Acts and Regulations

C-13 - Companies Act

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Share certificate
180Every such company shall have written or printed immediately after or under its name, wherever such name is used by the company or by any director, officer, servant or employee thereof, and shall have engraved upon its seal the words “NO PERSONAL LIABILITY”; and upon every share certificate issued by the company, distinctly written or printed in red ink, where such share certificates are issued in respect of shares subject to call, the words “SUBJECT TO CALL” or, if in respect to shares not subject to call, the words, “NOT SUBJECT TO CALL,” according to the fact.
R.S., c.33, s.176
Share certificate
180Every such company shall have written or printed immediately after or under its name, wherever such name is used by the company or by any director, officer, servant or employee thereof, and shall have engraved upon its seal the words “NO PERSONAL LIABILITY”; and upon every share certificate issued by the company, distinctly written or printed in red ink, where such share certificates are issued in respect of shares subject to call, the words “SUBJECT TO CALL” or, if in respect to shares not subject to call, the words, “NOT SUBJECT TO CALL,” according to the fact.
R.S., c.33, s.176