Transcript and recording fees
4(1)For the purposes of subsection 5(4) of the Act, the following fees are payable:
for a transcript prepared by a stenographer employed within the Civil Service or for a paper copy of it, $3 per page; and
for an electronic copy of such a transcript, $10.
4(2)For the purposes of subsection 14(4) of the Act, a fee of $20 is payable for a copy of a recording of the evidence or part of the evidence given in a proceeding before a court as defined in section 7 of the Act.
4(3) The following persons are exempt from paying the fees prescribed in this section:
an agent of the Attorney General of New Brunswick;
a party to a legal proceeding to whom legal aid services are being provided under the
Legal Aid Act;
a party whose legal services in a proceeding are paid for by the Minister or the Attorney General of New Brunswick; or
the Director of Support Enforcement designated under subsection 4(1) of the
Support Enforcement Act.
2014, c.26, s.65; 2020, c.24, s.21