District 1, beginning at a point where the parish line between the parishes of Moncton and Dorchester meets the Petitcodiac River, at Fox Creek, on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No. 120. Then, in a northerly direction following the north shoreline of the said river, until it meets a point on the parish line between the parishes of Salisbury and Moncton, on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No.119, at Salisbury. Then following the said parish line in a northerly direction, until it intersects the southern boundary line of a lot originally granted to William B. Killam. Then, following the boundary of the said lot in an easterly then northerly direction, until it intersects the southwest corner of Lot 14, originally granted to Charles Brown. Then, following the boundary of the said lot in an easterly and northerly direction, to the northeast corner of the said lot. Then westerly, until the north boundary of the said lot intersects the east boundary of Lot 7, originally granted to Thomas Taylor and Michael Taylor. Then, following the east boundary of the said lot in a northerly direction, until it intersects the north boundary line of Lot 20, originally granted to Thos. Nixon, and in common with the south boundary line of lot numbers 156 to 161, originally granted to Richard Hutchison. Then, east following the said lots boundary until it intersects the western boundary of Lot 86, originally granted to Richard Hutchison and in common with a Crown Reserve road. Then, following and extending the said road in a northerly, easterly, then northerly direction, in common with the western boundary lines of vacant Crown Lots 59, 14, 31 and 40, passing through Monteagle Settlement and Block Three Settlement, until it is intersected by the northwest corner of vacant Crown Lot 40 in Block Three Settlement. Then, following the north boundary of the said lot, until it meets a point on the parish line between the parishes of Salisbury and Moncton. Then northerly along the said parish line, traversing westerly around vacant Crown Lot 20 and 19 in Crown land Block 2 - Range 1, on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No.109, crossing Canaan River, until the said parish line meets the southern parish line of Harcourt Parish, in common with a point on the county line between the counties of Kent and Westmorland. Then easterly along the said parish and county line, until it intersects the western boundary line of vacant Crown Lot 77. Then, following the boundary line of the said lot in a southerly direction until it intersects a Crown Reserve road. Then, following and extending the south boundary line of the said road, in an easterly, southerly and then easterly direction and in common with a Crown land line and with the north boundary of Lot 41, originally granted to D. J. Sherwood, crossing the Canadian National Railway right-of-way until it intersects N.B. Highway 126 at Hébert. Then southerly following the said highway, until it intersects the south boundary line of Lots 40W and 42W, originally granted to Mrs. B. Sherwood. Then following and extending the said line, in an easterly direction, until it intersects the southwest corner of vacant Crown Lot 35. Then easterly, following and extending the south boundary line of the said lot, until it intersects the western side line of Lot 23, originally granted to T. A. Boucher, in Dunnville Settlement. Then following and extending the said line in a southerly direction, crossing N.B. Highway 485, until it intersects the southwest corner of Lot U, originally granted to S. Bourque, and a triangular Crown land lot. Then easterly, following the north boundary of the said Crown land lot, until it intersects the north boundary line of Crown land Block A. Then easterly, following the north boundary of the said block, until it intersects the north boundary line of Crown land Block 2. Then easterly, following the north and east boundary line of the said block and in common with the south baseline of Crown land Lots 97 to 93 of South Rhomboid Settlement, until it intersects the south branch of the Bouctouche River. Then following the said river in an easterly direction, until it intersects the eastern sideline of Lot 148, originally granted to M. Gourley and in common with a Crown land block. Then following the said Crown land block line in an easterly direction, in common with the north baseline of lots in New Scotland Settlement and the north boundary lines of granted Lots 9, X, Y and 28E, until the north boundary line of Lot 28E, originally granted to J. I. Geldart, intersects N.B. Highway 490 at Dundas in South Township. Then southerly, following the said highway, until it intersects the Cocagne River. Then easterly following the said river, until it intersects the eastern boundary line of Lot B, originally granted to R. C. Scovil at Leblancville on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No.110. Then following and extending the said line in a southerly direction, until it meets N.B. Highway 115 at Leblancville. Then westerly along the said highway, until it intersects the western sideline of Lot 68, originally granted to J. Bristol. Then following and extending the said sideline in a southerly direction, in common with the east boundary of Lot 42, originally granted to E. White, and Lot 37, originally granted to John Nicholson, until it intersects the northern boundary of Lot 70, originally granted to Allen D. Murray in Scotch Settlement. Then, following and extending the said boundary in an easterly direction, to the northeast corner of Lot 80, originally granted to J. McLean. Then southerly, following and extending the east boundary of the said lot and in common with the east baseline of the Scotch Settlement Lots, crossing Shediac River and the Cape Breton Road, to the southern baseline of the Evangeline Settlement Lots, and continuing easterly along the said baseline to intersect the St. Philippe Cross Road at the northeast corner of Lot 151, originally granted to Win. J. M. Hennington at Saint-Philippe. Then following the said road in a southwesterly direction to the Weisner Road. Continuing south on the Weisner Road until it intersects the Bateman Road. Then easterly on the Bateman Road until it intersects the western boundary of Lot 11, originally granted to Nm. J. Gilbert. Then southerly and easterly following the boundary of the said lot until it meets a point on the parish line between the parishes of Moncton and Shediac. Then southerly following the said parish line, at times in common with the Marshall Road and crossing N.B. Highway 134, until it intersects the northern boundary of Lot 126, originally granted to R. Chesley Tait on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No.120. Then, following the said lot line in an easterly direction, until it intersects the northwest corner of Lot 96, originally granted to N. M. Walker. Then following and extending the northern boundary of the said lot in an easterly direction and in common with the north, east and south boundary of Lot 97, originally granted to G. E. Atkinson, until it intersects the west boundary of Lot 101, originally granted to Albert J. Smith. Then southerly following the said line, until it intersects the northern boundaries of Lot A, originally granted to Fearman Melanson. Then easterly following the boundaries of the said lot A and extending the eastern boundary of the said lot, in common with the northern and eastern boundary lines of Lot 119, originally granted to Leon White, Lot 66, originally granted to C. Bushway, Lot 62 and Lot 63, originally granted to A. Bourgeois, until it intersects the northern boundary of Lot 3, originally granted to Peter Brian. Then following and extending the said line, in an easterly then southerly direction, in common with the northern boundary line of Lot 2, originally granted to Maximan Burk and the north and east boundary lines of Lot 1, originally granted to Raphael Burk, until it intersects the north boundary line of Lot 1, originally granted to Robert Tait. Then, following and extending the boundary lines of the said lot, in an easterly, southerly, then westerly direction in common with the east and south boundary line of Lot 2, originally granted to J. Cuthburtson, crossing the Calhoun Road and N.B. Highway 2 and following the southern boundary of Lot 3, originally granted to Samuel Hyslop, to its southwest corner and a point on the parish line between the parishes of Moncton and Dorchester. Then following the said parish line, in a westerly direction to the Petitcodiac River at Fox Creek, the place of beginning, on New Brunswick Grant Reference Plan No.120;