hazen Mitton and Tupper Allan until the southerly side of New Brunswick Highway No. 16 is reached; thence in a prolongation thereof until the Bay Shore is reached; thence generally westerly following the Bay Shore until it meets the northerly side of New Brunswick Highway No. 955; thence in a westerly direction, a distance of 3 chains (60.3504 metres), more or less, or until the prolongation of the westerly line of lands owned or previously owned by Herman Dobson is reached; thence in a southwesterly direction along the west line of said lands of Herman Dobson, shown as Lot No. 241 on the aforementioned plan, a distance of 32 chains (643.7376 metres), more or less, or until a prolongation of the southerly line of said Hazen Mitton Estate would intersect; thence following the prolongation thereof in a southeasterly direction, a distance of 21 chains (422.4528 metres), more or less, to the place of beginning.
87-42; 87-104; 87-161; 88-47; 89-13; 89-124; 90-76; 90-154; 91-4; 91-21; 91-98; 95-38; 95-81; 99-8; 99-45; 2000-29; 2004-3; 2007-55; 2010-42; 2013-45; 2014-69
19.1In Westmorland County, a local service district is established as follows:
(a) Repealed: 95-38
(b) that area of Westmorland County known as Shediac Cape in the parish of Shediac that is shown on the attached Schedule 19.1(b) for fire protection, street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal;
(c) that area of Westmorland County known as Scoudouc Road in the parish of Shediac that is shown on the attached Schedule 19.1(c) for fire protection, street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal;
(d) Repealed: 95-38
(e) that area of Westmorland County known as Scoudouc in the parish of Shediac that is shown on the attached Schedule 19.1(e) for fire protection, street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal;
(f) that area of Westmorland County known as Shediac Bridge-Shediac River in the parish of Shediac and described as follows for fire protection, garbage and refuse collection and disposal, street lighting, recreational facilities and community services:
Beginning at the point where the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70157896 meets the eastern right-of-way of Route 134, as shown on NBGIC property map 15V-19; thence northwesterly, in a straight line, crossing Route 134, to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70152434, said corner also being on the western right-of-way of Route 134, thence northwesterly along the said western right-of-way to the northeastern corner of the said lot #70152434; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Route 11, to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70099429, said corner also being on the eastern banks or shores of Batemans Brook, as shown on NBGIC property map 21I/02-Z3; thence southwesterly along the various courses of the said eastern banks or shores to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the southern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #1090109; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and the southern boundary of the said lot, crossing Lemenager Road, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #876375; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #876987; thence northwesterly along the said eastern boundary to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #1089895; thence southwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70075718, as shown on NBGIC property map 21I/02-Y4; thence northwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southern banks or shores of the Shediac River; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #70075734; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner, as shown on NBGIC property map 21I/ 07-S2; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to a point on the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #887257; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot with NBGIC PID #887257 and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #814061, as shown on NBGIC property map 21I/07-T1; thence southeasterly long the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70099932; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its northeasterly corner; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #70099932 to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #875898; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70200464; thence northwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #873083, said corner also being on the southern right-of-way of MacDougall Road; thence easterly along the said southern right-of-way to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the western boundary of the lot with NBGIC PID #25100876; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation, crossing MacDougall Road, and the western boundary of the said lot to its northwestern corner; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25245176; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25245184; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of said lot and its prolongation to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #876003; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #887232; thence southeasterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70098306; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25245234; thence southwesterly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of lot with NBGIC PID #25094152; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25094749; thence southwesterly along the western boundary of the said lot and its prolongation to the southwestern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #25245226; thence southeasterly along the southern boundary of the said lot and its prolongation, crossing Babineau Access Road, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NBGIC PID #70099767, said corner being also on the western right-of-way of Route 11, as shown on NBGIC property map 16 V-01; thence southerly along the said western right-of-way to a point on the southern banks or shores of Albert-Gallant Brook; thence northeasterly along the various courses of the said southern banks or shores, crossing Route 11 and Route 134, to a point where the county line between the counties of Kent and Westmorland meet the western banks or shores of Shediac Bay, as shown on NBGIC property map 16V-11; thence southeasterly along the said western banks or shores to the place of beginning;
(g) Repealed: 95-38
(h) Repealed: 95-38
