Acts and Regulations

2014-131 - General

Full text
Judge’s duties
21(1)The three judges for a bout shall sit outside the ring at least six feet from the spectators, one judge on each of three sides of the ring.
21(2)A judge shall score each round of a bout and shall record the score on a bout slip.
21(3)A judge shall provide his or her completed bout slips to the announcer at the end of a bout that goes to a decision.
Judge’s duties
21(1)The three judges for a bout shall sit outside the ring at least six feet from the spectators, one judge on each of three sides of the ring.
21(2)A judge shall score each round of a bout and shall record the score on a bout slip.
21(3)A judge shall provide his or her completed bout slips to the referee at the end of a bout that goes to a decision.
Judge’s duties
21(1)The three judges for a bout shall sit outside the ring at least six feet from the spectators, one judge on each of three sides of the ring.
21(2)A judge shall score each round of a bout and shall record the score on a bout slip.
21(3)A judge shall provide his or her completed bout slips to the referee at the end of a bout that goes to a decision.