2(1)In this Regulation and in approvals issued pursuant to this Regulation
“Act” means the Clean Environment Act;(loi)
“collection system” means facilities used for collecting and conducting wastewater to the point of treatment or disposal;(collecteur)
“contingency plan” means planned procedures for reporting, containing, removing and cleaning up after any unscheduled event which results or may result in the emitting, discharging, depositing, leaving or throwing of any contaminant into or upon the waters of the Province;(plan d’urgence)
“distribution system” means a system of water pipes, storage reservoirs, valves and hydrants designed to convey water from the point where it is obtained to the consumers but does not include a system connected to a supply of water which serves only a single household;(réseau de distribution d’eau)
“effluent” means any liquid discharging from a wastewater works or source and includes industrial waste;(effluent)
“person responsible for a source, sewage works or waterworks” Repealed: 2009-119
“person responsible for a source, wastewater works or waterworks” includes
a person who owns or operates the source, wastewater works or waterworks, or any part of it,
a person responsible or who at any time was responsible for the construction, modification or operation of the source, wastewater works or waterworks, or any part of it,
a person having the charge, management and control of the source, wastewater works or waterworks, or any part of it, and
a person to whom an approval has been issued with respect to the source, wastewater works or waterworks;
“potable water” means water that is safe for human consumption;(eau potable)
“rehabilitation bond” means a bond payable to the Province for the purpose of ensuring the operation, modification, repair or rehabilitation of any source, wastewater works or waterworks or areas affected thereby at any time, whether before or after abandonment of the source, wastewater works or waterworks;(cautionnement de garantie ou de remise en état)
“service connection” means a pipe that enables a consumer to obtain water from a distribution system or to discharge wastewater into a collection system;(branchement)
“source” means “source of contaminant” as defined in the Act;(source)
“storage reservoir” means an artificially created body of water, above, on or below the surface of the ground used as a potable water supply;(réservoir)
“water pollution” means
(pollution de l’eau)
any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological or aesthetic properties of the waters of the Province, including change of the temperature, colour, taste or odour of the waters, or
the addition of any liquid, solid, radioactive, gaseous or other substance to the waters of the Province or the removal of such substance from the waters of the Province,
which renders or is likely to render the waters of the Province harmful to the public health, safety or welfare or harmful or less useful for domestic, municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other lawful uses or harmful or less useful to animals, birds or aquatic life;
“water treatment unit” means any facility or process or any part or combination thereof used or intended to be used to treat water chemically, mechanically or otherwise.(installation de traitement de l’eau)