86-1; 87-42; 87-104; 87-161; 88-47; 89-97; 89-124; 90-76; 91-4; 91-121; 91-196; 92-128; 95-13; 95-38; 95-156; 96-78; 2006-6; 2013-45; 2016-36
20In York County, local service districts are continued as follows:
(a) the parish of Bright, excluding the local service district of Keswick Ridge, for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(b) the parish of Canterbury, excluding the Village of Canterbury, that part of the Village of Meductic located therein and that part of the local service district of Benton located therein, for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(c) the parish of Douglas, excluding the portion of The City of Fredericton located therein and the local service district of Estey’s Bridge, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sport facilities;
and for the additional services of street lighting and recreational and sport facilities in that portion of the parish known as Carlisle Road and described as follows:
Beginning at the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75148932, the said corner being also a point on the northern right-of-way of the Carlisle Road; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148924 to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75012617; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75163345 to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148882; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to the northern corner of the said lot; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75209775 to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75146415; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to a point on the southwestern banks or shores of Regiment Creek; thence northwesterly along the said banks or shores upstream to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75136739; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northwesterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75232009 and NB PID #75212779 to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75022764; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75150383; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75146621; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the southeastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the northern right-of-way of Carlisle Road; thence southwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the northeastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75136390; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75205401; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75137356 and NB PID #75146464 to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75146589; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northwestern banks or shores of an unnamed stream; thence northeasterly along the said banks or shores to a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with PID #75149849; thence southeasterly along the said prolongation and the said boundary to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #75328229; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot and its northeasterly prolongation to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75149872; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75149880 and NB PID #75149906 to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75147157; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to the northwestern corner of the lot with NB PID #75205476; thence easterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner, the said corner being also a point on the western right-of-way of Riva Ridge Road; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75406306; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #01417542 to the eastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75012849; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75012856, NB PID #75292862, NB PID #75377333, NB PID #75292839, NB PID #75292821, NB PID #75148734, NB PID #75148726, NB PID #75148718 and NB PID #75148684 to a point that is a distance of 40.0 metres southeast of the western corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75148874; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the said lot and the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148866 to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148841; thence northwesterly along the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148858 to the western corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southern right-of-way of Carlisle Road; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the southwesterly prolongation of the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75148932; thence northeasterly along the said prolongation, crossing the said right-of-way, to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of recreational and sport facilities in that portion of the parish known as Lower Douglas and described as follows:
Beginning at the point where the southerly prolongation of the eastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75138537 meets the parish line between the parishes of Bright and Douglas; thence northerly along the said prolongation, the said boundary and its northerly prolongation to a point on the northern right-of-way of Route 105; thence northwesterly along the said right-of-way and continuing along the northeastern right-of-way of Route 104 to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75138529; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75215350; thence northeasterly along the said southeastern boundary to its eastern corner; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75138453; thence northeasterly along the said boundary and the southeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75137885, NB PID #75137836, NB PID #75215715, NB PID #75138362 and NB PID #75288464 to a point on the centre line of the right-of-way of the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission transmission line; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the eastern banks or shores of Nashwaaksis Stream; thence southeasterly along the said banks or shores to a point on the parish line between the parish of Douglas and The City of Fredericton; thence southwesterly, northwesterly and southwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Douglas and Kingsclear; thence westerly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Bright and Douglas; thence northerly along the said parish line to the place of beginning, excluding that portion of the parish known as Carlisle Road.
