Acts and Regulations

2021-67 - COVID-19 Preventative Measures

Full text
Revoked on 14 March 2022
under the
Public Health Act
(O.C. 2021-243)
Filed September 17, 2021
Under section 68 of the Public Health Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
Repealed: 2022-9
1This Regulation may be cited as the COVID-19 Preventative Measures RegulationPublic Health Act.
2The following definitions apply in this Regulation.
“Act” means the Public Health Act. (Loi)
“approved vaccine” means a vaccine approved by Health Canada against COVID-19, and includes any combination of approved vaccines. (vaccin approuvé)
“eligible person” means a person who is eligible to receive an approved vaccine. (personne admissible)
Providing proof of vaccination or exemption before entering certain premises or attending certain activities
Repealed: 2022-10
3Repealed: 2022-10
2021-69; 2021-73; 2022-10
Providing proof of vaccination or being regularly tested in certain settings
4(1)All eligible persons working or living at the following settings are required to provide acceptable proof of vaccination against COVID-19, or are required to be tested regularly for COVID-19: 
(a) facilities that provide mental health or addiction services that are not provided by a regional health authority under the Regional Health Authorities Act;
(b) transition houses approved by the Minister of Social Development under the Family Services Act;
(c) emergency shelters for the homeless and soup kitchens; and
(d) assisted living facilities.
4(2)An owner or occupier of any of the settings referred to in subsection (1) or a person acting on behalf of the owner or occupier shall require every eligible person working or living at the setting to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with section 6 or to be tested regularly for COVID-19.
4(3)An owner or occupier of a setting referred to in subsection (1) shall ensure that an eligible person working or living at the setting who does not provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with section 6 is reminded that the eligible person will be tested regularly for COVID-19.
Providing proof of vaccination or exemption in certain settings – associated persons
4.1(1)All eligible persons who are associated persons as defined in the Early Childhood Services Act are required to provide acceptable proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of medical exemption.
4.1(2)An operator of a facility as defined in the Early Childhood Services Act or a person acting on behalf of the operator shall require every eligible person who is an associated person to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with section 6 or proof of medical exemption in accordance with section 7.
Providing proof of vaccination or exemption in certain settings – working or volunteering
4.2(1)All eligible persons working or volunteering at the following settings are required to provide acceptable proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of medical exemption: 
(a) community placement residential facilities as defined in the Community Placement Residential Facilities RegulationFamily Services Act, other than transition houses;
(b) nursing homes as defined in the Nursing Homes Act; and
(c) licensed facilities as defined in the Early Childhood Services Act.
4.2(2)An operator of any of the settings referred to in subsection (1) or a person acting on behalf of the operator shall require every eligible person working or volunteering at the setting to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with section 6 or proof of medical exemption in accordance with section 7.
Registration and proof of vaccination before entering the Province
Repealed: 2022-1
5Repealed: 2022-1
2021-69; 2022-1
Obligation to provide information to close contacts if positive test for COVID-19
5.1 A person who receives a positive test for COVID-19 shall report to their close contacts any information or give any instructions required by an agent or employee of the Minister within 24 hours of being informed of the positive test.
Proof of vaccination
6(1)Subject to subsection (2), the following documents are acceptable proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for the purposes of this Regulation:
(a) for an eligible person who is a resident of New Brunswick
(i) a valid identification document issued by the government of the Province, and
(ii) any one of the following documents: 
(A) a New Brunswick Record of COVID-19 immunization;
(B) a record of COVID-19 immunization produced from the immunization registry established by the Minister under section 42.3 of the Act or from a pharmacy; or
(C) a record of COVID-19 immunization produced from the MyHealthNB Portal;
(b) for an eligible person who is a resident of any province or territory of Canada other than New Brunswick
(i) a valid government-issued identification document from the province or territory, and
(ii) a record of COVID-19 immunization that is officially recognized by the government of that province or territory; and
(c) for an eligible person who is a resident of a country other than Canada
(i) a valid government-issued identification document from the country, and
(ii) the record of COVID-19 immunization that the eligible person was required to provide to enter Canada and not quarantine.
6(2)In order to be considered proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for the purposes of this Regulation, a record of COVID-19 vaccination prescribed in subsection (1) shall indicate that the eligible person received the full series of an approved vaccine.
6(3) Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 under subsection (1) may be in the form of a photocopy or photo, a digital proof or be displayed on an electronic device, as long as the information contained within is readable.
Proof of exemption
7(1)Subject to subsection (3), the following documents are acceptable as proof of medical exemption from vaccination against COVID-19 for the purposes of this Regulation:
(a) for an eligible person who is a resident of New Brunswick
(i) a valid identification document issued by the government of the Province, and
(ii) a medical exemption, on a form provided by the Minister, that is signed by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner;
(b) for an eligible person who is a resident of any province or territory of Canada other than New Brunswick
(i) a valid government-issued identification document from the province or territory, and
(ii) a record of medical exemption that is officially recognized by the government of that province or territory; and
(c) for an eligible person who is a resident of a country other than Canada
(i) a valid government-issued identification document from the country, and
(ii) the record of any medical exemption that the eligible person was required to provide to enter Canada.
7(2)Proof of medical exemption under subsection (1) may be in the form of a photocopy or photo, a digital proof or be displayed on an electronic device, as long as the information contained within is readable.
7(3)A medical exemption referred to in paragraphs (1)(b)(ii) and (c)(ii) must meet the requirements for a medical exemption from vaccination against COVID-19 established in the Province.
False statement or information
8No person shall knowingly make a false statement, either orally or in writing, to a peace officer or other person engaged in carrying out their duties and functions or in exercising their powers under this Regulation.
No vaccination information to be retained
9An owner, occupier or any other person who requires an eligible person to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or medical exemption under this Regulation shall not retain a record of any of the eligible person’s information.
Requirement to wear masks in public indoor spaces
9.1(1)The following definitions apply in this section.
“indoor workplace” means an enclosed place in which employees perform the duties of their employment and to which members of the public do not normally have access.(lieu de travail fermé)
“public indoor space” means all or any part of a building or other enclosed place to which members of the public have access as of right or by express or implied invitation, and includes a motor vehicle or ferry that is used or made available for public transit.(espace public intérieur)
9.1(2)Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a person shall wear a mask in a manner that covers their mouth and nose when the person is in
(a) a public indoor space, and
(b) an indoor workplace, if the person is in a common area, including lunchrooms, hallways, washrooms, stairwells and elevators.
9.1(3)An owner or occupier of a public indoor space or an indoor workplace shall ensure that every person who enters is wearing a mask in accordance with subsection (2) and, if not wearing a mask, is reminded to do so as soon as the circumstances permit.
9.1(4)Subsection (2) does not apply to
(a) a child who is under two years of age,
(b) a person with a medical condition that prevents them from safely wearing a mask,
(c) a person who is unable to put on or remove a mask without assistance,
(d) a person who is swimming or engaged in other athletic activities,
(e) a person who is participating in a court proceeding, or
(f) a person who needs to temporarily remove their mask for the purpose of
(i) receiving a service that requires the removal of their mask,
(ii) consuming food or drink,
(iii) an emergency or a medical reason, or
(iv) establishing their identity.
9.1(5)Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply in any of the following settings, if the setting has a policy in place that addresses the wearing of masks and that policy is in conformity with any public health directives from the chief medical officer of health: 
(a) a community health centre;
(b) a hospital facility;
(c) an early learning and childcare facility; and
(d) a school as defined in the Education Act.
10Unless repealed earlier, this Regulation is repealed on April 30, 2022.
11This Regulation comes into force on September 22, 2021.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to March 14, 2022.