Acts and Regulations

I-12 - Insurance Act

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Carrying on business
20(1)Any insurer undertaking a contract of insurance that under the provisions of this Act is deemed to be made in the Province, whether the contract is original or a renewal, except the renewal from time to time of life insurance policies, shall be deemed to be undertaking insurance in the Province within the meaning of this Part.
20(2)Any insurer that within the Province
(a) undertakes or offers to undertake insurance;
(b) sets up or causes to be set up any sign containing the name of the insurer; or
(c) maintains or operates either in its own name or in the name of an agent or other representative, any office for the transaction of the business of insurance either within or without the Province; or
(d) distributes or publishes or causes to be distributed or published any proposal, circular, card, advertisement, printed form or like document; or
(e) makes or causes to be made any written or oral solicitation for insurance; or
(f) issues or delivers any policy of insurance or interim receipt or collects or receives or negotiates for or causes to be collected or received or negotiated for any premium for a contract of insurance or inspects any risk or adjusts any loss under a contract of insurance; or
(g) prosecutes or maintains any action or proceeding in respect of a contract of insurance;
shall be deemed to be an insurer carrying on business in the Province within the meaning of this Act.
1968, c.6, s.20