(d) the parish of Dumfries for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(e) that area of York County known as the local service district of Keswick Ridge in the parish of Bright, described as follows for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational and sports facilities: 
Beginning at the Mactaquac Power Dam and to include all the area northeast of the Mactaquac Head Pond lying within the Parish of Bright to the New Brunswick Hydro property line (Maine, U.S.A. line); thence in an easterly direction to the Beechwood Power line; thence in a southerly direction along the Power line to the Tripp Settlement Road; thence along the Keswick River to the Saint John River; and thence along the Saint John River to the Power Dam;
(f) the parish of Kingsclear, excluding the portion of the City of Fredericton located therein, and the rural community of Hanwell, for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and non-fire related rescue and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the parish known as Oswald Gray and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the southern right-of-way of Veysey Road meets the eastern boundary of the lot with LRIS PID #75055137; thence southeasterly along the said eastern boundary and its prolongation to the easternmost corner of the lot with LRIS PID #75058909; thence southwesterly along the rear baseline of lots fronting on the southern right-of-way of Mark Avenue to the southwestern corner of the lot with LRIS PID #75058867; thence southwesterly to the southernmost corner of the lot with LRIS PID #75058859; thence northwesterly along the rear baseline of lots fronting on the western right-of-way of Pike Avenue to the southern right-of-way of Veysey Road; thence northeasterly following the said southern right-of-way to the place of beginning;
(g) the parish of McAdam, excluding the Village of McAdam, for fire protection, street lighting, first aid and ambulance services;
(h) the parish of Manners Sutton, excluding the Village of Harvey, for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational facilities;
(i) Repealed: 87-113
(j) the parish of New Maryland, excluding the village of New Maryland, for fire protection, community services, recreational facilities and street lighting; 
and for the additional service of recreational and sport facilities in that portion of the parish known as Howorth and described as follows: 
Beginning at the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75073718, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of the Route 101; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75070268; thence northeasterly along the said boundary and the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75070276 to the northern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75073700; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to its southern corner; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75291104; thence southeasterly along the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75291096 to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75381830; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to its western corner, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Alexander Drive; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75075309; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence southwesterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Alexander Drive; thence southeasterly along the said right-of-way to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75080416; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75381830; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75063230; thence southwesterly along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75254714; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75066555; thence northwesterly along the northern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75415968; thence northwesterly along the said boundary to the northern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Route 101; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of recreational and sport facilities in that portion of the parish known as Nasonworth and described as follows: 
Beginning at the point where the northwesterly prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75242396 meets the parish line between the parishes of Kingsclear and New Maryland; thence southwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75210740; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75256321; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75256263; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot and the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75256248 to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75063693; thence southeasterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75064675; thence southeasterly along the southwestern boundary of the said lot to its southern corner; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75256198; thence southeasterly along the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75256677, NB PID #75256669 and NB PID #75254946 to the southern corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75254912, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75210740; thence southeasterly along the said boundary to a point on the county line between the counties of Sunbury and York; thence northeasterly along the said county line to a point on the parish line between The City of Fredericton and the parish of New Maryland; thence northwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the northeasterly prolongation of the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75063453; thence southwesterly along the said prolongation and the said boundary to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75062174; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation, the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75361691, NB PID #75065359 and NB PID #75435263 to the western corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Route 101; thence southwesterly along the said right-of-way to a point on the southeasterly prolongation of the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75290791; thence northwesterly along the said prolongation and the said boundary to the western corner of the said lot; thence northeasterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75242396; thence northwesterly along the said boundary and its prolongation to the place of beginning, excluding that portion of the parish known as Howorth.
