Acts and Regulations

2024-14 - Private Woodlot Sustainability Act

Full text
under the
Private Woodlot Sustainability Act
(O.C. 2024-59)
Filed March 28, 2024
1Section 2 of New Brunswick Regulation 2023-38 under the Private Woodlot Sustainability Act is amended by adding the following definition in alphabetical order:
“fair market value” means the fair market value prescribed for a species or group of species of timber in Schedule A of New Brunswick Regulation 86-160 under the Crown Lands and Forests Act.(juste valeur marchande)
2Section 5 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “B is the fair market value of the species or group of species of timber prescribed in Schedule A of New Brunswick Regulation 86-160 under the Crown Lands and Forests Act” and substituting “B is its fair market value”.
3Section 6 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “as prescribed in Schedule A of New Brunswick Regulation 86-160 under the Crown Lands and Forests Act”.
4Section 7 of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
7If the formula in section 5 produces a royalty adjustment that is less than 5% of the fair market value of a species or group of species of timber, the royalty adjustment shall be deemed to be 5% of the fair market value of the species or group of species of timber.
5Subsection 8(1) of the Regulation is amended
(a) in the portion preceding paragraph (a) by striking out “The royalty adjustment for the following species or group of species of timber is deemed to be $0.75/m3” and substituting “The royalty adjustment for the following species or group of species of timber is deemed to be 10 % of their fair market value”;
(b) in paragraph (a) of the English version by striking out “and” at the end of the paragraph;
(c) by repealing paragraph (b) and substituting the following:
(b) any softwood species other than white pine, spruce, jack pine or fir in the sawlogs class of timber;
(d) by adding the following after paragraph (b):
(c) cedar in the shinglewood class of timber;
(d) cedar in the studwood class of timber; and
(e) poplar in the studwood class of timber.
6Schedule A of the Regulation is repealed and the attached Schedule A is substituted.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Column 6
Column 7
Class of Timber
Species or Groups of Species of Timber
Price reporting agency
Product information
Inflation-adjusted monthly price (fiftieth percentile)
Inflation-adjusted monthly price (ninetieth percentile)
mixed hardwood
Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc.
Hardwood Review Forecasting
Northern Index
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc.
Hardwood Review
Pallet lumber 4/4 x 4"–6"–8"
Pallet cants 4 x 4 and 4 x 6 cants
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Crossties
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Switchties
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
white pine
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Board Lumber Group Composite
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
spruce, jack pine and fir
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Eastern S-P-F Lumber Group Composite
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
spruce, jack pine and fir
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Eastern S-P-F Lumber Group Composite
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
mixed softwood
PPI Pulp & Paper Week
Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft, Spot Market, US East
mixed hardwood
World Dissolving Pulp Monitor
Hardwood Viscose Pulp, Delivered to China
PPI Pulp & Paper Week
Semichemical Corrugating Medium, 26 lb, Open Market, US East
$1,022 /short ton
$1,376/short ton
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Medium Density Fiberboard (East) 3/4” FOB Mill
thousand square feet
thousand square feet
Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc.
Hardwood Review
Pallet lumber 4/4 x 4"–6"–8"
Pallet cants 4 x 4 and 4 x 6 cants
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Crossties
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Switchties
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
World Dissolving Pulp Monitor
Hardwood Viscose Pulp, Delivered to China
PPI Pulp & Paper Week
Semichemical Corrugating Medium, 26 lb, Open Market, US East
$1,022 /short ton
$1,376/short ton
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Medium Density Fiberboard (East) 3/4” FOB Mill
thousand square feet
thousand square feet
Hardwood Publishing Co., Inc.
Hardwood Review
Pallet lumber 4/4 x 4"–6"–8"
Pallet cants 4 x 4 and 4 x 6 cants
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Crossties
Railroad ties 7 x 9 Switchties
thousand board feet
thousand board feet
Oriented Strand Board
mixed softwood
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Oriented Strand Board (Eastern Canada) – 7/16-inch
thousand square feet
thousand square feet
mixed hardwood
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Oriented Strand Board (Eastern Canada) – 7/16-inch
thousand square feet
thousand square feet
Random Lengths Publications, Inc.
Random Lengths Weekly
Oriented Strand Board (Eastern Canada) – 7/16-inch
thousand square feet
thousand square feet