Acts and Regulations

2024-26 - Public Health Act

Full text
under the
Public Health Act
(O.C. 2024-61)
Filed May 9, 2024
1Paragraph 17(b) of New Brunswick Regulation 2009-136 under the Public Health Act is amended by striking out “due to wild-type poliovirus”.
2Section 18 of the French version of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
18Sont des événements à déclaration obligatoire ceux qui sont inscrits à ce titre à l’annexe A.
3Schedule A of the Regulation is amended
(a) in Part 1 under the heading “Notifiable Diseases” by striking out “Poliomyelitis due to wild-type poliovirus” and substituting “Poliomyelitis”;
(b) in Part 2 under the heading “Notifiable Diseases”
(i) by repealing “COVID-19”;
(ii) by adding the following in alphabetical order:
Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP)
(c) in Part 3 under the heading “Notifiable Diseases” by adding the following in alphabetical order:
Borrelia miyamotoi
Powassan virus
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)