(k) the parish of North Lake for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(l) the parish of Prince William for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(m) the parish of Queensbury for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(n) the parish of Saint Marys, excluding the portion of The City of Fredericton located in the parish, that is shown on the attached Schedule 20(n), for fire protection, non-fire related rescue, community services and recreational facilities and for the additional service of street lighting in the following portions of the parish:
(i) the portion known as Evergreen Park and shown on the Schedule; and
(ii) the portion known as Pepper Creek and shown on the Schedule;
(o) the parish of Southampton, excluding Nackawic, for fire protection, community services and first aid and ambulance services;
(p) the parish of Stanley, excluding the Village of Stanley and that part of the rural community of Upper Miramichi located therein, that is shown on the attached Schedule 20(p) - North and Schedule 20(p) - South, for fire protection and recreational facilities; and
(q) Repealed: 2014-32
 85-103; 85-137; 86-1; 87-58; 87-89; 87-113; 89-125; 90-21; 90-57; 91-22; 91-88; 91-134; 92-163; 95-14; 2001-28; 2007-3; 2007-25; 2008-38; 2008-46 ; 2009-90; 2009-168; 2010-157; 2012-30; 2012-73; 2012-77; 2014-32
20.1In York County, a local service district is established as follows:
(a) that area of York County known as Estey’s Bridge in the parish of Douglas and described as follows for fire protection, community services and recreation facilities: 
Beginning at the western corner of the lot with NB PID #75407718, the said corner being also a point on the northeastern right-of-way of Route 620, and being also a point on the parish line between the parish of Douglas and The City of Fredericton; thence southwesterly along the said parish line, crossing the said right-of-way, to a point on the northeastern banks or shores of Nashwaaksis Stream; thence northwesterly along the said banks or shores to a point on the centre line of the right-of-way of the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission transmission line; thence northwesterly along the said centre line to a point on the northwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75137091; thence northeasterly along the said boundary to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75216259; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75139543, NB PID #75151480, NB PID #75417659, NB PID #75138628, NB PID #75138990, NB PID #75330662, NB PID #75138883, NB PID #75139469, NB PID #75151092, NB PID #75231571, NB PID #75152942, NB PID #75139402, NB PID #75138966, NB PID #75139444, NB PID #75229062 and NB PID #75139501 to the northern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to a point on the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75151290; thence northwesterly along the said boundary and the northeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75139410, NB PID #75229054, NB PID #75139261 and NB PID #75153817 to the northern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of MacLean Settlement Road; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75351015; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot and the northeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75228437 to the northeastern corner of the said lot; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75154666; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southeasterly right-of-way of Route 617; thence northwesterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #75140939; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to a point on the southeastern banks or shores of Little Forks Brook; thence northeasterly along the said banks or shores to a point on the southwestern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75161844; thence northwesterly along the said boundary and the southwestern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75161364, NB PID #75361261 and NB PID #75361253 to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75143669; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the western portion of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75238014 to the eastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southwestern right-of-way of Crow Hill Road; thence northeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75365163; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot to its eastern corner; thence northeasterly along a straight line to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75143735; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lot with NB PID #75327973 to the eastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Route 620; thence northeasterly along a straight line, crossing the said right-of-way, to the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75143883; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75144006 and NB PID #75144014 to the eastern corner of the said lot, the said corner being also a point on the parish line between the parishes of Douglas and Stanley; thence southerly and easterly along the said parish line to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Douglas and Saint Marys, thence southeasterly and southwesterly along the said parish line to a point on the northern boundary of The City of Fredericton; thence northwesterly and westerly along the said parish line to the place of beginning; 
and for the additional service of street lighting in that portion of the area known as Lakeside Estates and described as follows:
Beginning at the southern corner of the lot with NB PID #75351882, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Killarney Road; thence northeasterly along the southeastern boundary of the said lot and the southeastern boundary of the lots with NB PID #75351874, NB PID #75387357 and NB PID #75370684 to a point on the parish line between the parishes of Douglas and Saint Marys; thence southeasterly along the said parish line to the northern corner of the lot with NB PID #75378778; thence southwesterly along the northwestern boundary of the said lot to the eastern corner of the lot with NB PID #01525815; thence northwesterly along the northeastern boundary of the said lot to its northern corner, the said corner being also a point on the southeastern right-of-way of Killarney Road; thence northeasterly along the said right-of-way to the place of beginning.
87-89; 2007-85
21Regulations 66-58 and 74-102 under the Municipalities Act are repealed.
2013-80; 2014-60
SCHEDULE 19.1(b)
SCHEDULE 19.1(c)
SCHEDULE 19.1(e)
SCHEDULE 20(p) - North
SCHEDULE 20(p) - South
2009-90; 2011-57
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to July 1, 2017.